Minecraft has a lot of different methods between private and public to determine if structures can be placed. We cannot possibly cover all of them whilst also ensuring issues do not arise with generic "true"s
- remove ChunkHolder locking concept as this is no longer needed
- previously we obtained the copy from chunk GET on finalize, meaning the copy could be replaced by a "newer" one (bad)
- work around this issue by introducing concept of "unique" keys to map chunk GET copies to
- correctly handle resetting of various chunk-related classes to actually allow pooling to work
- remove chunks as they are submitted when flushing a SingleThreadQueueExtenting
- This isn't necessarily targeting any fix, but I think we should be ensuring a ticket is being added to chunks "access asynchronously", as done by the getChunkAtAsync method
* Add paper adapter for 1.19.4
* Add paper module for 1.19.4
* Port 1.19.3 to 1.19.4
* Switch to Paperweight release
* Update worldedit-bukkit/adapters/adapter-1_19_4/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/bukkit/adapter/ext/fawe/v1_19_R3/PaperweightAdapter.java
Co-authored-by: Antti Koponen <koponen942@outlook.com>
* Update worldedit-bukkit/adapters/adapter-1_19_4/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/bukkit/adapter/impl/fawe/v1_19_R3/regen/PaperweightRegen.java
Co-authored-by: Antti Koponen <koponen942@outlook.com>
* Add 1.19.4 to release template
* Update refractions for regen support
* Bump paperweight
Co-authored-by: TheMeinerLP <p.glanz@madfix.me>
Co-authored-by: Antti Koponen <koponen942@outlook.com>