plugins { `java-library` // Ensure AP works in eclipse (no effect on other IDEs) eclipse id("") alias(libs.plugins.lombok) apply false } allprojects { group = properties["group"] as String + "." + properties["id"] as String version = properties["version"] as String description = properties["description"] as String } val basePlatforms = setOf( projects.bungeecord, projects.spigot, projects.standalone, projects.velocity, projects.viaproxy ).map { it.dependencyProject } val moddedPlatforms = setOf( projects.fabric, projects.neoforge, projects.mod ).map { it.dependencyProject } val modrinthPlatforms = setOf( projects.bungeecord, projects.fabric, projects.neoforge, projects.spigot, projects.velocity ).map { it.dependencyProject } subprojects { apply { plugin("java-library") plugin("io.freefair.lombok") plugin("") } when (this) { in basePlatforms -> plugins.apply("geyser.platform-conventions") in moddedPlatforms -> plugins.apply("geyser.modded-conventions") else -> plugins.apply("geyser.base-conventions") } // Not combined with platform-conventions as that also contains // platforms which we cant publish to modrinth if (modrinthPlatforms.contains(this)) { plugins.apply("geyser.modrinth-uploading-conventions") } }