Mirror von https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit.git synchronisiert 2024-10-03 04:10:06 +02:00
2011-03-10 00:55:27 -08:00

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- Added McRegion support.
- Optimized the case when worlds were not in the root directory of a zip.
- Fixed snapshot restoration not working on sign blocks and other special
tile entity blocks.
- Added beds as a place-last block.
- Fixed beds and redstone repeaters not being set.
- Added an alias for wool colors as though they were blocks, so you can now
do //set blue, etc.
- Removed "blue" as an alias for lapis lazuli.
- Added things for CraftBook.
- Added 1.3 block support.
- Fixed //count being ///count.
- Added a workaround to the fact that Minecraft no longer sends a block
dig packet for bedrock. WorldEdit now detects if you're hitting bedrock,
but it may not be entirely accurate (torches will trick it!).
- Removed /t on request of Kainzo.
- Fixed second position setting commands saying position one instead of two
when selecting cuboids.
- Fixed permissions with brush commands.
- /b changed to /br.
- Fixed BLOCK_DAMAGED bug.
- Fixed command conflicts.
- Fixed issue with too many commands being put into plugin.yml, causing
conflicts with other plugins.
- //size works properly again.
- /search is now an alias for /searchitem.
- Added /remove command to remove entities (paintings, items, minecarts,
boats, arrows, and primed TNT).
- /butcher now works for slimes and ghasts and will no longer drop items.
- The tool system has been overhauled so that when you use a tool, it gets
bound to your currently held item. For example, you could bind the tree
tool to a wooden sword and the brush tool to a diamond axe.
- Brush commands have been broken up. Use /brush, /mat, and /size to adjust
a brush's settings. A different brush can be bound to different items.
- //wand now gives the wand item directly.
- New mask support allows you to filter the blocks that would be changed.
This currently only works for brushes.
- Added some API methods.
- Added multiple undo/redo.
- Added -c flag to //distr to print to console.
- Added //outset and //inset commands to quickly adjust the size of
the current selection.
- Snapshot commands now are nested under /snap and /snapshot commands.
- Changed super pickaxe mode command to /sp.
- Added history size configuration option.
- //size is currently /m due to a bug.
- Added smooth brush.
- Added /we version and /we reload.
- Added 'no-op-permissions' setting for Bukkit.
- Added polygonal regions. These are still in development as they are
a bit inaccurate at the moment.
- Updated WorldEdit for Bukkit.
- Improved parsing of block pattern/data syntax.
- Improved block and item name list.
- Improved debugging messages (if that's enabled).
- Updated for Bukkit commit 8ccfad945663cd0ea60531b085748c81fc6fefb8.
- Added version information for SP.
- Improved Bukkit performance drastically.
- Fixed /forestgen having an incorrect number of maximum arguments.
- Re-added Sun Rhino implementation as a separate library bundled in
during creation of the .jar.
- Unified file selection and checking API.
- Fixed CraftScripts not properly loading files from the current
working directory as defined by the implementation.
- Enabled queue on EditSessions given to scripts.
- Improved draw.js to be more user friendly.
- Fixed /forestgen having an incorrect number of maximum arguments.
- Fixed /removenear not taking a default size argument.
- Improved overall performance.
- Added more tree generators. /tree [type] and
/forestgen [size] [type] [density] are the new commands.
- No longer using the internal Rhino JavaScript engine, so Windows users
will now have to download Rhino separately to use scripting.
- Added /searchitem or //l command to lookup items and block by name and ID.
- Added block data cycling super pickaxe tool. (/cycler)
- Added //paste [-ao] syntax to paste without air and at origin.
- Added support for //stack [-a] to not stack air.
- Added the ability to configure the schematic and CraftScript directories.
- Added better support for cake, added some more block/item aliases.
- Added support for rotation block orientation with the rotate and flip
commands (now stairs, torches, etc. will rotate correctly).
- Added distance to //size.
- Added more brush shapes (hollow sphere, cylinder, hollow cylinder,
and clipboard) for the brush tools.
- Added in a valid block ID check.
- Added debugging information for when no snapshots could be found.
- Added pattern support to //overlay (i.e. //overlay 3%torch,97%air).
- Added a clipboard pattern (//set #clipboard) -- useful for repeating
patterns over an area.
- Changed the arm swing tools to also work on right click.
- Improved block drop list (thanks to Gunther De Wachter).
- Fixed scripting.timeout setting taking no effect.
- Fixed group checking with Permissions.
- Moved commands around in the code and added hierarchical permissions
support in the process. All permission systems supported by WorldEdit
(and utilizing plugins) support hierarchy, regardless if they really
do or not. WorldEdit will simulate hierarchy as required.
- Minor additions for ease of integration.
- Fixed /script.js shortcut not stripping forward slashes.
- Changed some internal working directory handling code to better support
single player modifications.
- Added roof.js by Bentech. It makes a roof over your selection.
- Added wool as an alias for cloth.
- Added support for specifying color names instead of data values for cloth.
- For the brush tools and the compass, you now have to SWING with your arm.
- Right click with the compass now toggles between /thru and /jumpto.
- The algorithm for /thru was improved.
- Fixed quickshot.js not reading notes correctly.
- Fixed /butcher. (I also added necessary methods to Bukkit so you now
have to update that too.)
- draw.js now supports orientation and choses white wool for white pixels
instead of pink! (Thanks to Dean Ward.)
- Improved /info tool to handle more block data.
- Changed /s to /.s to avoid conflicts.
- Now you can use /script.js directly as a command.
- Improved /info tool to handle more block data.
- Fixed array out of bounds error with snapshots.
- Improved some error messages.
- Fixed snapshots not supporting all block types.
- Fixed forest generator.
- Added full block data support (furnaces, note blocks, etc.) for Bukkit.
- Added /s to repeat last script.
- Scripting support is back!
- Colored cloth blocks should now work.
- Fixed issue where the command's arguments were printed to chat when
you also did not have permissions.
- Added new flat file permissions resolver, added * support for
- Added support for Niji's permission system.
- Fixed bad list to array conversion in ConfigurationPermissionsResolver.
- Fixed default permissions with the built-in permission resolvers.
- Fixed issue with BlockWorldVector causing java.lang.VerifyError due to
how Bukkit loads plugins.
- Ops now have all permissions.
- Changed /reload WorldEdit to /reloadwe.
- Moved WorldEdit to use Bukkit's command registration. Let's hope
this didn't break things.
- Ported over toi's ray tracing code so that it's now included in
WorldEdit. This will make porting WorldEdit to single player
and other platforms easier.
- Fixed NullPointerExceptions that appeared while saving a chest.
- Fixed NullPointerExceptions in some super pickaxe modes, made arm swing
handler get called on item usage. This means that you can use
/brush and /rbrush now but you right click in the air instead of
swinging your arm.
- Made super pickaxe arm swing and right click modes mutually exclusive.
- Added the navigation wand. Normally a swing of your navigation wand
would call /jumpto, but in the mean time you have to right click.
- Inventory support now works for Bukkit.
- Now /jumpto and /thru works.
- Now prints an error message if permission is not available.
- Added support for cloth color with the super pickaxe drops.
- Updated GroupUsers support to use GroupUsers' new API. GroupUsers
must be updated as well.
- Added wand-item to default config.yml.
- Added pine tree tool.
- Bukkit: Added support for GroupUsers. If GroupUsers is not present,
WorldEdit will fall back to its own permissions system.
- Bukkit: Added sign support for Bukkit.
- Added some extra functions to Vector for WorldGuard.
- Made setup easier and less confusing.
- Improved Bukkit support.
- Fixed permissions checking for individual commands.
- /butcher should now kill animals again.
- /thru should now treat torches and such as pass-through blocks.
- Added tree and item drop support for the Bukkit version.
- Added sphere brush tool. Use /sphere <id> [radius] [noReplace?] to
enable it and /none to disable it (note: /none also disables the
right click super pickaxe tool). The brush tool builds a sphere at the
location that you are looking at. For the last argument, put "true"
or "yes" to prevent the brush from replacing non-air blocks.
- Changed water to be considered a pass-through block. This means that
/thru, /jumpto, and such commands will ignore water.
- /tree now makes regular tree and /bigtree makes big trees. /forestgen
will still make big tree forests.
- The block replacer tool should now support inventory.
- Fixed the NullPointerException with /jumpto and similar commands.
- Made handling of non-right angles in getDirection() return more
relevant errors. Now //stack and similar commands won't give you the
cryptic error of "Unknown direction: me".
- Updated sample worldedit.properties file.
- Removed 'air' prefix from commands. Now //pasteair is just //paste,
//moveair is just //move, etc.
- Made /worldeditselect permission more encompassing, now including //chunk,
//expand, and //contract.
- Added syntax for //expand <amt> <reverse-amt> <direction> which allows
you to expand in two directions at once. This also works for //contract.
- Added //expand vert|vertical to expand the selection from top to bottom.
- Added /thaw to reverse /snow.
- Fixed WorldEdit not handling ice removal well.
- Fixed some inaccuracy problems regarding player positions caused by a
recent update.
- Fixed the tree generator.
- Code reorganized a little more.
- Fixed the WorldEdit bridge used by CraftBook and other plugins.
- Fixed issues with permissions where the only reliable permission was
- Fixed issues with permissions not being read correctly.
- WorldEdit is now world-aware (not that the Minecraft server is).
- Abstracted super pickaxe mode/tools and changed commands to /tree, /info,
/none, /single, /area, and /recur.
- New /repl super pickaxe tool.
- Now bundling JNBT.
- Add a very rudimentary command line program that will check the integrity
(a very basic integrity check) of a world.
- Added the ability to use (require) inventory with operations, preventing
people from setting blocks that they don't have.
- Simplified the max blocks change limit to be binary (either you have it or
not). Also separated the 'max' limit and the 'default' limit in terms
of configuration. This means that the WorldEdit restrictions file is
no longer used.
- A large part of the code was moved around (again) to make porting
WorldEdit to other modding APIs easier, but this means that something
may have broken.
- Chest handling was rewritten for Minecraft beta, so it should be
reliable now and not cause exceptions.
- Item damage is now managed by WorldEdit's chest handling APIs.
- Worked around an issue with the java.util.zip implementation that
caused ZIP files containing backslashes to not work correctly.
- Changed the TrueZip support to use the API for java.util.zip, meaning
some bugs should be fixed.
- Made all commands support double forward slashes as the command prefix.
- Fixed issues with chests.
- Added configuration option that disables the "//" prefix and lets you use
single forward slashes too.
- Updated for beta.
- Fixed error caused by not specifying a mob spawner type when using mob
spawner blocks.
- Improved version detection to be more reliable.
- Fixed incorrect item drops for the super pickaxe.
- Fixed the history/queue array lists being iterated in the wrong direction.
//move should be fixed as a result.
- Updated for b129+ and v0.2.6_02.
- Blocks should now be set and removed correctly so that they don't
drop items.
- /fixwater and /fixlava should no longer cross solely diagonally connected
- Fixed //smooth lifting water upwards.
- Added //shift to move the selection.
- Added //flip to flip the clipboard.
- ; instead of | can be used when specifying extra tile entity data
for blocks that support them.
- Items are now dropped by the super pickaxe (configurable).
- The info tool is governed by the permission /infotool and the tree tool
is now goverened by the /treetool permission.
- New info tool (//tool info) that tells you information about the block
that you right click with a pickaxe on, including the type of mob
spawned by a mob spawner.
- Mob spawners are now supported for all operations. To specify a mob type,
use syntax like //set mobspawner;Pig or //set mobspawner|Pig
- Added a catch for the IOException now thrown by recent versions of hMod.
- Fixed compatibility with server v0.2.5.
- Added Grum's //smooth command to smooth terrain. Select the entire area
and use //smooth on it, perhaps specifying a number of iterations,
with a larger number of iterations meaning a smoother terrain. Trees and
other blocks like fences currently do not drop.
- Fixed output messages for //pos2 and //hpos2 when used.
- Updated for server version 0.2.5.
- Switched usage of HashMaps to double ArrayLists in the history function,
increasing the speed of everything by up to 20x.
- The data values of blocks that use them won't be set anymore, decreasing
the packet spam generated.
- Added //fillr that recursively fills (it's //fill except it will
fill nooks and crannies).
- Fixed /unstuck lifting you when you weren't stuck.
- Added a filename character whitelist to schematic saving/loading
routines. (regex: ^[A-Za-z0-9_\- \./\\'\$@~!%\^\*\(\)\[\]\+\{\},\?]+$)
- Expanded the character whitelist for snapshot names (to the same as the
one for schematic saving/loading).
- .schematics now save original copy offset.
- Added //count that counts the number of blocks in a region.
- Added //distr that prints the distribution of blocks in a region.
- Added /butcher to kill all/nearby mobs.
- Added mob killing to the super pickaxe.
- Fixed issues with /listsnapshot and //restore not working.
- Fixed help for //expand and //contract.
- /jumpto should work reliably again.
- Fixed the issue with the super pickaxe not working with bedrock.
- Fixed an issue with the recursive super pickaxe not working properly.
- Added an argument to /listsnapshots to show more snapshots.
- Added an argument to //restore that lets you select a snapshot for
restoring without //use.
- Added help message to //load telling users about //paste.
- Added Notch tree planting tool mode with the right click of the pickaxe.
(Undo is supported!)
- Added recursive super pickaxe mode that destroys blocks adjacent,
destroying only blocks of the same type as the block that you clicked on
- Added area super pickaxe mode that destroys a cuboid area on use,
destroying only blocks of the same type as the block that you clicked on.
- Added pasting at origin and saving origin to .schematics.
- Added /chunk to select all the blocks inside the chunk that you are in.
- Shortcut /replacenear lets you replace nearby blocks.
Example: /replacenear 50 rock glass
- /ascend, /descend, and /unstuck now detect pass-through blocks better.
- Added /up to go up some distance.
- Added /snow command to overlay snowfall and freeze lakes in the area.
- Both /pinegen and /forestgen (now) have a density argument. Values
between 0 and 100 are accepted.
- Changed old forest generator command to /pinegen.
- Changed /forestgen to generate forests using Notch's tree algorithm
(fully undoable).
- Improved speed of commands that iterated over cuboids by 5-40%.
- Support for setting random block content with //set.
Example: //set 5%diamondore,95%glass
Numbers don't have to add up to any particular number.
- Block IDs are now resolved with hMod as well, should it fail to resolve
with WorldEdit.
- Added support for replacing a list of blocks with //replace.
- Added register-help configuration to prevent WorldEdit commands from
showing up in help.
- /ascend, /descend, and /unstuck now clamp Y to >= 0.
- Added /worldeditselect permission that will give users access to all
commands and functions that let you define selections.
- Point selection functions now emit the coordinates.
- //size now displays coordinate information.
- Added per-group block change limit restrictions support.
- Possibly added .tar.bz2/tar.gz support. Untested and highly
- Added command logging setting and logging to file.
- Added max-radius configuration to clamp radii and sizes.
- Added /fixlava.
- New /ex area fire extinguisher command (shortcut to /removenear fire 40).
- Added class to access WorldEdit selections from other plugins.
- //contract and //expand argument orders swapped to go with the other
direction commands like //stack.
- Super pickaxe now ignores TNT. (Before it caused ignition on client-side
- Y coordinates are now clamped between 0 and 127 when blocks are set
by WorldEdit. This fixes some exceptions.
- Expanded the priority block list significantly to handle more block types.
- .schematic load/save error messages are now more descriptive.
- Fixed iron pick axe not working as a super pickaxe.
- Plugin .jar renamed from SMWorldEdit to WorldEdit as it was confusing.
- WorldEdit version is now printed on load.
- Added support for the new block types from the Halloween update.
- Updated for b123.
- New /pumpkins command. Happy Halloween!
- //fill now uses its own stack so that it doesn't cause stack overflow
errors for overly large regions.
- For commands that look for a block ID (//replace, /removenear), it will
no longer check against the WorldEdit block restriction list.
- Added /listchunks
- Added /delchunks (creates a shell script).
- New TrueZIP support.
- Fixed the issue with certain blocks dropping items (torches, etc.).
- Chests are partially supported. Double width chests don't paste too well yet.
- //expand and //contract are now bounded on the Y-axis.
- Cactus was removed from the list of allowed blocks.
- Issues with the permissions regarding the super pick axe mode and
the edit wand have been resolved.
- For the super pick axe to destroy bedrock, permission must be given for
- Added /chunkinfo to tell you information about the chunk that you are in.
- Added support for restoring regions from a backup. /listsnapshots, //use,
and //restore have been added.
- Added //hpos1 and //hpos2 to set the corners of the cuboid to the block
that you are looking at.
- Added /jumpto to go to the spot that you are looking at.
- Added /thru to go through the wall in front of you.
- Added /ceil to get to the ceiling of a room.
- Giving permission to just /worldedit is now enough to have access to all
WorldEdit commands.
- The super pickaxe toggle command has been changed to //, but the old "/,"
command will continue to work. When assigning permissions, give access to //
- Added //move and //moveair to move the selection.
- Fixed the help for //wand.
- Fixed a bug that caused commands to be case sensitive.
- Permissions for the non-air command (i.e. //stack vs //stackair) now
extend to the air command.
- Added /removenear to remove nearby blocks of a type.
- Fixed the incorrect help for some commands.
- Added //cyl and //hcyl to generate filled and hollow circles and cylinders.
- Added //sphere and //hsphere to generate filled and hollow spheres.
- Added //walls to generate the sides of a cuboid region.
- //rotate fixed.
- Fixed some floating point inaccurracy errors.
- Exceptions are now caught when handling commands so that they can be
reported to the current user.
- Signs that are not in a loaded chunk will no longer cause an exception.
- /unstuck, /ascend, and /descend are more accurate now. /descend also
won't drop you from 20 feet up and it won't drop you into the void anymore.
- Added a workaround for the onBlockDestroy hook returning (0, 0, 0).
- All operations now implicitly support working with block data, including
sign text. This applies to .schematic loading and saving.
- Scripting support has been removed. It may return in the future, possibly
as an additional plugin.
- /edit command prefix was changed to //.
- Added //expand and //contract to expand and contract the selected region.
- Fixed help for //stack and //stackair.
- Added /ascend to ascend to the next level up.
- Added /descend to descend down a level.
- Added /toggleeditwand to toggle use of the toggle wand.
- Re-implemented /forestgen in Java.
- Added /editrotate to rotate the clipboard around the minimum position.
- Added super-pick axe mode with command /,
- Added /toggleplace to switch to using position #1 instead of your feet.
- Plugin for hey0's server mod has been renamed to SMWorldEdit.
- //fill routine now keeps a track of visited blocks to prevent
infinite recursion caused by inconsistent states.
- /editcut will both copy and remove.
- All block name lookups now use WorldEdit's own list.
- New syntax to specify block data when specifying block type. Examples:
//set crops:7
//set sign:4|Line1|Line2
- Colored cloth blocks can no longer be created at all
(they crash clients).
- Added /fixwater to level and correct water.
- /editreplace now has reversed arguments. /editreplace [fromID] toID
- /editstack(air) now has reversed arguments. /editstack count [direction]
- /editstack(air) now can take longer direction names ('up' vs. just 'u').
- Added /editdrain drains pools of lava and/or laval.
- Fixed help for /editstack(air) incorrectly referring to the clipboard.
- Removed the dependency on Apache commons and recompiled the JavaScript
engine to be smaller.
- Added a check that will warn you when the region you have selected is
larger than the .schematic format can support.
- Implemented smart block queuing that will intelligently create or
destroy blocks so that certain blocks (torches, etc.) will spawn
correctly (though perhaps not in the right orientation) and will
remove correctly (without dropping an item).
- When pasting, if you end up inside a block, you will now be put up top
of the paste.
- Added /editstack and /editstackair for stacking/repeating regions a
certain number of times.
- Added /removebelow.
- Added height parameter to /removeabove.
- Added /editwand to give you the wooden axe.
- Added /editlimit to allow you to clamp the number of blocks that can
changed in one go at a time. A new "max-blocks-changed" setting
lets you configure a default limit.
- You can now right click once with the wooden axe to select position 1
and double right click to select position 2.
- /editoutline added to draw the faces of a region.
- New /editload and /editsave that work with .schematic files.
- /clearclipboard now works.
- meteorshower.js added: drop burning resources around you.
- Scripts can now be run directly as a command.
- The forest generator now tops the trees with leaves.
- Scripts will now be aborted if they take 3 seconds or longer to finish.
- Fixed a bug in the undo function that prevented generated forests from
ndoing properly.
- Added Teleport functions to the scripting interface.
- Added history with undo/redo up to 15 states.
- /editreplace updated with the ability to replace only one type of block.
- Added /editcopy and /editpaste.
- New adjustable whitelist of usuable blocks.
- Initial release.