[versions] # Minecraft expectations fastutil = "8.5.9" guava = "31.1-jre" log4j = "2.19.0" # Plugins dummypermscompat = "1.10" worldguard-bukkit = "7.0.7" mapmanager = "1.8.0-SNAPSHOT" griefprevention = "16.18" griefdefender = "2.1.0-SNAPSHOT" mcore = "7.0.1" residence = "4.5._13.1" towny = "" redprotect = "1.9.6" # Third party bstats = "3.0.0" sparsebitset = "1.2" parallelgzip = "1.0.5" adventure = "4.9.3" truezip = "6.8.4" auto-value = "1.10.1" findbugs = "3.0.2" rhino-runtime = "1.7.14" zstd-jni = "1.4.8-1" # Not latest as it can be difficult to obtain latest ZSTD libs antlr4 = "4.11.1" json-simple = "1.1.1" jlibnoise = "1.0.0" jchronic = "0.2.4a" lz4-java = "1.8.0" lz4-stream = "1.0.0" ## Internal adventure-text-minimessage = "4.2.0-SNAPSHOT" text-adapter = "3.0.6" text = "3.0.4" piston = "0.5.7" # Tests mockito = "4.11.0" # Gradle plugins pluginyml = "0.5.2" [libraries] # Minecraft expectations fastutil = { group = "it.unimi.dsi", name = "fastutil", version.ref = "fastutil" } log4jBom = { group = "org.apache.logging.log4j", name = "log4j-bom", version.ref = "log4j" } guava = { group = "com.google.guava", name = "guava", version.ref = "guava" } # Plugins dummypermscompat = { group = "com.sk89q", name = "dummypermscompat", version.ref = "dummypermscompat" } worldguard = { group = "com.sk89q.worldguard", name = "worldguard-bukkit", version.ref = "worldguard-bukkit" } mapmanager = { group = "com.github.InventivetalentDev", name = "MapManager", version.ref = "mapmanager" } griefprevention = { group = "com.github.TechFortress", name = "GriefPrevention", version.ref = "griefprevention" } griefdefender = { group = "com.griefdefender", name = "api", version.ref = "griefdefender" } mcore = { group = "com.massivecraft", name = "mcore", version.ref = "mcore" } residence = { group = "com.bekvon.bukkit.residence", name = "Residence", version.ref = "residence" } towny = { group = "com.github.TownyAdvanced", name = "Towny", version.ref = "towny" } redprotect = { group = "net.fabiozumbi12", name = "redprotect", version.ref = "redprotect" } # Third Party bstatsBase = { group = "org.bstats", name = "bstats-base", version.ref = "bstats" } sparsebitset = { group = "com.zaxxer", name = "SparseBitSet", version.ref = "sparsebitset" } parallelgzip = { group = "org.anarres", name = "parallelgzip", version.ref = "parallelgzip" } adventureNbt = { group = "net.kyori", name = "adventure-nbt", version.ref = "adventure" } truezip = { group = "de.schlichtherle", name = "truezip", version.ref = "truezip" } autoValueAnnotations = { group = "com.google.auto.value", name = "auto-value-annotations", version.ref = "auto-value" } autoValue = { group = "com.google.auto.value", name = "auto-value", version.ref = "auto-value" } findbugs = { group = "com.google.code.findbugs", name = "jsr305", version.ref = "findbugs" } rhino = { group = "org.mozilla", name = "rhino-runtime", version.ref = "rhino-runtime" } zstd = { group = "com.github.luben", name = "zstd-jni", version.ref = "zstd-jni" } antlr4 = { group = "org.antlr", name = "antlr4", version.ref = "antlr4" } antlr4Runtime = { group = "org.antlr", name = "antlr4-runtime", version.ref = "antlr4" } jsonSimple = { group = "com.googlecode.json-simple", name = "json-simple", version.ref = "json-simple" } jlibnoise = { group = "com.sk89q.lib", name = "jlibnoise", version.ref = "jlibnoise" } jchronic = { group = "com.sk89q", name = "jchronic", version.ref = "jchronic" } lz4Java = { group = "org.lz4", name = "lz4-java", version.ref = "lz4-java" } lz4JavaStream = { group = "net.jpountz", name = "lz4-java-stream", version.ref = "lz4-stream" } # Internal ## Text adventureTextAdapterBukkit = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-adapter-bukkit", version.ref = "text-adapter" } adventureTextApi = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-api", version.ref = "text" } adventureTextSerializerGson = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-serializer-gson", version.ref = "text" } adventureTextSerializerLegacy = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-serializer-legacy", version.ref = "text" } adventureTextSerializerPlain = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-serializer-plain", version.ref = "text" } ## Piston piston = { group = "org.enginehub.piston", name = "core", version.ref = "piston" } pistonImpl = { group = "org.enginehub.piston", name = "default-impl", version.ref = "piston" } pistonAnnotations = { group = "org.enginehub.piston.core-ap", name = "annotations", version.ref = "piston" } pistonProcessor = { group = "org.enginehub.piston.core-ap", name = "processor", version.ref = "piston" } pistonRuntime = { group = "org.enginehub.piston.core-ap", name = "runtime", version.ref = "piston" } # Tests mockito = { group = "org.mockito", name = "mockito-core", version.ref = "mockito" } log4jCore = { group = "org.apache.logging.log4j", name = "log4j-core", version.ref = "log4j" } [plugins] pluginyml = { id = "net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit", version.ref = "pluginyml" }