Mirror von https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit.git synchronisiert 2024-09-06 08:02:50 +02:00

Strip color codes from translations

Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
NotMyFault 2019-05-25 17:21:56 -04:00 committet von MattBDev
Ursprung 7963b2c92f
Commit 8aaed49fa6
9 geänderte Dateien mit 1030 neuen und 1031 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -28,36 +28,36 @@ public enum BBC {
* Things to note about this class:
* Can use multiple arguments %s, %s1, %s2, %s3 etc
PREFIX("&8(&4&lFAWE&8)&r&7", "Info"),
PREFIX("(FAWE)", "Info"),
FILE_DELETED("%s0 has been deleted.", "Info"),
SCHEMATIC_PASTING("&7The schematic is pasting. This cannot be undone.", "Info"),
LIGHTING_PROPOGATE_SELECTION("&7Lighting has been propogated in %s0 chunks. (Note: To remove light use //removelight)", "Info"),
UPDATED_LIGHTING_SELECTION("&7Lighting has been updated in %s0 chunks. (It may take a second for the packets to send)", "Info"),
SET_REGION("&7Selection set to your current allowed region", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_COMMAND_LIMIT("&7Please wait until your current action completes", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_DELAYED("&7Please wait while we process your FAWE action...", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_RUN("&7Apologies for the delay. Now executing: %s", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_COMPLETE("&7Edit completed.", "Info"),
LIGHTING_PROPOGATE_SELECTION("Lighting has been propogated in %s0 chunks. (Note: To remove light use //removelight)", "Info"),
UPDATED_LIGHTING_SELECTION("Lighting has been updated in %s0 chunks. (It may take a second for the packets to send)", "Info"),
SET_REGION("Selection set to your current allowed region", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_COMMAND_LIMIT("Please wait until your current action completes", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_DELAYED("Please wait while we process your FAWE action...", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_RUN("Apologies for the delay. Now executing: %s", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_COMPLETE("Edit completed.", "Info"),
REQUIRE_SELECTION_IN_MASK("&7%s of your selection is not within your mask. You can only make edits within allowed regions.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_VOLUME("&7You cannot select a volume of %current%. The maximum volume you can modify is %max%.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_ITERATIONS("&7You cannot iterate %current% times. The maximum number of iterations allowed is %max%.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_ITERATIONS("You cannot iterate %current% times. The maximum number of iterations allowed is %max%.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_UNSAFE("&7Access to that command has been blocked", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_DANGEROUS_WORLDEDIT("&cProcessed unsafe edit at %s0 by %s1", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_EXTEND("&cYour edit may have extended outside your allowed region.", "Error"),
WORLDEDIT_TOGGLE_TIPS_ON("&7Disabled FAWE tips.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_TOGGLE_TIPS_OFF("&7Enabled FAWE tips.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_TOGGLE_TIPS_ON("Disabled FAWE tips.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_TOGGLE_TIPS_OFF("Enabled FAWE tips.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_BYPASSED("&7Currently bypassing FAWE restriction.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_BYPASSED("Currently bypassing FAWE restriction.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_UNMASKED("&6Your FAWE edits are now unrestricted.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_RESTRICTED("&6Your FAWE edits are now restricted.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_OOM_ADMIN("&cPossible options:\n&8 - &7//fast\n&8 - &7Do smaller edits\n&8 - &7Allocate more memory\n&8 - &7Disable `max-memory-percent`", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_RESTRICTED("Your FAWE edits are now restricted.", "Info"),
WORLDEDIT_OOM_ADMIN("Possible options:\n - //fast\n - Do smaller edits\n - Allocate more memory\n - Disable `max-memory-percent`", "Info"),
COMPRESSED("History compressed. Saved ~ %s0b (%s1x smaller)", "Info"),
WEB_UNAUTHORIZED("Only links from the configured web host is allowed: %s0", "Error"),
ACTION_COMPLETE("Action completed in %s0 seconds", "Info"),
GENERATING_LINK("Uploading %s, please wait...", "Web"),
GENERATING_LINK_FAILED("&cFailed to generate download link!", "Web"),
GENERATING_LINK_FAILED("Failed to generate download link!", "Web"),
DOWNLOAD_LINK("%s", "Web"),
MASK_DISABLED("Global mask disabled", "WorldEdit.General"),
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public enum BBC {
OPERATION("Operation queued (%s0)", "WorldEdit.Operation"),
SELECTION_WAND("Left click: select pos #1; Right click: select pos #2", "WorldEdit.Selection"),
NAVIGATION_WAND_ERROR("&cNothing to pass through", "WorldEdit.Navigation"),
NAVIGATION_WAND_ERROR("Nothing to pass through", "WorldEdit.Navigation"),
SELECTION_WAND_DISABLE("Edit wand disabled.", "WorldEdit.Selection"),
SELECTION_WAND_ENABLE("Edit wand enabled.", "WorldEdit.Selection"),
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public enum BBC {
BRUSH_TARGET_MASK_SET("Set target mask to %s0", "WorldEdit.Brush"),
BRUSH_TARGET_OFFSET_SET("Set target offset to %s0", "WorldEdit.Brush"),
BRUSH_EQUIPPED("Equipped brush %s0", "WorldEdit.Brush"),
BRUSH_TRY_OTHER("&cThere are other more suitable brushes e.g.\n&8 - &7//br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]", "WorldEdit.Brush"),
BRUSH_TRY_OTHER("There are other more suitable brushes e.g.\n - //br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]", "WorldEdit.Brush"),
BRUSH_COPY("Left click the base of an object to copy, right click to paste. Increase the brush radius if necessary.", "WorldEdit.Brush"),
BRUSH_HEIGHT_INVALID("Invalid height map file (%s0)", "WorldEdit.Brush"),
BRUSH_SMOOTH("Note: Use the blend brush if you want to smooth overhangs or caves.", "WorldEdit.Brush"),
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ public enum BBC {
ROLLBACK_ELEMENT("Undoing %s0", "WorldEdit.Rollback"),
TOOL_INSPECT("Inspect tool bound to %s0.", "WorldEdit.Tool"),
TOOL_INSPECT_INFO("&7%s0 changed %s1 to %s2 %s3 ago", "WorldEdit.Tool"),
TOOL_INSPECT_INFO_FOOTER("&6Total: &7%s0 changes", "WorldEdit.Tool"),
TOOL_INSPECT_INFO("%s0 changed %s1 to %s2 %s3 ago", "WorldEdit.Tool"),
TOOL_INSPECT_INFO_FOOTER("Total: %s0 changes", "WorldEdit.Tool"),
TOOL_NONE("Tool unbound from your current item.", "WorldEdit.Tool"),
TOOL_INFO("Info tool bound to %s0.", "WorldEdit.Tool"),
TOOL_TREE("Tree tool bound to %s0.", "WorldEdit.Tool"),
@ -198,21 +198,21 @@ public enum BBC {
NOTHING_CONFIRMED("You have no actions pending confirmation.", "WorldEdit.Utility"),
SCHEMATIC_PROMPT_CLEAR("&7You may want to use &c%s0 &7to clear your current clipboard first", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_SHOW("&7Displaying &a%s0&7 schematics from &a%s1&7:\n" +
"&8 - &aLeft click &7a structure to set your clipboard\n" +
"&8 - &aRight click &7to add a structure to your multi-clipboard\n" +
"&8 - &7Use &a%s2&7 to go back to the world", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_PROMPT_CLEAR("You may want to use %s0 to clear your current clipboard first", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_SHOW("Displaying %s0 schematics from %s1:\n" +
" - Left click a structure to set your clipboard\n" +
" - Right click to add a structure to your multi-clipboard\n" +
" - Use %s2 to go back to the world", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_FORMAT("Available formats (Name: Lookup names)", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_MOVE_EXISTS("&c%s0 already exists", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_MOVE_SUCCESS("&a%s0 -> %s1", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_MOVE_FAILED("&a%s0 no moved: %s1", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_MOVE_EXISTS("%s0 already exists", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_MOVE_SUCCESS("%s0 -> %s1", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_MOVE_FAILED("%s0 no moved: %s1", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_LOADED("%s0 loaded. Paste it with //paste", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_SAVED("%s0 saved.", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_PAGE("Page must be %s", "WorldEdit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_NONE("No files found.", "WorldEdit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_LIST("Available files (Filename: Format) [%s0/%s1]:", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_LIST_ELEM("&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_LIST_ELEM(" - %s0 - %s1", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
CLIPBOARD_URI_NOT_FOUND("You do not have %s0 loaded", "WorldEdit.Clipboard"),
CLIPBOARD_CLEARED("Clipboard cleared", "WorldEdit.Clipboard"),
@ -237,45 +237,45 @@ public enum BBC {
BLOCK_CYCLER_CANNOT_CYCLE("That block's data cannot be cycled!", "WorldEdit.Cycler"),
BLOCK_CYCLER_LIMIT("Max blocks change limit reached.", "WorldEdit.Cycler"),
BLOCK_CYCLER_NO_PERM("&cYou are not permitted to cycle the data value of that block.", "WorldEdit.Cycler"),
BLOCK_CYCLER_NO_PERM("You are not permitted to cycle the data value of that block.", "WorldEdit.Cycler"),
COMMAND_INVALID_SYNTAX("The command was not used properly (no more help available).", "WorldEdit.Command"),
COMMAND_CLARIFYING_BRACKET("&7Added clarifying bracket for &c%s0", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_SUGGEST("&7Couldn't find %s0. Maybe try one of &c%s1 &7?", "WorldEdit.Help"),
COMMAND_CLARIFYING_BRACKET("Added clarifying bracket for %s0", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_SUGGEST("Couldn't find %s0. Maybe try one of %s1 ?", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_HEADER_CATEGORIES("Command Types", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_HEADER_SUBCOMMANDS("Subcommands", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_HEADER_COMMAND("&cHelp for: &7%s0", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_ITEM_ALLOWED("&a%s0&8 - &7%s1", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_ITEM_DENIED("&c%s0&8 - &7%s1", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_HEADER_COMMAND("Help for: %s0", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_ITEM_ALLOWED("%s0 - %s1", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_ITEM_DENIED("%s0 - %s1", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_HEADER("Help: page %s0/%s1", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_FOOTER("&7Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5", "WorldEdit.Help"),
HELP_FOOTER("Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5", "WorldEdit.Help"),
PAGE_FOOTER("Use %s0 to go to the next page", "WorldEdit.Utility"),
PROGRESS_MESSAGE("%s1/%s0 (%s2%) @%s3cps %s4s left", "Progress"),
PROGRESS_FINISHED("[ Done! ]", "Progress"),
COMMAND_SYNTAX("&cUsage: &7%s0", "Error"),
NO_PERM("&cYou are lacking the permission node: %s0", "Error"),
COMMAND_SYNTAX("Usage: %s0", "Error"),
NO_PERM("You are lacking the permission node: %s0", "Error"),
BLOCK_NOT_ALLOWED("You are not allowed to use", "Error"),
SETTING_DISABLE("&cLacking setting: %s0", "Error"),
BRUSH_NOT_FOUND("&cAvailable brushes: %s0", "Error"),
BRUSH_INCOMPATIBLE("&cBrush not compatible with this version", "Error"),
SCHEMATIC_NOT_FOUND("&cSchematic not found: &7%s0", "Error"),
NO_REGION("&cYou have no current allowed region", "Error"),
NO_MASK("&cYou have no current mask set", "Error"),
NOT_PLAYER("&cYou must be a player to perform this action!", "Error"),
PLAYER_NOT_FOUND("&cPlayer not found:&7 %s0", "Error"),
SETTING_DISABLE("Lacking setting: %s0", "Error"),
BRUSH_NOT_FOUND("Available brushes: %s0", "Error"),
BRUSH_INCOMPATIBLE("Brush not compatible with this version", "Error"),
SCHEMATIC_NOT_FOUND("Schematic not found: %s0", "Error"),
NO_REGION("You have no current allowed region", "Error"),
NO_MASK("You have no current mask set", "Error"),
NOT_PLAYER("You must be a player to perform this action!", "Error"),
PLAYER_NOT_FOUND("Player not found: %s0", "Error"),
"&8[&cCritical&8] &cDetected low memory i.e. < 1%. We will take the following actions:\n&8 - &7Terminate WE block placement\n&8 - &7Clear WE history\n&8 - &7Unload non essential chunks\n&8 - &7Kill entities\n&8 - &7Garbage collect\n&cIgnore this if trying to crash server.\n&7Note: Low memory is likely (but not necessarily) caused by WE",
"[Critical] Detected low memory i.e. < 1%. We will take the following actions:\n - Terminate WE block placement\n - Clear WE history\n - Unload non essential chunks\n - Kill entities\n - Garbage collect\nIgnore this if trying to crash server.\nNote: Low memory is likely (but not necessarily) caused by WE",
WORLDEDIT_SOME_FAILS("&c%s0 blocks weren't placed because they were outside your allowed region.", "Error"),
WORLDEDIT_SOME_FAILS_BLOCKBAG("&cMissing blocks: %s0", "Error"),
WORLDEDIT_SOME_FAILS("%s0 blocks weren't placed because they were outside your allowed region.", "Error"),
WORLDEDIT_SOME_FAILS_BLOCKBAG("Missing blocks: %s0", "Error"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_COUNT("&cCancelled %s0 edits.", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_CONFIRM("&7Your selection is large (&c%s0 &7-> &c%s1&7, containing &c%s3&7 blocks). Use &c//confirm &7to execute &c%s2", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON("&cYour WorldEdit action was cancelled:&7 %s0&c.", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_COUNT("Cancelled %s0 edits.", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_CONFIRM("Your selection is large (%s0 -> %s1, containing %s3 blocks). Use //confirm to execute %s2", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON("Your WorldEdit action was cancelled: %s0.", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_MANUAL("Manual cancellation", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_MAX_CHANGES("Too many blocks changed", "Cancel"),
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ public enum BBC {
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_OUTSIDE_REGION("Outside allowed region (bypass with /wea, or disable `region-restrictions` in config.yml)", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_NO_REGION("No allowed region (bypass with /wea, or disable `region-restrictions` in config.yml)", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_FAILED_LOAD_CHUNK("&cSkipped loading chunk: &7%s0;%s1&c. Try increasing chunk-wait.", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_FAILED_LOAD_CHUNK("Skipped loading chunk: %s0;%s1. Try increasing chunk-wait.", "Cancel"),
ASCEND_FAIL("No free spot above you found.", "Navigation"),
ASCENDED_PLURAL("Ascended %s0 levels.", "Navigation"),
@ -310,59 +310,59 @@ public enum BBC {
SEL_MAX("%s0 points maximum.", "Selection"),
SEL_FUZZY("Fuzzy selector: Left click to select all contingent blocks, right click to add. To select an air cavity, use //pos1.", "Selection"),
SEL_CONVEX_POLYHEDRAL("Convex polyhedral selector: Left click=First vertex, right click to add more.", "Selection"),
SEL_LIST("For a list of selection types use:&c //sel list", "Selection"),
SEL_LIST("For a list of selection types use: //sel list", "Selection"),
SEL_MODES("Select one of the modes below:", "Selection"),
SCRIPTING_NO_PERM("&cYou do not have permission to execute this craft script", "WorldEdit.Scripting"),
SCRIPTING_NO_PERM("You do not have permission to execute this craft script", "WorldEdit.Scripting"),
SCRIPTING_CS("Use /cs with a script name first.", "WorldEdit.Scripting"),
SCRIPTING_ERROR("An error occured while executing a craft script", "WorldEdit.Scripting"),
TIP_SEL_LIST("Tip: See the different selection modes with &c//sel list", "Tips"),
TIP_SEL_LIST("Tip: See the different selection modes with //sel list", "Tips"),
TIP_SELECT_CONNECTED("Tip: Select all connected blocks with //sel fuzzy", "Tips"),
TIP_SET_POS1("Tip: Use pos1 as a pattern with &c//set pos1", "Tips"),
TIP_FARWAND("Tip: Select distant points with &c//farwand", "Tips"),
TIP_SET_POS1("Tip: Use pos1 as a pattern with //set pos1", "Tips"),
TIP_FARWAND("Tip: Select distant points with //farwand", "Tips"),
TIP_DISCORD("Need help using FAWE? https://discord.gg/ngZCzbU", "Tips"),
// cut
TIP_LAZYCUT("&7Tip: It is safer to use &c//lazycut", "Tips"),
TIP_LAZYCUT("Tip: It is safer to use //lazycut", "Tips"),
// set
TIP_FAST("&7Tip: Set fast and without undo using &c//fast", "Tips"),
TIP_CANCEL("&7Tip: You can &c//cancel &7an edit in progress", "Tips"),
TIP_MASK("&7Tip: Set a global destination mask with &c/gmask", "Tips"),
TIP_MASK_ANGLE("Tip: Replace upward slopes of 3-20 blocks using&c //replace /[-20][-3] bedrock", "Tips"),
TIP_SET_LINEAR("&7Tip: Set blocks linearly with&c //set #l3d[wood,bedrock]", "Tips"),
TIP_SURFACE_SPREAD("&7Tip: Spread a flat surface with&c //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]", "Tips"),
TIP_SET_HAND("&7Tip: Use your current hand with &c//set hand", "Tips"),
TIP_FAST("Tip: Set fast and without undo using //fast", "Tips"),
TIP_CANCEL("Tip: You can //cancel an edit in progress", "Tips"),
TIP_MASK("Tip: Set a global destination mask with /gmask", "Tips"),
TIP_MASK_ANGLE("Tip: Replace upward slopes of 3-20 blocks using //replace /[-20][-3] bedrock", "Tips"),
TIP_SET_LINEAR("Tip: Set blocks linearly with //set #l3d[wood,bedrock]", "Tips"),
TIP_SURFACE_SPREAD("Tip: Spread a flat surface with //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]", "Tips"),
TIP_SET_HAND("Tip: Use your current hand with //set hand", "Tips"),
// replace
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX("&7Tip: Replace using regex:&c //replace .*_log <pattern>", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX_2("&7Tip: Replace using regex:&c //replace .*stairs[facing=(north|south)] <pattern>", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX_3("&7Tip: Replace using operators:&c //replace water[level>2] sand", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX_4("&7Tip: Replace using operators:&c //replace true *[waterlogged=false]", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX_5("&7Tip: Replace using operators:&c //replace true *[level-=1]", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX("Tip: Replace using regex: //replace .*_log <pattern>", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX_2("Tip: Replace using regex: //replace .*stairs[facing=(north|south)] <pattern>", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX_3("Tip: Replace using operators: //replace water[level>2] sand", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX_4("Tip: Replace using operators: //replace true *[waterlogged=false]", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_REGEX_5("Tip: Replace using operators: //replace true *[level-=1]", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_ID("&7Tip: Replace only the block id:&c //replace woodenstair #id[cobblestair]", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_LIGHT("Tip: Remove light sources with&c //replace #brightness[1][15] 0", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_ID("Tip: Replace only the block id: //replace woodenstair #id[cobblestair]", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_LIGHT("Tip: Remove light sources with //replace #brightness[1][15] 0", "Tips"),
TIP_TAB_COMPLETE("Tip: The replace command supports tab completion", "Tips"),
// clipboard
TIP_FLIP("Tip: Mirror with &c//flip", "Tips"),
TIP_DEFORM("Tip: Reshape with &c//deform", "Tips"),
TIP_TRANSFORM("Tip: Set a transform with &c//gtransform", "Tips"),
TIP_COPYPASTE("Tip: Paste on click with &c//br copypaste", "Tips"),
TIP_SOURCE_MASK("Tip: Set a source mask with &c/gsmask <mask>&7", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_MARKER("Tip: Replace a block with your full clipboard using &c//replace wool #fullcopy", "Tips"),
TIP_PASTE("Tip: Place with &c//paste", "Tips"),
TIP_FLIP("Tip: Mirror with //flip", "Tips"),
TIP_DEFORM("Tip: Reshape with //deform", "Tips"),
TIP_TRANSFORM("Tip: Set a transform with //gtransform", "Tips"),
TIP_COPYPASTE("Tip: Paste on click with //br copypaste", "Tips"),
TIP_SOURCE_MASK("Tip: Set a source mask with /gsmask <mask>", "Tips"),
TIP_REPLACE_MARKER("Tip: Replace a block with your full clipboard using //replace wool #fullcopy", "Tips"),
TIP_PASTE("Tip: Place with //paste", "Tips"),
TIP_LAZYCOPY("Tip: lazycopy is faster", "Tips"),
TIP_DOWNLOAD("Tip: Try out &c//download", "Tips"),
TIP_ROTATE("Tip: Orientate with &c//rotate", "Tips"),
TIP_COPY_PATTERN("Tip: To use as a pattern try &c#copy", "Tips"),
TIP_DOWNLOAD("Tip: Try out //download", "Tips"),
TIP_ROTATE("Tip: Orientate with //rotate", "Tips"),
TIP_COPY_PATTERN("Tip: To use as a pattern try #copy", "Tips"),
// regen
TIP_REGEN_0("Tip: Use a biome with /regen [biome]", "Tips"),
TIP_REGEN_1("Tip: Use a seed with /regen [biome] [seed]", "Tips"),
TIP_BIOME_PATTERN("Tip: The &c#biome[forest]&7 pattern can be used in any command", "Tips"),
TIP_BIOME_PATTERN("Tip: The #biome[forest] pattern can be used in any command", "Tips"),
TIP_BIOME_MASK("Tip: Restrict to a biome with the `$jungle` mask", "Tips"),;

Datei anzeigen

@ -5,65 +5,65 @@
# 请其他译者勿使用机器翻译。谢谢!
prefix: '&8(&4&lFAWE&8)&r&7'
prefix: '(FAWE)'
file_deleted: '%s0 已被删除。'
schematic_pasting: '&7正在粘贴布局。此操作无法撤销。'
lighting_propogate_selection: '&7光照已在 %s0 个区块内传播。(注:您可使用 //removelight 移除)'
updated_lighting_selection: '&7已更新 %s0 个区块内的光照。(数据包可能要稍后发出)'
set_region: '&7选择区域已设置为您当前允许的区域'
worldedit_command_limit: '&7请等待完成您的当前操作'
worldedit_delayed: '&7正在处理您的快异创世操作,请稍后···'
worldedit_run: '&7很抱歉造成延误,现正执行 %s'
worldedit_complete: '&7编辑完成。'
require_selection_in_mask: '&7您选中的 %s 不在蒙版内。您只能在允许的区域内编辑。'
worldedit_volume: '&7您不能选择 %current% 大小的区域。所允许的最大区域为 %max%。'
worldedit_iterations: '&7您不能重复 %current% 次。所允许的最多重复为 %max% 次。'
worldedit_unsafe: '&7已阻止对此命令的访问'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: '&c%s1 在 %s0 处进行了不安全的编辑'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: '&7已禁用快异创世提示。'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: '&7已启用快异创世提示。'
schematic_pasting: '正在粘贴布局。此操作无法撤销。'
lighting_propogate_selection: '光照已在 %s0 个区块内传播。(注:您可使用 //removelight 移除)'
updated_lighting_selection: '已更新 %s0 个区块内的光照。(数据包可能要稍后发出)'
set_region: '选择区域已设置为您当前允许的区域'
worldedit_command_limit: '请等待完成您的当前操作'
worldedit_delayed: '正在处理您的快异创世操作,请稍后···'
worldedit_run: '很抱歉造成延误,现正执行 %s'
worldedit_complete: '编辑完成。'
require_selection_in_mask: '您选中的 %s 不在蒙版内。您只能在允许的区域内编辑。'
worldedit_volume: '您不能选择 %current% 大小的区域。所允许的最大区域为 %max%。'
worldedit_iterations: '您不能重复 %current% 次。所允许的最多重复为 %max% 次。'
worldedit_unsafe: '已阻止对此命令的访问'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: '%s1 在 %s0 处进行了不安全的编辑'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: '已禁用快异创世提示。'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: '已启用快异创世提示。'
worldedit_bypassed: '&7正绕过快异创世限制。'
worldedit_unmasked: '&6您的快异创世编辑现已不受限制。'
worldedit_bypassed: '正绕过快异创世限制。'
worldedit_unmasked: '您的快异创世编辑现已不受限制。'
worldedit_restricted: '&6您的快异创世编辑现正受限制。'
worldedit_restricted: '您的快异创世编辑现正受限制。'
worldedit_oom_admin: |-
&8 - &7//fast
&8 - &7进行小编辑
&8 - &7分配更多内存
&8 - &7禁用 `max-memory-percent`
- //fast
- 进行小编辑
- 分配更多内存
- 禁用 `max-memory-percent`
compressed: '已压缩历史。保存为 ~ %s0b%s1 倍原大小)'
action_complete: '已在 %s0 秒内完成操作'
worldedit_extend: '&c您的编辑可能已超过所允许的范围。'
worldedit_extend: '您的编辑可能已超过所允许的范围。'
web_unauthorized: '仅允许来自已配置网页主机的链接: %s0'
command_syntax: '&c用法: &7%s0'
no_perm: '&c您缺少权限节点: %s0'
setting_disable: '&c缺少设置: %s0'
brush_not_found: '&c可用画笔: %s0'
brush_incompatible: '&c画笔与此版本不兼容'
schematic_not_found: '&c未找到布局: &7%s0'
no_region: '&c您当前没有允许修改的区域'
no_mask: '&c您当前没有蒙版集'
not_player: '&c您必须为玩家才能执行此操作!'
player_not_found: '&c玩家未找到:&7 %s0'
command_syntax: '用法: %s0'
no_perm: '您缺少权限节点: %s0'
setting_disable: '缺少设置: %s0'
brush_not_found: '可用画笔: %s0'
brush_incompatible: '画笔与此版本不兼容'
schematic_not_found: '未找到布局: %s0'
no_region: '您当前没有允许修改的区域'
no_mask: '您当前没有蒙版集'
not_player: '您必须为玩家才能执行此操作!'
player_not_found: '玩家未找到: %s0'
oom: |-
&8[&c致命错误&8] &c系统检测到可用内存 < 1%。我们将执行下列操作:
&8 - &7终止创世的方块放置
&8 - &7清除创世历史
&8 - &7卸载无用区块
&8 - &7杀死实体
&8 - &7收集垃圾
worldedit_some_fails: '&c%s0 个方块由于在您所允许的区域外而无法放置。'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: '&c缺少方块: %s0'
[致命错误] 系统检测到可用内存 < 1%。我们将执行下列操作:
- 终止创世的方块放置
- 清除创世历史
- 卸载无用区块
- 杀死实体
- 收集垃圾
worldedit_some_fails: '%s0 个方块由于在您所允许的区域外而无法放置。'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: '缺少方块: %s0'
generating_link: '正在上传 %s请稍后···'
generating_link_failed: '&c生成下载链接失败!'
generating_link_failed: '生成下载链接失败!'
download_link: '%s'
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ worldedit:
selection_shift: 已移动区域
selection_cleared: 已清除选择
navigation_wand_error: '&c无可传递项'
navigation_wand_error: '无可传递项'
world_is_loaded: 执行操作时世界不能被占用。请先卸载世界,或使用 -f 标记覆盖(请先保存)
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ worldedit:
brush_target_offset_set: 设置目的地偏移量 %s0
brush_equipped: 已装备画笔 %s0
brush_try_other: |-
&c 还有其他画笔可用,如:
&8 - &7//br height [半径=5] [#剪贴板|文件=null] [旋转=0] [纵坐标=1.00]
- //br height [半径=5] [#剪贴板|文件=null] [旋转=0] [纵坐标=1.00]
brush_copy: 左击要复制的对象,右击粘贴。您可增加画笔半径。
brush_height_invalid: 高度图文件无效 (%s0)
brush_smooth: '注:您可用混合刷使凸起与洞穴处变得平滑。'
@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ worldedit:
rollback_element: 正在撤消 %s0
tool_inspect: 已绑定检查工具至 %s0。
tool_inspect_info: '&7%s0 在 %s3 前将 %s1 更改为 %s2'
tool_inspect_info_footer: '&6共计: &7%s0 处更改'
tool_inspect_info: '%s0 在 %s3 前将 %s1 更改为 %s2'
tool_inspect_info_footer: '共计: %s0 处更改'
tool_none: 工具已从您的当前物品上解绑。
tool_info: 已绑定信息工具至 %s0。
tool_tree: 已绑定造树工具至 %s0。
@ -197,22 +197,22 @@ worldedit:
nothing_confirmed: 您没有待确认的操作。
page_footer: 请使用 %s0 前往下一页
schematic_prompt_clear: '&7您可能需先使用 &c%s0 &7来清除剪贴板'
schematic_prompt_clear: '您可能需先使用 %s0 来清除剪贴板'
schematic_show: |-
&7正在显示来自 &a%s1&7 的 &a%s0&7 个原理图:
&8 - &a左击&7将结构复制到您的剪贴板
&8 - &a右击&7将结构添加到多重剪贴板
&8 - &7使用 &a%s2&7 回到原世界
正在显示来自 %s1 的 %s0 个原理图:
- 左击将结构复制到您的剪贴板
- 右击将结构添加到多重剪贴板
- 使用 %s2 回到原世界
schematic_format: '可用格式 (名称: 搜索名称)'
schematic_loaded: '已加载 %s0。请使用 //paste 粘贴'
schematic_saved: '已保存 %s0。'
schematic_page: 页数必须为 %s
schematic_none: 未找到文件。
schematic_list: '可用文件 (文件名: 格式) [%s0/%s1]:'
schematic_list_elem: '&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1'
schematic_move_exists: '&c%s0 已存在'
schematic_move_success: '&a%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '&a%s0 未移动: %s1'
schematic_list_elem: ' - %s0 - %s1'
schematic_move_exists: '%s0 已存在'
schematic_move_success: '%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '%s0 未移动: %s1'
clipboard_cleared: 已清除剪贴板
clipboard_invalid_format: '未知剪贴板格式: %s0'
@ -237,22 +237,22 @@ worldedit:
command_invalid_syntax: 命令使用有误 (无帮助可用)。
command_clarifying_bracket: '&7已为 &c%s0 &7添加阐述括号'
help_suggest: '&7无法找到 %s0。试试 &c%s1 &7吗?'
command_clarifying_bracket: '已为 %s0 添加阐述括号'
help_suggest: '无法找到 %s0。试试 %s1 吗?'
help_header_categories: 命令类型
help_header_subcommands: 子命令
help_header_command: '&7%s0 &c帮助'
help_item_allowed: '&a%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_item_denied: '&c%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_header_command: '%s0 帮助'
help_item_allowed: '%s0 - %s1'
help_item_denied: '%s0 - %s1'
help_header: '帮助: 页 %s0/%s1'
help_footer: '&7维基页面: https://git.io/vSKE5'
help_footer: '维基页面: https://git.io/vSKE5'
progress_message: '剩余 %s1/%s0 (%s2%) @%s3cps %s4s'
progress_finished: '[ 完成! ]'
worldedit_cancel_count: '&c已取消 %s0 次编辑。'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: '&7您的选择区域过大 (&c%s0 &7-> &c%s1&7,内有 &c%s3&7 个方块)。请使用 &c//confirm &7继续执行 &c%s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: '&c已取消您的创世操作:&7 %s0&c.'
worldedit_cancel_count: '已取消 %s0 次编辑。'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: '您的选择区域过大 (%s0 -> %s1内有 %s3 个方块)。请使用 //confirm 继续执行 %s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: '已取消您的创世操作: %s0.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_manual: 手动取消
worldedit_cancel_reason_low_memory: 内存不足
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_changes: 方块更改过多
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ cancel:
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_entities: 实体过多
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_iterations: 最大重复次数
worldedit_cancel_reason_no_region: 无允许区域 (请使用 /wea 绕过限制,或在 config.yml 中禁用 `region-restrictions`)
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: '&c已跳过区块载入: &7%s0;%s1&c。请尝试增加区块等待时长'
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: '已跳过区块载入: %s0;%s1。请尝试增加区块等待时长'
worldedit_cancel_reason_outside_level: 世界外
worldedit_cancel_reason_outside_region: 允许区域外 (请使用 /wea 绕过限制,或在 config.yml 中禁用 `region-restrictions`)
@ -287,36 +287,36 @@ selection:
sel_max: '可选择至多 %s0 个点。'
sel_fuzzy: '模糊选择器: 左击选择所有可能的方块,右击添加。要选择气腔,请使用 //pos1。'
sel_convex_polyhedral: '凸多面体选择器: 左击选择首个顶点,右击选择更多顶点。'
sel_list: '要查看选择类型列表,请使用: &c//sel list'
sel_list: '要查看选择类型列表,请使用: //sel list'
sel_modes: '请选择下列模式之一:'
tip_sel_list: '提示: 请使用 &c//sel list &7查看不同的选择模式'
tip_sel_list: '提示: 请使用 //sel list 查看不同的选择模式'
tip_select_connected: '提示: 请使用 //sel fuzzy 选择所有连接为一体的方块'
tip_set_pos1: '提示: 请使用 &c//set pos1 &7将点 1 作为样式'
tip_farwand: '提示: 请使用 &c//farwand &7选择远方的点'
tip_lazycut: '&7提示: 使用 &c//lazycut &7更为安全'
tip_fast: '&7提示: 请使用 &c//fast &7在不撤销的情况下快速放置方块'
tip_cancel: '&7提示: 您可使用 &c//cancel &7取消进行中的编辑'
tip_mask: '&7提示: 请使用 &c/gmask &7设置全局终点蒙版'
tip_mask_angle: '提示: 请使用 &c//replace /[-20][-3] bedrock &7替换 3-20 个方块的上坡'
tip_set_linear: '&7提示: 请使用 &c//set #l3d[wood,bedrock] &7线性放置方块'
tip_surface_spread: '&7提示: 请使用 &c//set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing] &7进行平面展开'
tip_set_hand: '&7提示: 请使用 &c//set hand &7来使用您的手'
tip_replace_id: '&7提示: 请使用 &c//replace woodenstair #编号[石台阶] &7来仅替换方块编号'
tip_replace_light: '提示: 请使用 &c//replace #brightness[1][15] 0 &7来移除光源'
tip_set_pos1: '提示: 请使用 //set pos1 将点 1 作为样式'
tip_farwand: '提示: 请使用 //farwand 选择远方的点'
tip_lazycut: '提示: 使用 //lazycut 更为安全'
tip_fast: '提示: 请使用 //fast 在不撤销的情况下快速放置方块'
tip_cancel: '提示: 您可使用 //cancel 取消进行中的编辑'
tip_mask: '提示: 请使用 /gmask 设置全局终点蒙版'
tip_mask_angle: '提示: 请使用 //replace /[-20][-3] bedrock 替换 3-20 个方块的上坡'
tip_set_linear: '提示: 请使用 //set #l3d[wood,bedrock] 线性放置方块'
tip_surface_spread: '提示: 请使用 //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing] 进行平面展开'
tip_set_hand: '提示: 请使用 //set hand 来使用您的手'
tip_replace_id: '提示: 请使用 //replace woodenstair #编号[石台阶] 来仅替换方块编号'
tip_replace_light: '提示: 请使用 //replace #brightness[1][15] 0 来移除光源'
tip_tab_complete: '提示: 替换命令支持 Tab 键补全功能'
tip_flip: '提示: 请使用 &c//flip &7创建镜像'
tip_deform: '提示: 请使用 &c//deform &7重新塑形'
tip_transform: '提示: 请使用 &c//gtransform &7设置变形'
tip_copypaste: '提示: 请使用 &c//br copypaste &7在点击时粘贴'
tip_source_mask: '提示: 请使用 &c/gsmask <蒙版> &7来设置源蒙版'
tip_replace_marker: '提示: 请使用 &c//replace wool #fullcopy &7使用剪切板完全替换方块'
tip_paste: '提示: 请使用 &c//paste &7放置方块'
tip_flip: '提示: 请使用 //flip 创建镜像'
tip_deform: '提示: 请使用 //deform 重新塑形'
tip_transform: '提示: 请使用 //gtransform 设置变形'
tip_copypaste: '提示: 请使用 //br copypaste 在点击时粘贴'
tip_source_mask: '提示: 请使用 /gsmask <蒙版> 来设置源蒙版'
tip_replace_marker: '提示: 请使用 //replace wool #fullcopy 使用剪切板完全替换方块'
tip_paste: '提示: 请使用 //paste 放置方块'
tip_lazycopy: '提示: lazycopy 的速度更为快捷'
tip_download: '提示: 来试试 &c//download'
tip_rotate: '提示: 请使用 &c//rotate &7确定方位'
tip_copy_pattern: '提示: 请使用 &c#copy &7来作为样式使用'
tip_regen_0: '提示: 使用 &c/regen [生态群系] &7来重新生成生态群系'
tip_regen_1: '提示: 使用 &c/regen [生态群系] [种子] &7来重新生成生态群系'
tip_biome_pattern: '提示: &c#biome[forest]&7 样式可用于任意命令中'
tip_download: '提示: 来试试 //download'
tip_rotate: '提示: 请使用 //rotate 确定方位'
tip_copy_pattern: '提示: 请使用 #copy 来作为样式使用'
tip_regen_0: '提示: 使用 /regen [生态群系] 来重新生成生态群系'
tip_regen_1: '提示: 使用 /regen [生态群系] [种子] 来重新生成生态群系'
tip_biome_pattern: '提示: #biome[forest] 样式可用于任意命令中'
tip_biome_mask: '提示: 您可使用 `$jungle` 蒙版来限定生态群系'

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
# Updated by NotMyFault, 11.04.2019
prefix: '&8(&4&lFAWE&8)&r&7'
schematic_pasting: '&7Die Schematic wird eingefügt. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht
prefix: '(FAWE)'
schematic_pasting: 'Die Schematic wird eingefügt. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht
updated_lighting_selection: '&7Das Licht wird in %s0 Chunks aktualisiert. (Es kann
updated_lighting_selection: 'Das Licht wird in %s0 Chunks aktualisiert. (Es kann
einige Sekunden dauern, bis die Pakete gesendet werden.)'
set_region: '&7Markierung wurde auf aktuelle WorldEdit Region übertragen.'
worldedit_command_limit: '&7Bitte warte, bis deine momentane Aktion fertig gestellt
set_region: 'Markierung wurde auf aktuelle WorldEdit Region übertragen.'
worldedit_command_limit: 'Bitte warte, bis deine momentane Aktion fertig gestellt
worldedit_delayed: '&7Bitte warte, während deine aktuelle WorldEdit Aktion durchgeführt
worldedit_delayed: 'Bitte warte, während deine aktuelle WorldEdit Aktion durchgeführt
worldedit_run: '&7Entschuldige die Verzögerung. Nun führen wir folgende Aktion von
worldedit_run: 'Entschuldige die Verzögerung. Nun führen wir folgende Aktion von
dir aus: %s'
worldedit_complete: '&7WorldEdit Aktion fertiggestellt..'
require_selection_in_mask: '&7%s deiner Auswahl ist nicht innerhalb deiner Maske.
worldedit_complete: 'WorldEdit Aktion fertiggestellt..'
require_selection_in_mask: '%s deiner Auswahl ist nicht innerhalb deiner Maske.
Du darfst nur innerhalb erlaubter Regionen Veränderungen durchführen.'
worldedit_volume: '&7Du kannst keine %current% verändern. Die maximale Anzahl an
worldedit_volume: 'Du kannst keine %current% verändern. Die maximale Anzahl an
Blöcken die du verändern darfst ist %max%.'
worldedit_iterations: '&7Du kannst %current% nicht wiederholen. Die maximale Anzahl an erlaubten Wiederholungen ist %max%.'
worldedit_unsafe: '&7Der Zugang zu diesem Befehl wurde verboten.'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: '&cFAWE führt unsicher WorldEdit Aktionen aus! Position:
worldedit_iterations: 'Du kannst %current% nicht wiederholen. Die maximale Anzahl an erlaubten Wiederholungen ist %max%.'
worldedit_unsafe: 'Der Zugang zu diesem Befehl wurde verboten.'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: 'FAWE führt unsicher WorldEdit Aktionen aus! Position:
%s0 Spielername: %s1'
worldedit_bypassed: '&7Beschränkungen werden nun ignoriert.'
worldedit_unmasked: '&6Deine WorldEdit Beschränkungen sind nun aufgehoben.'
worldedit_restricted: '&6Deine WorldEdit Beschränkungen sind nun aktiv.'
worldedit_bypassed: 'Beschränkungen werden nun ignoriert.'
worldedit_unmasked: 'Deine WorldEdit Beschränkungen sind nun aufgehoben.'
worldedit_restricted: 'Deine WorldEdit Beschränkungen sind nun aktiv.'
worldedit_oom_admin: |-
&cMögliche Optionen:
&8 - &7//fast
&8 - &7Kleinere Aktionen ausführen
&8 - &7Mehr Arbeitsspeicher zuweisen
&8 - &7Diese Meldungen deaktivieren
Mögliche Optionen:
- //fast
- Kleinere Aktionen ausführen
- Mehr Arbeitsspeicher zuweisen
- Diese Meldungen deaktivieren
compressed: WorldEdit Verlauf komprimiert. Um ~ %s0b reduziert (%s1x kleiner)
action_complete: Aktion fertiggestellt in %s0 Sekunden
lighting_propogate_selection: '&7Licht wurde berechnet in %s0 Chunks. (Info: Um
lighting_propogate_selection: 'Licht wurde berechnet in %s0 Chunks. (Info: Um
Licht zu entfernen nutze //removelight)'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: '&7WorldEdit Tipps deaktiviert.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: '&7WorldEdit Tipps aktiviert.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: 'WorldEdit Tipps deaktiviert.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: 'WorldEdit Tipps aktiviert.'
file_deleted: '%s0 wurde gelöscht.'
worldedit_extend: '&cDeine WorldEdit Aktion überschreitet die erlaubte Region'
command_syntax: '&cBenutzung: &7%s0'
no_perm: '&cDir fehlt die Berechtigung: %s0'
setting_disable: '&cFehlende Einstellung: %s0'
schematic_not_found: '&cSchematic nicht gefunden: &7%s0'
no_region: '&cDu hast keine aktive WorldEdit Markierung'
no_mask: '&cDu hast keine Maske gesetzt'
not_player: '&cDieser Befehl kann nur von Spielern ausgeführt werden!'
player_not_found: '&cSpieler nicht gefunden:&7 %s0'
worldedit_extend: 'Deine WorldEdit Aktion überschreitet die erlaubte Region'
command_syntax: 'Benutzung: %s0'
no_perm: 'Dir fehlt die Berechtigung: %s0'
setting_disable: 'Fehlende Einstellung: %s0'
schematic_not_found: 'Schematic nicht gefunden: %s0'
no_region: 'Du hast keine aktive WorldEdit Markierung'
no_mask: 'Du hast keine Maske gesetzt'
not_player: 'Dieser Befehl kann nur von Spielern ausgeführt werden!'
player_not_found: 'Spieler nicht gefunden: %s0'
oom: |-
&8[&cKritisch&8] &cWenig Arbeitsspeicher frei (< 1%). FAWE wird folgendes machen:
&8 - &7Alle Aktionen terminieren
&8 - &7Vergangene Bearbeitungen vergessen
&8 - &7Alle unwichtigen Chunks entladen
&8 - &7Alle Entities töten
&8 - &7Unnötig verwendeten Speicher freigeben.
&cIgnoriere diese Meldung, wenn du versuchst den Server zu crashen.
&7Note: Wenig freier Speicher kann unter Umständen wegen WE passiert sein.
worldedit_some_fails: '&c%s0 Blöcke wurden nicht platziert, da sie außerhalb der
[Kritisch] Wenig Arbeitsspeicher frei (< 1%). FAWE wird folgendes machen:
- Alle Aktionen terminieren
- Vergangene Bearbeitungen vergessen
- Alle unwichtigen Chunks entladen
- Alle Entities töten
- Unnötig verwendeten Speicher freigeben.
Ignoriere diese Meldung, wenn du versuchst den Server zu crashen.
Note: Wenig freier Speicher kann unter Umständen wegen WE passiert sein.
worldedit_some_fails: '%s0 Blöcke wurden nicht platziert, da sie außerhalb der
erlaubten Region sind.'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: '&cFehlende Blöcke: %s0'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: 'Fehlende Blöcke: %s0'
web_unauthorized: 'Es sind nur Links vom konfigurierten Webhost erlaubt: %s0'
brush_not_found: '&Verfügbare Brushes: %s0'
brush_incompatible: '&cBrush ist nicht kompatibel mit dieser Version'
brush_incompatible: 'Brush ist nicht kompatibel mit dieser Version'
block_not_allowed: 'Du darfst diesen Block nicht benutzen:'
generating_link: Lade %s hoch, bitte warten...
generating_link_failed: '&cErstellung eines Download-Links fehlgeschlagen!'
generating_link_failed: 'Erstellung eines Download-Links fehlgeschlagen!'
download_link: '%s'
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ worldedit:
brush_transform: Brush-Transformation gesetzt
brush_material: Brush-Material gesetzt
brush_try_other: |-
&cFAWE verfügt über andere, passendere Brushes. z.B.:
&8 - &7//br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
FAWE verfügt über andere, passendere Brushes. z.B.:
- //br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
brush_none: Du hältst kein Tool in der Hand, das man als Brush verwenden kann!
brush_source_mask_disabled: Brush Quell-Maske deaktiviert
brush_source_mask: Brush Quell-Maske gesetzt
@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ worldedit:
rollback_element: annulliere %s0
tool_inspect: Inpektions-Tool an %s0 gebunden.
tool_inspect_info: '&7%s0 änderte %s1 zu %s2 %s3 zuvor'
tool_inspect_info_footer: '&6Total: &7%s0 Änderungen'
tool_inspect_info: '%s0 änderte %s1 zu %s2 %s3 zuvor'
tool_inspect_info_footer: 'Total: %s0 Änderungen'
tool_none: Tool vom aktuellen Item entfernt.
tool_info: Info-Tool gebunden an %s0.
tool_tree: Tree-Tool gebunden an %s0.
@ -204,16 +204,16 @@ worldedit:
schematic_page: Seite muss %s sein.
schematic_none: Keine Schematics gefunden.
schematic_list: 'Verfügbare Schematics (Dateiname: Format) [%s0/%s1]:'
schematic_list_elem: '&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1'
schematic_prompt_clear: '&7Meintest du &c%s0 &7um deine Zwischenablage zu leeren?'
schematic_list_elem: ' - %s0 - %s1'
schematic_prompt_clear: 'Meintest du %s0 um deine Zwischenablage zu leeren?'
schematic_show: |-
&7Displaying &a%s0&7 Schematics von &a%s1&7:
&8 - &aLinksklick &7a um der Zwischenablage hinzuzufügen
&8 - &aRechtsklick &7um etwas deiner Multi-Zwischenablage hinzuzufügen
&8 - &7Benutze &a%s2&7 um zur richtigen Welt zurückzukehren
schematic_move_exists: '&c%s0 existiert bereits'
schematic_move_success: '&a%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '&a%s0 wurde nicht bewegt: %s1'
Displaying %s0 Schematics von %s1:
- Linksklick a um der Zwischenablage hinzuzufügen
- Rechtsklick um etwas deiner Multi-Zwischenablage hinzuzufügen
- Benutze %s2 um zur richtigen Welt zurückzukehren
schematic_move_exists: '%s0 existiert bereits'
schematic_move_success: '%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '%s0 wurde nicht bewegt: %s1'
clipboard_cleared: Zwischenablage geleert
clipboard_invalid_format: 'Unbekanntes Zwischenablage Format: %s0'
@ -260,34 +260,34 @@ worldedit:
timezone_set: 'Zeitzone für diese Sitzung gesetzt auf: %s0'
timezone_display: 'Aktuelle Zeit in dieser Zeitzone: %s0'
navigation_wand_error: '&cNichts zu durchqueren'
navigation_wand_error: 'Nichts zu durchqueren'
world_is_loaded: Die Welt sollte während er Ausführung nicht in Benutzung sein.
Entlade die Welt oder überschreibe diese mit -f (vorher speichern)
command_clarifying_bracket: '&7Klammer für&c%s0 wurde hinzugefügt'
help_suggest: '&7%s0 konnte nicht gefunden werden. Versuche &c%s1 &7'
command_clarifying_bracket: 'Klammer für%s0 wurde hinzugefügt'
help_suggest: '%s0 konnte nicht gefunden werden. Versuche %s1 '
help_header_categories: Befehlstypen
help_header_subcommands: Unterbefehle
help_header_command: '&cHilfe für: &7%s0'
help_item_allowed: '&a%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_item_denied: '&c%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_header_command: 'Hilfe für: %s0'
help_item_allowed: '%s0 - %s1'
help_item_denied: '%s0 - %s1'
help_header: 'Hilfe: Seite %s0/%s1'
help_footer: '&7Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
help_footer: 'Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
block_cycler_cannot_cycle: Dieser Block kann mit cycler nicht verändert werden
block_cycler_limit: Du hast dein maximales Block-Change Limit erreicht.
block_cycler_no_perm: '&cDu hast keine Rechte diesen Block mit dem cycler zu bearbeiten'
block_cycler_no_perm: 'Du hast keine Rechte diesen Block mit dem cycler zu bearbeiten'
scripting_no_perm: '&cDu hast keine Rechte dieses CraftScript auszuführen'
scripting_no_perm: 'Du hast keine Rechte dieses CraftScript auszuführen'
scripting_cs: Nutze /cs mit einen Script Namen
scripting_error: Ein Fehler trat auf beim Asuführen eines Scripts.
progress_message: '[ Zwischenspeicher: %s0 | Erledigt: %s1 ]'
progress_finished: '[ Fertiggestellt! ]'
worldedit_cancel_count: '&c%s0 Veränderungen abgebrochen.'
worldedit_cancel_reason: '&cDeine WorldEdit Aktion wurde abgebrochen:&7 %s0&c.'
worldedit_cancel_count: '%s0 Veränderungen abgebrochen.'
worldedit_cancel_reason: 'Deine WorldEdit Aktion wurde abgebrochen: %s0.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_manual: Manueller Abbruch
worldedit_cancel_reason_low_memory: Zu wenig Speicher
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_changes: Zu viele Blöcke bearbeitet
@ -296,10 +296,10 @@ cancel:
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_entities: Zu viele Entities
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_iterations: Maximale Wiederholungen
worldedit_cancel_reason_no_region: Keine erlaubte Region (Ignorieren mit /wea)
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: '&cÜberspringe das Laden von Chunk: &7%s0;%s1&c. Versuche
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: 'Überspringe das Laden von Chunk: %s0;%s1. Versuche
chunk-wait zu erhöhen.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: '&7Deine Selektion ist zu groß (%s0 -> %s1). Benutze
&c//confirm &7um &c%s2 auszuführen'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: 'Deine Selektion ist zu groß (%s0 -> %s1). Benutze
//confirm um %s2 auszuführen'
worldedit_cancel_reason_outside_level: Außerhalb der Welt
worldedit_cancel_reason_outside_region: Außerhalb erlaubter Region (Umgehe es mit
/wea, oder deaktiviere `region-restrictions` in der config.yml)
@ -329,50 +329,50 @@ selection:
zum hinzufügen'
sel_convex_polyhedral: 'Convexe Polyeder Auswahl: Linksklick=Erster Vertex; Rechtsklick,
um mehr hinzuzufügen.'
sel_list: Für eine Liste der Selektoren nutze:&c //sel
sel_list: 'Für eine Liste der Selektoren nutze: //sel'
sel_modes: 'Wähle einen der unten aufgelisteten Modi:'
tip_cancel: 'Tipp: Du kannst eine Aktion mit `//cancel` abbrechen'
tip_download: 'Tipp: Du kannst deine Zwischenablage mit `//download` herunterladen'
tip_sel_list: 'Tipp: Liste die verschiedenen Selektoren auf mit &c//sel list'
tip_select_connected: 'Tipp: Wähle alle verbundenen Blöcke mit &c//sel fuzzy'
tip_set_pos1: 'Tipp: Nutze Position1 als Muster &c//set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Tipp: Markiere entfernte Blöcke mit &c//farwand'
tip_fast: '&7Tipp: Platziere schnell und ohne Undo-Historie &c//fast'
tip_mask: '&7Tipp: Setze eine Globale Zielmaske mit &c/gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Tipp: Ersetze aufwärts Steigungen von 3-20 Blöcken mit&c //replace
tip_sel_list: 'Tipp: Liste die verschiedenen Selektoren auf mit //sel list'
tip_select_connected: 'Tipp: Wähle alle verbundenen Blöcke mit //sel fuzzy'
tip_set_pos1: 'Tipp: Nutze Position1 als Muster //set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Tipp: Markiere entfernte Blöcke mit //farwand'
tip_fast: 'Tipp: Platziere schnell und ohne Undo-Historie //fast'
tip_mask: 'Tipp: Setze eine Globale Zielmaske mit /gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Tipp: Ersetze aufwärts Steigungen von 3-20 Blöcken mit //replace
/-20:-3 bedrock'
tip_set_linear: '&7Tipp: Setze Blöcke linear mit&c //set #l3d:wood,bedrock'
tip_surface_spread: '&7Tipp: Streue einen flachen Untergrund mit&c //set #surfacespread:5:0:5:#existing'
tip_set_hand: '&7Tipp: Setze das Item in deiner Hand mit&c//set hand'
tip_replace_id: '&7Tipp: Ersetze nur die Block-ID:&c //replace woodenstair #id:cobblestair'
tip_replace_light: 'Tipp: Entferne Licht-Quellen mit&c //replace #brightness:1:15
tip_set_linear: 'Tipp: Setze Blöcke linear mit //set #l3d:wood,bedrock'
tip_surface_spread: 'Tipp: Streue einen flachen Untergrund mit //set #surfacespread:5:0:5:#existing'
tip_set_hand: 'Tipp: Setze das Item in deiner Hand mit//set hand'
tip_replace_id: 'Tipp: Ersetze nur die Block-ID: //replace woodenstair #id:cobblestair'
tip_replace_light: 'Tipp: Entferne Licht-Quellen mit //replace #brightness:1:15
tip_tab_complete: 'Tipp: Der Replace-Befehl unterstützt Tab-Vervollständigung'
tip_flip: '&7Tipp: Du kannst mit &c//flip &7spiegeln'
tip_deform: 'Tipp: Forme um mit &c//deform'
tip_transform: 'Tipp: Platziere eine Umformung mit &c//gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Tipp: Füge durch Klick ein mit &c//br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Tipp: Setze eine Quell-Maske &c/gsmask <mask>&7'
tip_flip: 'Tipp: Du kannst mit //flip spiegeln'
tip_deform: 'Tipp: Forme um mit //deform'
tip_transform: 'Tipp: Platziere eine Umformung mit //gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Tipp: Füge durch Klick ein mit //br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Tipp: Setze eine Quell-Maske /gsmask <mask>'
tip_replace_marker: 'Tipp: Ersetze einen Block mit deiner vollständigen Zwischenablage
mit &c//replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Tipp: Füge deine Zwischeneinlage mit &c//paste ein'
mit //replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Tipp: Füge deine Zwischeneinlage mit //paste ein'
tip_lazycopy: 'Tipp: lazycopy ist schneller'
tip_rotate: 'Tipp: Ausrichten mit &c//rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Tipp: Um ein Muster zu verwenden verwende &c#copy'
tip_lazycut: '&7Tipp: Es ist sicherer den Befehl &c//lazycut &7zu verwenden.'
tip_rotate: 'Tipp: Ausrichten mit //rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Tipp: Um ein Muster zu verwenden verwende #copy'
tip_lazycut: 'Tipp: Es ist sicherer den Befehl //lazycut zu verwenden.'
tip_regen_0: 'Tipp: Benutze ein Biom mit /regen [biome]'
tip_regen_1: 'Tipp: Benutzte einen Seed mit /regen [biome] [seed]'
tip_biome_pattern: 'Tipp: Das &c#biome[forest]&7 Muster kann in jedem Befehl genutzt
tip_biome_pattern: 'Tipp: Das #biome[forest] Muster kann in jedem Befehl genutzt
tip_biome_mask: 'Tipp: Beschränke ein Biom mit der `$jungle` Maske'
tip_discord: Du benötigst Hilfe mit FAWE? https://discord.gg/ngZCzbU
tip_replace_regex: '&7Tipp: Ersetze mit regex:&c //replace .*_log <pattern>'
tip_replace_regex_2: '&7Tipp: Ersetze mit regex:&c //replace .*stairs[facing=(north|south)]
tip_replace_regex: 'Tipp: Ersetze mit regex: //replace .*_log <pattern>'
tip_replace_regex_2: 'Tipp: Ersetze mit regex: //replace .*stairs[facing=(north|south)]
tip_replace_regex_3: '&7Tipp: Ersetze mit den folgenden Operatoren:&c //replace
tip_replace_regex_3: 'Tipp: Ersetze mit den folgenden Operatoren: //replace
water[level>2] sand'
tip_replace_regex_4: '&7Tipp: Ersetze mit den folgenden Operatoren:&c //replace
tip_replace_regex_4: 'Tipp: Ersetze mit den folgenden Operatoren: //replace
true *[waterlogged=false]'
tip_replace_regex_5: '&7Tipp: Ersetze mit den folgenden Operatoren:&c //replace
tip_replace_regex_5: 'Tipp: Ersetze mit den folgenden Operatoren: //replace
true *[level-=1]'

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
prefix: '&8(&4&lFAWE&8)&r&7'
prefix: '(FAWE)'
file_deleted: '%s0 ha sido eliminado.'
schematic_pasting: '&7La schematic está peganda. Esto no se puede deshacer.'
lighting_propogate_selection: '&7La iluminación se ha propagado en %s0 chunks. (Nota:
schematic_pasting: 'La schematic está peganda. Esto no se puede deshacer.'
lighting_propogate_selection: 'La iluminación se ha propagado en %s0 chunks. (Nota:
Para quitar el uso de la luz //removelight)'
updated_lighting_selection: '&7La iluminación se ha actualizado en %s0 trozos. (Puede
updated_lighting_selection: 'La iluminación se ha actualizado en %s0 trozos. (Puede
tardar un segundo en enviar los paquetes)'
set_region: '&7Selección ajustada a su región permitida actual'
worldedit_command_limit: '&7Espere hasta que se complete la acción actual'
worldedit_delayed: '&7Espere mientras procesamos su acción ...'
worldedit_run: '&7Perdón por el retraso. Ahora ejecutando: %s0'
worldedit_complete: '&7Editar completado.'
require_selection_in_mask: '&7%s de su selección no está dentro de su máscara. Tú
set_region: 'Selección ajustada a su región permitida actual'
worldedit_command_limit: 'Espere hasta que se complete la acción actual'
worldedit_delayed: 'Espere mientras procesamos su acción ...'
worldedit_run: 'Perdón por el retraso. Ahora ejecutando: %s0'
worldedit_complete: 'Editar completado.'
require_selection_in_mask: '%s de su selección no está dentro de su máscara. Tú
sólo puede realizar ediciones dentro de las regiones permitidas.'
worldedit_volume: '&7No puede seleccionar un volumen de %current%. El volumen máximo
worldedit_volume: 'No puede seleccionar un volumen de %current%. El volumen máximo
que puede modificar es %max%.'
worldedit_iterations: '&7No se puede iterar %current% times. El número máximo de
worldedit_iterations: 'No se puede iterar %current% times. El número máximo de
iteraciones permitidas es %max%.'
worldedit_unsafe: '&7Acceso a ese comando ha sido bloqueado'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: '&4Proceso de edición insegura en %s0 por %s1'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: '&7Desabilitado FAWE tips.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: '&7Habilitado FAWE tips.'
worldedit_bypassed: '&7Consejos FAWE habilitados.'
worldedit_unmasked: '&6Las ediciones de FAWE ya no están restringidas.'
worldedit_restricted: '&6Vos ediciones de FAWE están restringidas ahora.'
worldedit_unsafe: 'Acceso a ese comando ha sido bloqueado'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: 'Proceso de edición insegura en %s0 por %s1'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: 'Desabilitado FAWE tips.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: 'Habilitado FAWE tips.'
worldedit_bypassed: 'Consejos FAWE habilitados.'
worldedit_unmasked: 'Las ediciones de FAWE ya no están restringidas.'
worldedit_restricted: 'Vos ediciones de FAWE están restringidas ahora.'
worldedit_oom_admin: |-
&cOpciones Posibles:
&8 - &7//fast
&8 - &7Para ediciones más pequeñas
&8 - &7Asignar más memoria
&8 - &7Desabilitado `max-memory-percent`
Opciones Posibles:
- //fast
- Para ediciones más pequeñas
- Asignar más memoria
- Desabilitado `max-memory-percent`
compressed: Historial comprimido. Guardado ~ %s0b (%s1x menor)
action_complete: Acción completada en %s0 segundos
worldedit_extend: '&4Es posible que tu edición se haya extendido fuera de tu región
worldedit_extend: 'Es posible que tu edición se haya extendido fuera de tu región
web_unauthorized: 'Solo se permiten enlaces desde el host web configurado: %s0'
command_syntax: '&4Usage: &7%s0'
no_perm: '&4Está faltando el nodo de permiso: %s0'
setting_disable: '&4Pregunta de ajuste: %s0'
brush_not_found: '&4Brushes disponibles: %s0'
brush_incompatible: '&cBrush no compatible con esta versión'
schematic_not_found: '&4Schematic no encontrada: &7%s0'
no_region: '&4No tienes región actual permitida'
no_mask: '&4No tienes ningún conjunto de máscara actual'
not_player: '&4Usted debe ser un jugador para realizar esta acción!'
player_not_found: '&4Jugador no encontrado:&7 %s0'
command_syntax: 'Usage: %s0'
no_perm: 'Está faltando el nodo de permiso: %s0'
setting_disable: 'Pregunta de ajuste: %s0'
brush_not_found: 'Brushes disponibles: %s0'
brush_incompatible: 'Brush no compatible con esta versión'
schematic_not_found: 'Schematic no encontrada: %s0'
no_region: 'No tienes región actual permitida'
no_mask: 'No tienes ningún conjunto de máscara actual'
not_player: 'Usted debe ser un jugador para realizar esta acción!'
player_not_found: 'Jugador no encontrado: %s0'
oom: |-
&8[&4Critical&8] &4Detected baja memoria i.e. < 1%. Tomaremos las siguientes acciones:
&8 - &7Terminate bloqueamos la colocación
&8 - &7Borrar Historia de WE
&8 - &7Unload shunk no esenciales
&8 - &7Matar entidades
&8 - &7La recogida de basura
&4Ignore esto si intenta bloquear el servidor.
&7Nota: Es probable que la memoria baja (pero no necesariamente) sea causada por WE
worldedit_some_fails: '&4%s0 bloques fueron''t pcolocado porque estaban fuera de
'[Critical] Detected baja memoria i.e. < 1%. Tomaremos las siguientes acciones:'
- Terminate bloqueamos la colocación
- Borrar Historia de WE
- Unload shunk no esenciales
- Matar entidades
- La recogida de basura
Ignore esto si intenta bloquear el servidor.
Nota: Es probable que la memoria baja (pero no necesariamente) sea causada por WE
worldedit_some_fails: '%s0 bloques fueron''t pcolocado porque estaban fuera de
su región permitida.'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: '&4Bloques perdidos: %s0'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: 'Bloques perdidos: %s0'
generating_link: Subiendo %s, por favor espere...
generating_link_failed: '&4Fallo al generar el enlace de descarga!'
generating_link_failed: 'Fallo al generar el enlace de descarga!'
download_link: '%s'
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ worldedit:
selection_shift: Región desplazada
selection_cleared: Selección borrada
navigation_wand_error: '&4Nada por lo que pasar'
navigation_wand_error: 'Nada por lo que pasar'
world_is_loaded: El mundo no debe estar en uso durante la ejecución. Descargue
el mundo, o utilice el uso -f para anular (guardar primero)
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ worldedit:
brush_target_offset_set: Establece el desplazamiento de destino en %s0
brush_equipped: Pincel Equipado %s0
brush_try_other: |-
&4Hay otros pinceles más adecuados e.g.
&8 - &7//br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
Hay otros pinceles más adecuados e.g.
- //br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
brush_copy: Haga clic con el botón izquierdo en la base de un objeto para copiar,
haga clic derecho para pegar. Incrementar el radio del pincel si es necesario.
brush_height_invalid: Archivo de mapa de altura no válido (%s0)
@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ worldedit:
rollback_element: Deshacer %s0
tool_inspect: Inspecciona la herramienta enlazada a %s0.
tool_inspect_info: '&7%s0 cambiado %s1 a %s2 %s3 hace'
tool_inspect_info_footer: '&6Total: &7%s0 changes'
tool_inspect_info: '%s0 cambiado %s1 a %s2 %s3 hace'
tool_inspect_info_footer: 'Total: %s0 changes'
tool_none: Herramienta desvinculada de su elemento actual.
tool_info: Herramienta de información vinculada a %s0.
tool_tree: Herramienta de árbol vinculada a %s0.
@ -204,16 +204,16 @@ worldedit:
schematic_page: La página debe ser %s
schematic_none: No se han encontrado archivos.
schematic_list: 'Archivos disponibles (Filename: Format) [%s0/%s1]:'
schematic_list_elem: '&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1'
schematic_prompt_clear: '&7Es posible que desee utilizar &c%s0 &7para borrar su actual primera'
schematic_list_elem: ' - %s0 - %s1'
schematic_prompt_clear: 'Es posible que desee utilizar %s0 para borrar su actual primera'
schematic_show: |-
&7Mostrando &a%s0&7 esquemas de &a%s1&7:
&8 - &aClick izquierdo &7Una estructura para configurar tu portapapeles
&8 - &aBotón derecho del ratón &7para agregar una estructura a tu multipartículas
&8 - &7Utilizar &a%s2&7 para volver al mundo
schematic_move_exists: '&c%s0 ya existe'
schematic_move_success: '&a%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '&a%s0 no movido: %s1'
Mostrando %s0 esquemas de %s1:
- Click izquierdo Una estructura para configurar tu portapapeles
- Botón derecho del ratón para agregar una estructura a tu multipartículas
- Utilizar %s2 para volver al mundo
schematic_move_exists: '%s0 ya existe'
schematic_move_success: '%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '%s0 no movido: %s1'
clipboard_cleared: Portapapeles despejado
clipboard_invalid_format: 'Formato del portapapeles desconocido: %s0'
@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ worldedit:
selector_invalid_coordinates: Coordenadas no válidas %s0
selector_already_set: Posición ya establecida.
selector_set_default: El selector de región predeterminado es ahora %s0.
selector_pos: Posicion &8[&8%s0&8] &7establecida en &8%s1 (%s2)&7.
selector_center: Centro establecido en &8%s0 (%s1).
selector_radius: Radio configurado para &8%s0 (%s1).
selector_pos: Posicion [%s0] establecida en %s1 (%s2).
selector_center: Centro establecido en %s0 (%s1).
selector_radius: Radio configurado para %s0 (%s1).
selector_expanded: Región ampliada a &(%s0 (%s1)
timezone_set: 'Zona horaria establecida para esta sesión: %s0'
@ -238,23 +238,23 @@ worldedit:
command_invalid_syntax: El comando no se usó correctamente (no hay más ayuda disponible).
command_clarifying_bracket: '&7Ajustador de clarificación añadido para &c%s0'
help_suggest: '&7Podría no encontrar %s0. Tal vez pruebe con &4%s1 &7?'
command_clarifying_bracket: 'Ajustador de clarificación añadido para %s0'
help_suggest: 'Podría no encontrar %s0. Tal vez pruebe con %s1 ?'
help_header_categories: Tipos de comando
help_header_subcommands: Subcomandos
help_header_command: '&cAyuda para: &7%s0'
help_item_allowed: '&a%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_item_denied: '&c%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_header_command: 'Ayuda para: %s0'
help_item_allowed: '%s0 - %s1'
help_item_denied: '%s0 - %s1'
help_header: 'Ayuda: Pagina %s0/%s1'
help_footer: '&7Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
help_footer: 'Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
progress_message: '%s1/%s0 (%s2%) @%s3cps %s4s izquierda'
progress_finished: '[ Hecho! ]'
worldedit_cancel_count: '&4Cancelado %s0 ediciones.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: '&7Vuestra selección es grande (%s0 -> %s1). Usar
&c//confirm &7para ejecutar &c%s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: '&4La acción de WorldEdit se canceló:&7 %s0&c.'
worldedit_cancel_count: 'Cancelado %s0 ediciones.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: 'Vuestra selección es grande (%s0 -> %s1). Usar
//confirm para ejecutar %s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: 'La acción de WorldEdit se canceló: %s0.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_manual: Cancelación manual
worldedit_cancel_reason_low_memory: Memoria baja
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_changes: Demasiados bloques cambiados
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ cancel:
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_iterations: Maximas iteraciones
worldedit_cancel_reason_no_region: No hay región permitida (bypass con /wea, o deshabilitar
`region-restrictions` en el archivo config.yml)
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: '&4Cambio de chunk ignorado: &7%s0;%s1&c. Trate de
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: 'Cambio de chunk ignorado: %s0;%s1. Trate de
aumentar chunk-wait.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_outside_level: Mundo exterior
worldedit_cancel_reason_outside_region: Fuera de la región permitida (Ulilize /wea,
@ -299,43 +299,43 @@ selection:
una cavidad de aire, utilice //pos1.'
sel_convex_polyhedral: 'Selector poliédrico convexo: clic izquierdo=primer vértice,
derecha haga clic para agregar más.'
sel_list: Para obtener una lista de tipos de selección, utilice:&4 //sel list
sel_list: 'Para obtener una lista de tipos de selección, utilice: //sel list'
sel_modes: 'Seleccione uno de los siguientes modos:'
tip_sel_list: 'Sugerencia: Consulte los diferentes modos de selección con &4//sel
tip_sel_list: 'Sugerencia: Consulte los diferentes modos de selección con //sel
tip_select_connected: 'Consejo: Seleccione todos los bloques conectados con &4//sel
tip_select_connected: 'Consejo: Seleccione todos los bloques conectados con //sel
tip_set_pos1: 'Sugerencia: utilice pos1 como patrón con &4//set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Sugerencia: Seleccione puntos distantes con &4//farwand'
tip_lazycut: '&7Sugerencia: Es más seguro usar &4//lazycut'
tip_fast: '&7Sugerencia: Ajuste rápido y sin deshacer usando &4//fast'
tip_cancel: '&7Sugerencia: Usted puede &4//cancel &7un editar en curso'
tip_mask: '&7Sugerencia: Establecer una máscara de destino global con &4/gmask'
tip_set_pos1: 'Sugerencia: utilice pos1 como patrón con //set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Sugerencia: Seleccione puntos distantes con //farwand'
tip_lazycut: 'Sugerencia: Es más seguro usar //lazycut'
tip_fast: 'Sugerencia: Ajuste rápido y sin deshacer usando //fast'
tip_cancel: 'Sugerencia: Usted puede //cancel un editar en curso'
tip_mask: 'Sugerencia: Establecer una máscara de destino global con /gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Sugerencia: Reemplace las pendientes ascendentes de 3-20 bloques
utilizando&4 //replace /[-20][-3] bedrock'
tip_set_linear: '&7Sugerencia: Establecer bloques linealmente con&4 //set [ID/wood,ID/bedrock]'
tip_surface_spread: '&7Sugerencia: Separe una superficie plana con&4 //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]'
tip_set_hand: '&7Sugerencia: Utiliza tu mano actual con &4//set hand'
tip_replace_id: '&7Sugerencia: Reemplazar sólo la ID del bloque:&4 //replace woodenstair
utilizando //replace /[-20][-3] bedrock'
tip_set_linear: 'Sugerencia: Establecer bloques linealmente con //set [ID/wood,ID/bedrock]'
tip_surface_spread: 'Sugerencia: Separe una superficie plana con //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]'
tip_set_hand: 'Sugerencia: Utiliza tu mano actual con //set hand'
tip_replace_id: 'Sugerencia: Reemplazar sólo la ID del bloque: //replace woodenstair
tip_replace_light: 'Sugerencia: Retire las fuentes de luz&4 //replace #brightness[1][15]
tip_replace_light: 'Sugerencia: Retire las fuentes de luz //replace #brightness[1][15]
tip_tab_complete: 'Sugerencia: El comando replace admite la finalización de la pestaña'
tip_flip: 'Sugerencia: Espejo con &4//flip'
tip_deform: 'Sugerencia: Reformar con &4//deform'
tip_transform: 'Sugerencia: Establecer una transformación con &4//gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Sugerencia: Pegar en clic con &c//br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Sugerencia: Establezca una máscara de origen con &4/gsmask <mask>&7'
tip_flip: 'Sugerencia: Espejo con //flip'
tip_deform: 'Sugerencia: Reformar con //deform'
tip_transform: 'Sugerencia: Establecer una transformación con //gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Sugerencia: Pegar en clic con //br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Sugerencia: Establezca una máscara de origen con /gsmask <mask>'
tip_replace_marker: 'Sugerencia: Reemplace un bloque con su portapapeles completo
usando &4//replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Sugerencia: Colocar con &4//paste'
usando //replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Sugerencia: Colocar con //paste'
tip_lazycopy: 'Sugerencia: lazycopy es más rápido'
tip_download: 'Sugerencia: Pruebe y &4//download'
tip_rotate: 'Sugerencia: Orientar con &4//rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Sugerencia: Para usar como un patrón try &4#copiar'
tip_download: 'Sugerencia: Pruebe y //download'
tip_rotate: 'Sugerencia: Orientar con //rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Sugerencia: Para usar como un patrón try #copiar'
tip_regen_0: 'Sugerencia: Utilice un bioma con /regen [biome]'
tip_regen_1: 'Sugerencia: Utilice una semilla con /regen [biome] [seed]'
tip_biome_pattern: 'Sugerencia: El &c#biome[forest]&7 pattern se puede usar en cualquier
tip_biome_pattern: 'Sugerencia: El #biome[forest] pattern se puede usar en cualquier
tip_biome_mask: 'Sugerencia: Restrinja a un bioma con la máscara `$jungle`'

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
# Updated by NShoot
prefix: '&8(&4&lFAWE&8)&r&7'
prefix: '(FAWE)'
file_deleted: '%s0 a été supprimé.'
schematic_pasting: '&7La schematic est en train d''être collée. Cette action ne
schematic_pasting: 'La schematic est en train d''être collée. Cette action ne
peut pas être annulée.'
lighting_propogate_selection: '&7L''éclairage a été propagé dans %s0 chunks. (Info
lighting_propogate_selection: 'L''éclairage a été propagé dans %s0 chunks. (Info
: Pour supprimer l''éclairage, faites //removelight)'
updated_lighting_selection: '&7L''éclairage a été mis à jour dans %s0 chunks. (Cela
updated_lighting_selection: 'L''éclairage a été mis à jour dans %s0 chunks. (Cela
devraît prendre quelques secondes pour que ce soit à jour)'
set_region: '&7La sélection a été mise pour votre région actuellement autorisée'
worldedit_command_limit: '&7Veuillez patienter le temps que vos actions en cours
set_region: 'La sélection a été mise pour votre région actuellement autorisée'
worldedit_command_limit: 'Veuillez patienter le temps que vos actions en cours
soient terminées'
worldedit_delayed: '&7Veuillez patienter pendant que votre action soit terminée.'
worldedit_run: '&7Désolé du délai. Exécution en cours: %s'
worldedit_complete: '&7Modification terminée.'
require_selection_in_mask: '&7%s de vos sélections ne sont pas dans votre masque.
worldedit_delayed: 'Veuillez patienter pendant que votre action soit terminée.'
worldedit_run: 'Désolé du délai. Exécution en cours: %s'
worldedit_complete: 'Modification terminée.'
require_selection_in_mask: '%s de vos sélections ne sont pas dans votre masque.
Vous ne pouvez effectuer des modifications que dans vos régions autorisées.'
worldedit_volume: '&7Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner un volume de %current% blocs.
worldedit_volume: 'Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner un volume de %current% blocs.
Le volume maximal que vous pouvez éditer est de %max% blocs.'
worldedit_iterations: '&7Vous ne pouvez pas faire %current% itérations. Votre nombre
worldedit_iterations: 'Vous ne pouvez pas faire %current% itérations. Votre nombre
maximal d''itérations est de %max%.'
worldedit_unsafe: '&7L''accès à cette commande est restreint.'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: '&cModification non sécurisée complétée à %s0 par
worldedit_unsafe: 'L''accès à cette commande est restreint.'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: 'Modification non sécurisée complétée à %s0 par
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: '&7Conseils désactivés.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: '&7Conseils activés.'
worldedit_bypassed: '&7Bypass de la restriction du plugin.'
worldedit_unmasked: '&6Vos éditions ne sont désormais plus restreintes.'
worldedit_restricted: '&6Vos éditions sont désormais restreintes.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: 'Conseils désactivés.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: 'Conseils activés.'
worldedit_bypassed: 'Bypass de la restriction du plugin.'
worldedit_unmasked: 'Vos éditions ne sont désormais plus restreintes.'
worldedit_restricted: 'Vos éditions sont désormais restreintes.'
worldedit_oom_admin: |-
&cOptions possibles:
&8 - &7//fast
&8 - &7Faites de petites modifications
&8 - &7Allouez plus de mémoire
&8 - &7Désactivez `max-memory-percent`
Options possibles:
- //fast
- Faites de petites modifications
- Allouez plus de mémoire
- Désactivez `max-memory-percent`
compressed: Historique compressé. Sauvegardé ~ %s0b (%s1x plus petit)
action_complete: Action complétée en %s0 secondes.
worldedit_extend: '&cVotre modification a peut-être été étendue en dehors de votre
worldedit_extend: 'Votre modification a peut-être été étendue en dehors de votre
région autorisée.'
web_unauthorized: 'Seuls les liens suivants sont autorisés : %s0'
command_syntax: '&cUtilisation : &7%s0'
no_perm: '&cIl vous manque la permission %s0'
setting_disable: '&cOption manquante : %s0'
brush_not_found: '&cBrosses disponibles : %s0'
brush_incompatible: '&cBrosse non compatible avec cette version'
schematic_not_found: '&cSchematic non trouvée : &7%s0'
no_region: '&cVous n''avez pas de région actuellement autorisée'
no_mask: '&cVous n''avez pas de masque actuel'
not_player: '&cVous devez être un joueur pour effectuer cette action !'
player_not_found: '&cJoueur non trouvé :&7 %s0'
command_syntax: 'Utilisation : %s0'
no_perm: 'Il vous manque la permission %s0'
setting_disable: 'Option manquante : %s0'
brush_not_found: 'Brosses disponibles : %s0'
brush_incompatible: 'Brosse non compatible avec cette version'
schematic_not_found: 'Schematic non trouvée : %s0'
no_region: 'Vous n''avez pas de région actuellement autorisée'
no_mask: 'Vous n''avez pas de masque actuel'
not_player: 'Vous devez être un joueur pour effectuer cette action !'
player_not_found: 'Joueur non trouvé : %s0'
oom: |-
&8[&cAttention&8] &cMémoire faible détectée (< 1%). Nous allons :
&8 - &7Terminer le placement des blocs
&8 - &7Supprimer les historiques de blocs
&8 - &7Décharger les chunks non essentiels
&8 - &7Tuer les entités
&8 - &7Vider la mémoire
&cIgnorez ceci si vous essayez de faire crash le serveur.
&7Info : La mémoire faible est causé par WE (mais pas nécessairement)
worldedit_some_fails: '&c%s0 blocs ne peuvent pas être posés car ils sont en dehors
[Attention] Mémoire faible détectée (< 1%). Nous allons :
- Terminer le placement des blocs
- Supprimer les historiques de blocs
- Décharger les chunks non essentiels
- Tuer les entités
- Vider la mémoire
Ignorez ceci si vous essayez de faire crash le serveur.
Info : La mémoire faible est causé par WE (mais pas nécessairement)
worldedit_some_fails: '%s0 blocs ne peuvent pas être posés car ils sont en dehors
de votre région autorisée.'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: '&cBlocs manquants : %s0'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: 'Blocs manquants : %s0'
block_not_allowed: Vous navez pas la permission dutiliser
generating_link: Téléversement de %s, veuillez patienter...
generating_link_failed: '&cImpossible de générer le lien.'
generating_link_failed: 'Impossible de générer le lien.'
download_link: '%s'
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ worldedit:
selection_shift: Région déplacée
selection_cleared: Sélection effacée
navigation_wand_error: '&cIl n''y a rien à traverser.'
navigation_wand_error: 'Il n''y a rien à traverser.'
world_is_loaded: Le monde ne devrait pas être utilisé lors de l'exécution. Décharger
le monde, ou utilisez -f pour passer outre (sauvegarder d'abord)
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ worldedit:
brush_target_offset_set: Définir le décalage de la cible à%s0
brush_equipped: Brosse équipée de %s0
brush_try_other: |-
&cIl existe d'autres brosses plus appropriées, par ex.
&8 - &7//br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
Il existe d'autres brosses plus appropriées, par ex.
- //br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
brush_copy: Clic gauche sur la base d'un objet à copier, clic droit pour coller.
Augmentez le rayon de la brosse si nécessaire.
brush_height_invalid: Hauteur de la carte invalide (%s0)
@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ worldedit:
rollback_element: Rollback de %s0
tool_inspect: Outil d'inspection lié à %s0.
tool_inspect_info: '&7%s0 a changé %s1 à %s2 il y a %s3'
tool_inspect_info_footer: '&6Total : &7%s0 modifications'
tool_inspect_info: '%s0 a changé %s1 à %s2 il y a %s3'
tool_inspect_info_footer: 'Total : %s0 modifications'
tool_none: L'outil plus reliée à l'élément courant.
tool_info: Outil d'information lié à %s0.
tool_tree: Outil d'arbres lié à %s0.
@ -218,23 +218,23 @@ worldedit:
nothing_confirmed: Vous n'avez aucune action en attente de confirmation.
page_footer: Utilisez %s0 pour aller à la page suivante.
schematic_prompt_clear: '&7Vous voudriez peut-être utiliser &c%s0 &7pour effacer
schematic_prompt_clear: 'Vous voudriez peut-être utiliser %s0 pour effacer
votre actuel presse-papier'
schematic_show: |-
&7Affichage de &a%s0&7 schématiques depuis &a%s1&7:
&8 - &aClic gauche &7> une structure à mettre dans le presse-papier
&8 - &aClic droit &7> pour mettre une structure dans le presse-papier multiple
&8 - &7Utilisez &a%s2&7 pour revenir au monde
Affichage de %s0 schématiques depuis %s1:
- Clic gauche > une structure à mettre dans le presse-papier
- Clic droit > pour mettre une structure dans le presse-papier multiple
- Utilisez %s2 pour revenir au monde
schematic_format: 'Formats disponibles (nom: Noms de recherche)'
schematic_move_exists: '&c%s0 existe déjà'
schematic_move_success: '&a%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '&a%s0 non déplacé : %s1'
schematic_move_exists: '%s0 existe déjà'
schematic_move_success: '%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '%s0 non déplacé : %s1'
schematic_loaded: '%s0 chargé. Collez-le avec //paste'
schematic_saved: '%s0 sauvegardé.'
schematic_page: La page doit-être %s
schematic_none: Aucun fichier trouvé.
schematic_list: 'Fichiers disponibles (nom du fichier: Format) [%s0/%s1]:'
schematic_list_elem: '&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1'
schematic_list_elem: ' - %s0 - %s1'
clipboard_uri_not_found: Vous n'avez pas %s0 chargé.
clipboard_cleared: Presse-papier effacé
@ -260,31 +260,31 @@ worldedit:
command_invalid_syntax: La commande n'a pas été utilisée correctement. (aucune
aide disponible).
command_clarifying_bracket: '&7Ajout d''un crochet de clarification pour &c%s0'
help_suggest: '&7Impossible de trouver %s0. Essayez une des &c%s1 &7?'
command_clarifying_bracket: 'Ajout d''un crochet de clarification pour %s0'
help_suggest: 'Impossible de trouver %s0. Essayez une des %s1 ?'
help_header_categories: Types de commandes
help_header_subcommands: Sous commandes
help_header_command: '&cAide pour : &7%s0'
help_item_allowed: '&a%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_item_denied: '&c%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_header_command: 'Aide pour : %s0'
help_item_allowed: '%s0 - %s1'
help_item_denied: '%s0 - %s1'
help_header: 'Aide : page %s0/%s1'
help_footer: '&7Wiki anglais : https://git.io/vSKE5'
help_footer: 'Wiki anglais : https://git.io/vSKE5'
block_cycler_cannot_cycle: Le data de ce bloc ne peut pas être cyclé!
block_cycler_limit: Limite du nombre maximal de blocs changeable atteinte.
block_cycler_no_perm: '&cVous nêtes pas autorisé à cycler la valeur du data de ce bloc.'
block_cycler_no_perm: 'Vous nêtes pas autorisé à cycler la valeur du data de ce bloc.'
scripting_no_perm: '&cVous navez pas la permission dexécuter ce script de fabrication'
scripting_no_perm: 'Vous navez pas la permission dexécuter ce script de fabrication'
scripting_cs: Utilisez /cs avec un nom de script avant.
scripting_error: Une erreur sest produite lors de lexécution dun script de fabrication.
progress_message: '%s1/%s0 (%s2%) @%s3bps %s4s restants'
progress_finished: '[ Terminé ! ]'
worldedit_cancel_count: '&cModifications %s0 annulées.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: '&7Votre sélection est large (&c%s0 &7-> &c%s1&7,
contenant &c%s3&7 blocs). Faites &c//confirm &7pour exécuter &c%s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: '&cVotre action a été annulée :&7 %s0&c.'
worldedit_cancel_count: 'Modifications %s0 annulées.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: 'Votre sélection est large (%s0 -> %s1,
contenant %s3 blocs). Faites //confirm pour exécuter %s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: 'Votre action a été annulée : %s0.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_manual: Annulation humaine
worldedit_cancel_reason_low_memory: Mémoire trop faible
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_changes: Trop de blocs modifiés
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ cancel:
avec /wea, ou désactivez `region-restrictions` dans la configuration)
worldedit_cancel_reason_no_region: Région non autorisée (bypass avec /wea, ou désactivez
`region-restrictions` dans la configuration)
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: '&cChargement du chunk ignoré : &7%s0;%s1&c. Essayez
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: 'Chargement du chunk ignoré : %s0;%s1. Essayez
d''augmenter chunk-wait.'
ascend_fail: Aucune place libre au-dessus de vous n'a été trouvée
@ -326,53 +326,52 @@ selection:
clic droit. à ajouter. Pour sélectionner une cavité d''air, utilisez //pos1.'
sel_convex_polyhedral: 'Sélecteur polyédrique convexe : Clic gauche=Premier sommet,
droite, droite cliquez pour en ajouter d''autres.'
sel_list: Pour une liste de types de sélection, faites &c //sel list
sel_list: Pour une liste de types de sélection, faites //sel list
sel_modes: 'Sélectionnez un des modes en dessous :'
tip_sel_list: 'Astuce : Voir les différents modes de sélection avec &c//sel list'
tip_sel_list: 'Astuce : Voir les différents modes de sélection avec //sel list'
tip_select_connected: Astuce, Sélectionner tous les blocs connectés avec //sel fuzzy'
tip_set_pos1: Astuce, Utilisez pos1 comme motif avec &c//set pos1
tip_farwand: Astuce, Sélectionnez les points distants avec &c//farwand.'
tip_set_pos1: Astuce, Utilisez pos1 comme motif avec //set pos1
tip_farwand: Astuce, Sélectionnez les points distants avec //farwand.'
tip_discord: 'Besoin d''aide ? Aide en anglais disponible : https://discord.gg/ngZCzbU'
tip_lazycut: '&7Conseil, Il est plus sûr d''utiliser &c//lazycut'
tip_fast: '&7Astuce, Définir rapidement et sans défaire en utilisant &c//fas'
tip_cancel: '&7Astuce, Vous pouvez &c//cancel &7et éditer en cours de traitement.'
tip_mask: '&7Astuce, Définir un masque de destination globale avec &c/gmask'
tip_mask_angle: '&7Astuce, Remplacer les pentes ascendantes de 3-20 blocs en faisant&c
tip_lazycut: 'Conseil, Il est plus sûr d''utiliser //lazycut'
tip_fast: 'Astuce, Définir rapidement et sans défaire en utilisant //fas'
tip_cancel: 'Astuce, Vous pouvez //cancel et éditer en cours de traitement.'
tip_mask: 'Astuce, Définir un masque de destination globale avec /gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Astuce, Remplacer les pentes ascendantes de 3-20 blocs en faisant
//replace /[-20][-3] bedrock'
tip_set_linear: '&7Conseil, Définissez les blocs de manière linéaire avec&c //set
tip_set_linear: 'Conseil, Définissez les blocs de manière linéaire avec //set
tip_surface_spread: '&7Conseil, Étendez une surface plane à l''aide de&c //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]'
tip_set_hand: '&7Astuce, Utilisez votre main actuelle avec &c//set hand'
tip_replace_regex: '&7Tip, Remplacer à l''aide de regex :&c //replace .*_log <pattern>'
tip_replace_regex_2: '&7Tip, Remplacer à l''aide de regex :&c //replace .*stairs[facing=(north|south)]
tip_surface_spread: 'Conseil, Étendez une surface plane à l''aide de //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]'
tip_set_hand: 'Astuce, Utilisez votre main actuelle avec //set hand'
tip_replace_regex: 'Tip, Remplacer à l''aide de regex : //replace .*_log <pattern>'
tip_replace_regex_2: 'Tip, Remplacer à l''aide de regex : //replace .*stairs[facing=(north|south)]
tip_replace_regex_3: '&7Tip, Remplacer à l''aide des opérateurs :&c //replace water[level>2]
tip_replace_regex_3: 'Tip, Remplacer à l''aide des opérateurs : //replace water[level>2]
tip_replace_regex_4: '&7Tip, Remplacer à l''aide des opérateurs :&c //replace true
tip_replace_regex_4: 'Tip, Remplacer à l''aide des opérateurs : //replace true
tip_replace_regex_5: '&7Tip, Remplacer à l''aide des opérateurs :&c //replace true
tip_replace_regex_5: 'Tip, Remplacer à l''aide des opérateurs : //replace true
tip_replace_id: '&7Tip, Remplacez seulement l''ID du bloc :&c //replace woodenstair
tip_replace_id: 'Tip, Remplacez seulement l''ID du bloc : //replace woodenstair
tip_replace_light: 'Tip, Remplacez seulement les sources de lumière :&c //replace
tip_replace_light: 'Tip, Remplacez seulement les sources de lumière : //replace
#brightness[1][15] 0'
tip_tab_complete: Tip, La commande de remplacement prend en charge la complétion
du tab.
tip_flip: Tip, Flip avec &c//flip
tip_deform: Tip, Remodeler avec &c//deform
tip_transform: Tip, Sélectionnez une transformation avec &c//gtransform
tip_copypaste: Tip, Collez en cliquant avec &c//br copypaste
tip_source_mask: Tip, Sélectionnez un masque source avec &c/gsmask <mask>&7
tip_flip: Tip, Flip avec //flip
tip_deform: Tip, Remodeler avec //deform
tip_transform: Tip, Sélectionnez une transformation avec //gtransform
tip_copypaste: Tip, Collez en cliquant avec //br copypaste
tip_source_mask: Tip, Sélectionnez un masque source avec /gsmask <mask>
tip_replace_marker: 'Tip, Remplacez un bloc avec votre presse-papier entier avec
&c//replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: Tip, Collez avec &c//paste
//replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: Tip, Collez avec //paste
tip_lazycopy: Tip, LazyCopy est plus rapide
tip_download: Tip, Essayez &c//download
tip_rotate: Tip, Orientez vos sélections avec &c//rotate
tip_copy_pattern: Tip, Utilisez un type de pattern avec &c#copy
tip_download: Tip, Essayez //download
tip_rotate: Tip, Orientez vos sélections avec //rotate
tip_copy_pattern: 'Tip, Utilisez un type de pattern avec #copy'
tip_regen_0: Tip, Utilisez un biome avec /regen [biome]
tip_regen_1: Tip, Utilisez un seed avec /regen [biome] [seed]
tip_biome_pattern: Tip, Le pattern &c#biome[forest]&7 peut être utilisé dans une
quelconque commande
tip_biome_pattern: Tip, Le pattern '#biome[forest] peut être utilisé dans une quelconque commande'
tip_biome_mask: Tip, Mettez une restriction de biome en utilisant le masque `$jungle`

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
prefix: '&8(&4&lFAWE&8)&r&7'
prefix: '(FAWE)'
file_deleted: '%s0 è stato eliminato.'
schematic_pasting: '&7La schematica si sta incollando. Questo non può essere annullato.'
lighting_propogate_selection: '&7L''illuminazione è stata propagata in %s0 chunk. (Nota: Per rimuovere la luce usa //removelight)'
updated_lighting_selection: '&7L''illuminazione è stata aggiornata in %s0 chunk. (Può richiedere un secondo per i pacchetti da inviare)'
set_region: '&7Selezione impostata alla tua regione attuale consentita'
worldedit_command_limit: '&7Attendi fino al completamento della tua azione corrente'
worldedit_delayed: '&7Attendi durante l''elaborazione della tua azione di FAWE...'
worldedit_run: '&7Scuse per il ritardo. Ora in esecuzione: %s'
worldedit_complete: '&7Modifica completata.'
require_selection_in_mask: '&7%s della tua selezione non è nella tua maschera. Puoi solo fare modifiche all''interno delle regioni consentite.'
worldedit_volume: '&7Non puoi selezionare un volume di %current%. Il volume massimo che puoi modificare è %max%.'
worldedit_iterations: '&7Non puoi iterare %current% volte. Il numero massimo di interazioni consentite è %max%.'
worldedit_unsafe: '&7L''accesso a quel comando è stato bloccato'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: '&cModifica non sicura elaborata a %s0 da %s1'
worldedit_bypass: '&7&oPer bypassare le tue restrizioni usa &c/wea'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: '&7Suggerimenti di FAWE disabilitati.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: '&7Suggerimenti di FAWE abilitati.'
worldedit_bypassed: '&7Attualmente bypassando la restrizione di FAWE.'
worldedit_unmasked: '&6Le tue modifiche di FAWE non sono più soggette a restrizioni.'
worldedit_restricted: '&6Le tue modifiche di FAWE sono ora soggette a restrizioni.'
schematic_pasting: 'La schematica si sta incollando. Questo non può essere annullato.'
lighting_propogate_selection: 'L''illuminazione è stata propagata in %s0 chunk. (Nota: Per rimuovere la luce usa //removelight)'
updated_lighting_selection: 'L''illuminazione è stata aggiornata in %s0 chunk. (Può richiedere un secondo per i pacchetti da inviare)'
set_region: 'Selezione impostata alla tua regione attuale consentita'
worldedit_command_limit: 'Attendi fino al completamento della tua azione corrente'
worldedit_delayed: 'Attendi durante l''elaborazione della tua azione di FAWE...'
worldedit_run: 'Scuse per il ritardo. Ora in esecuzione: %s'
worldedit_complete: 'Modifica completata.'
require_selection_in_mask: '%s della tua selezione non è nella tua maschera. Puoi solo fare modifiche all''interno delle regioni consentite.'
worldedit_volume: 'Non puoi selezionare un volume di %current%. Il volume massimo che puoi modificare è %max%.'
worldedit_iterations: 'Non puoi iterare %current% volte. Il numero massimo di interazioni consentite è %max%.'
worldedit_unsafe: 'L''accesso a quel comando è stato bloccato'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: 'Modifica non sicura elaborata a %s0 da %s1'
worldedit_bypass: 'Per bypassare le tue restrizioni usa /wea'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: 'Suggerimenti di FAWE disabilitati.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: 'Suggerimenti di FAWE abilitati.'
worldedit_bypassed: 'Attualmente bypassando la restrizione di FAWE.'
worldedit_unmasked: 'Le tue modifiche di FAWE non sono più soggette a restrizioni.'
worldedit_restricted: 'Le tue modifiche di FAWE sono ora soggette a restrizioni.'
worldedit_oom_admin: |-
&cOpzioni possibili:
&8 - &7//fast
&8 - &7Fai modifiche più piccole
&8 - &7Alloca più memoria
&8 - &7Disabilita `max-memory-percent`
Opzioni possibili:
- //fast
- Fai modifiche più piccole
- Alloca più memoria
- Disabilita `max-memory-percent`
compressed: Cronologia compressa. Risparmiati ~ %s0b (%s1x più piccola)
action_complete: Azione completata in %s0 secondi
worldedit_extend: '&cLa tua modifica potrebbe essere stata estesa al di fuori della tua area consentita.'
worldedit_extend: 'La tua modifica potrebbe essere stata estesa al di fuori della tua area consentita.'
web_unauthorized: 'Sono consentiti solo i link dall''host web configurato: %s0'
command_syntax: '&cUso: &7%s0'
no_perm: '&cTi manca il permesso: %s0'
setting_disable: '&cImpostazione mancante: %s0'
brush_not_found: '&cPennelli disponibili: %s0'
brush_incompatible: '&cPennello non compatibile con questa versione'
schematic_not_found: '&cSchematica non trovata: &7%s0'
no_region: '&cAttualmente non hai una regione consentita'
no_mask: '&cAttualmente non hai una maschera impostata'
not_player: '&cDevi essere un giocatore per eseguire questa azione!'
player_not_found: '&cGiocatore non trovato:&7 %s0'
command_syntax: 'Uso: %s0'
no_perm: 'Ti manca il permesso: %s0'
setting_disable: 'Impostazione mancante: %s0'
brush_not_found: 'Pennelli disponibili: %s0'
brush_incompatible: 'Pennello non compatibile con questa versione'
schematic_not_found: 'Schematica non trovata: %s0'
no_region: 'Attualmente non hai una regione consentita'
no_mask: 'Attualmente non hai una maschera impostata'
not_player: 'Devi essere un giocatore per eseguire questa azione!'
player_not_found: 'Giocatore non trovato: %s0'
oom: |-
&8[&cCritico&8] &cRilevata poca memoria cioè < 1%. Prenderemo le seguenti azioni:
&8 - &7Terminare il posizionamento di WE dei blocchi
&8 - &7Cancellare la cronologia di WE
&8 - &7Scaricare i chunk non essenziali
&8 - &7Uccidere le entità
&8 - &7Eseguire un garbage collector
&cIgnora questo se stai cercando di far crashare il server.
&7Nota: La carenza di memoria è probabilmente (ma non necessariamente) causata da WE
worldedit_some_fails: '&c%s0 blocchi non sono stati piazzati perché erano fuori dalla tua regione consentita.'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: '&cBlocchi mancanti: %s0'
[Critico] Rilevata poca memoria cioè < 1%. Prenderemo le seguenti azioni:
- Terminare il posizionamento di WE dei blocchi
- Cancellare la cronologia di WE
- Scaricare i chunk non essenziali
- Uccidere le entità
- Eseguire un garbage collector
Ignora questo se stai cercando di far crashare il server.
Nota: La carenza di memoria è probabilmente (ma non necessariamente) causata da WE
worldedit_some_fails: '%s0 blocchi non sono stati piazzati perché erano fuori dalla tua regione consentita.'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: 'Blocchi mancanti: %s0'
generating_link: Caricando %s, si prega di attendere...
generating_link_failed: '&cFallita la generazione del link di download!'
generating_link_failed: 'Fallita la generazione del link di download!'
download_link: '%s'
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ worldedit:
selection_shift: Regione spostata
selection_cleared: Selezione cancellata
navigation_wand_error: '&cNiente da attraversare'
navigation_wand_error: 'Niente da attraversare'
world_is_loaded: Il mondo non dovrebbe essere in uso durante l''esecuzione. Scarica il mondo, o usa -f per sovrascriverlo (salvalo prima)
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ worldedit:
brush_target_offset_set: Impostato l'offset di destinazione a %s0
brush_equipped: Equipaggiato il pennello %s0
brush_try_other: |-
&cCi sono altri pennelli più adatti es.
&8 - &7//br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
Ci sono altri pennelli più adatti es.
- //br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
brush_copy: Click sinistro sulla base di un oggetto da copiare, click destro per incollare. Aumenta il raggio del pennello se necessario.
brush_height_invalid: File della height map non valido (%s0)
brush_smooth: 'Nota: Usa il pennello sfumato per levigare sporgenze o grotte.'
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ worldedit:
rollback_element: Annullando %s0
tool_inspect: Strumento di ispezione associato a %s0.
tool_inspect_info: '&7%s0 ha modificato %s1 a %s2 %s3 fa'
tool_inspect_info_footer: '&6Totale: &7%s0 modifiche'
tool_inspect_info: '%s0 ha modificato %s1 a %s2 %s3 fa'
tool_inspect_info_footer: 'Totale: %s0 modifiche'
tool_none: Strumento disassociato dal tuo oggetto corrente.
tool_info: Strumento di informazioni associato a %s0.
tool_tree: Strumento di generazione di alberi associato a %s0.
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ worldedit:
schematic_page: La pagina deve essere %s
schematic_none: Nessun file trovato.
schematic_list: 'File disponibili (Nome file: Formato) [%s0/%s1]:'
schematic_list_elem: '&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1'
schematic_list_elem: ' - %s0 - %s1'
clipboard_uri_not_found: Non hai %s0 caricato
clipboard_cleared: Appunti cancellati
@ -214,22 +214,22 @@ worldedit:
command_invalid_syntax: Il comando non è stato usato correttamente (nessun altro aiuto disponibile).
command_clarifying_bracket: '&7Aggiunta una parentesi di chiarimento per &c%s0'
help_suggest: '&7Non è stato possibile trovare %s0. Forse provane uno di &c%s1 &7?'
command_clarifying_bracket: 'Aggiunta una parentesi di chiarimento per %s0'
help_suggest: 'Non è stato possibile trovare %s0. Forse provane uno di %s1 ?'
help_header_categories: Tipi di Comando
help_header_subcommands: Sottocomandi
help_header_command: '&cAiuto per: &7%s0'
help_item_allowed: '&a%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_item_denied: '&c%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_header_command: 'Aiuto per: %s0'
help_item_allowed: '%s0 - %s1'
help_item_denied: '%s0 - %s1'
help_header: 'Aiuto: pagina %s0/%s1'
help_footer: '&7Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
help_footer: 'Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
progress_message: '%s1/%s0 (%s2%) @%s3cps %s4s rimanenti'
progress_finished: '[ Fatto! ]'
worldedit_cancel_count: '&cCancellate %s0 modifiche.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: '&7La tua selezione è grande (%s0 -> %s1). Usa &c//confirm &7per eseguire &c%s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: '&cLa tua azione WorldEdit è stata cancellata:&7 %s0&c.'
worldedit_cancel_count: 'Cancellate %s0 modifiche.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: 'La tua selezione è grande (%s0 -> %s1). Usa //confirm per eseguire %s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: 'La tua azione WorldEdit è stata cancellata: %s0.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_manual: Cancellazione manuale
worldedit_cancel_reason_low_memory: Poca memoria
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_changes: Troppi blocchi cambiati
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ cancel:
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_iterations: Iterazioni massime
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_fails: Fuori dalla regione consentita (bypassa con /wea, o disabilita `region-restrictions` in config.yml)
worldedit_cancel_reason_no_region: Nessuna regione consentita (bypassa con /wea, o disabilita `region-restrictions` in config.yml)
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: '&cSaltato il caricamento del chunk: &7%s0;%s1&c. Prova aumentando chunk-wait.'
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: 'Saltato il caricamento del chunk: %s0;%s1. Prova aumentando chunk-wait.'
ascend_fail: Nessun posto libero trovato sopra di te.
ascended_plural: Asceso di %s0 livelli.
@ -263,36 +263,36 @@ selection:
sel_max: '%s0 punti al massimo.'
sel_fuzzy: 'Selettore sfocato: Click sinistro per selezionare tutti i blocchi contingenti, click destro per aggiungere. Per selezionare una cavità d''aria, usa //pos1.'
sel_convex_polyhedral: 'Selettore poliedrico convesso: Click sinistro=Primo vertice, click destro per aggiungerne altri.'
sel_list: Per una lista di tipi di selezione usa:&c //sel list
sel_list: 'Per una lista di tipi di selezione usa: //sel list'
sel_modes: 'Seleziona una delle modalità qui sotto:'
tip_sel_list: 'Consiglio: Vedi le diverse modalità di selezione con &c//sel list'
tip_sel_list: 'Consiglio: Vedi le diverse modalità di selezione con //sel list'
tip_select_connected: 'Consiglio: Seleziona tutti i blocchi collegati con //sel fuzzy'
tip_set_pos1: 'Consiglio: Usa pos1 come un pattern con &c//set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Consiglio: Seleziona i punti distanti con &c//farwand'
tip_lazycut: '&7Consiglio: È più sicuro usare &c//lazycut'
tip_fast: '&7Consiglio: Imposta velocemente e senza l''annullamento usando &c//fast'
tip_cancel: '&7Consiglio: Puoi cancellare con &c//cancel &7una modifica in corso'
tip_mask: '&7Consiglio: Imposta una maschera di destinazione globale con &c/gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Consiglio: Sostituire le pendenze verso l''alto di 3-20 blocchi usando&c //replace /[-20][-3] bedrock'
tip_set_linear: '&7Consiglio: Imposta i blocchi linearmente con&c //set #l3d[wood,bedrock]'
tip_surface_spread: '&7Consiglio: Propaga una superficie piana con&c //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]'
tip_set_hand: '&7Consiglio: Usa la tua mano attuale con &c//set hand'
tip_replace_id: '&7Consiglio: Sostituisci solo l''id del blocco:&c //replace woodenstair #id[cobblestair]'
tip_replace_light: 'Consiglio: Rimuovi le sorgenti di luce con&c //replace #brightness[1][15] 0'
tip_set_pos1: 'Consiglio: Usa pos1 come un pattern con //set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Consiglio: Seleziona i punti distanti con //farwand'
tip_lazycut: 'Consiglio: È più sicuro usare //lazycut'
tip_fast: 'Consiglio: Imposta velocemente e senza l''annullamento usando //fast'
tip_cancel: 'Consiglio: Puoi cancellare con //cancel una modifica in corso'
tip_mask: 'Consiglio: Imposta una maschera di destinazione globale con /gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Consiglio: Sostituire le pendenze verso l''alto di 3-20 blocchi usando //replace /[-20][-3] bedrock'
tip_set_linear: 'Consiglio: Imposta i blocchi linearmente con //set #l3d[wood,bedrock]'
tip_surface_spread: 'Consiglio: Propaga una superficie piana con //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]'
tip_set_hand: 'Consiglio: Usa la tua mano attuale con //set hand'
tip_replace_id: 'Consiglio: Sostituisci solo l''id del blocco: //replace woodenstair #id[cobblestair]'
tip_replace_light: 'Consiglio: Rimuovi le sorgenti di luce con //replace #brightness[1][15] 0'
tip_tab_complete: 'Consiglio: Il comando replace supporta il completamento del tabulatore'
tip_flip: 'Consiglio: Specchia con &c//flip'
tip_deform: 'Consiglio: Rimodella con &c//deform'
tip_transform: 'Consiglio: Imposta una trasformazione con &c//gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Consiglio: Incolla al click con &c//br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Consiglio: Imposta una maschera sorgente con &c/gsmask <maschera>&7'
tip_replace_marker: 'Consiglio: Sostituisci un blocco con i tuoi appunti completi usando &c//replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Consiglio: Colloca con &c//paste'
tip_flip: 'Consiglio: Specchia con //flip'
tip_deform: 'Consiglio: Rimodella con //deform'
tip_transform: 'Consiglio: Imposta una trasformazione con //gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Consiglio: Incolla al click con //br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Consiglio: Imposta una maschera sorgente con /gsmask <maschera>'
tip_replace_marker: 'Consiglio: Sostituisci un blocco con i tuoi appunti completi usando //replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Consiglio: Colloca con //paste'
tip_lazycopy: 'Consiglio: lazycopy è più veloce'
tip_download: 'Consiglio: Prova &c//download'
tip_rotate: 'Consiglio: Orienta con &c//rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Consiglio: Per usarlo come un pattern prova &c#copy'
tip_download: 'Consiglio: Prova //download'
tip_rotate: 'Consiglio: Orienta con //rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Consiglio: Per usarlo come un pattern prova #copy'
tip_regen_0: 'Consiglio: Usa un bioma con /regen [biome]'
tip_regen_1: 'Consiglio: Usa un seme con /regen [biome] [seed]'
tip_biome_pattern: 'Consiglio: Il pattern &c#biome[forest]&7 può essere usato in qualsiasi comando'
tip_biome_pattern: 'Consiglio: Il pattern #biome[forest] può essere usato in qualsiasi comando'
tip_biome_mask: 'Consiglio: Limita a un bioma con la maschera `$jungle`'

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
# Translated and updated by RainbowGodDouwe
prefix: '&8(&4&lFAWE&8)&r&7'
prefix: '(FAWE)'
file_deleted: '%s0 Is verwijderd.'
schematic_pasting: '&7Het schematic wordt geplaatst. dit kan niet veranderd worden.'
lighting_propogate_selection: '&7Het licht heeft zich verspreid in %s0 chunks. (Note:
schematic_pasting: 'Het schematic wordt geplaatst. dit kan niet veranderd worden.'
lighting_propogate_selection: 'Het licht heeft zich verspreid in %s0 chunks. (Note:
om het licht te verwijderen, doe //removelight)'
updated_lighting_selection: '&7Lighting is geüpdatet in %s0 chunks. (het kan even
updated_lighting_selection: 'Lighting is geüpdatet in %s0 chunks. (het kan even
duren voordat de packets worden verstuurd)'
set_region: '&7Toegestaande regio geselecteerd'
worldedit_command_limit: '&7U kunt weer verder gaan wanneer uw vorige actie voltooid
set_region: 'Toegestaande regio geselecteerd'
worldedit_command_limit: 'U kunt weer verder gaan wanneer uw vorige actie voltooid
worldedit_delayed: '&7U kunt weer verder gaan wanneer wij uw FAWE action voltooien...'
worldedit_run: '&7Sorry voor het ongemak. huidige uitvoerende actie: %s'
worldedit_complete: '&7Verandering voldaan.'
require_selection_in_mask: '&7%s Van je selectie is niet binnen je mask. Je kan
worldedit_delayed: 'U kunt weer verder gaan wanneer wij uw FAWE action voltooien...'
worldedit_run: 'Sorry voor het ongemak. huidige uitvoerende actie: %s'
worldedit_complete: 'Verandering voldaan.'
require_selection_in_mask: '%s Van je selectie is niet binnen je mask. Je kan
alleen veranderingen uitvoeren in de toegestaande regio.'
worldedit_volume: '&7Je kan niet een volume van %current% toepassen. Het maximum
worldedit_volume: 'Je kan niet een volume van %current% toepassen. Het maximum
volume dat je kan toepassen is %max%.'
worldedit_iterations: '&7Je kan %current% niet zoveel keer herhalen. het maximale
worldedit_iterations: 'Je kan %current% niet zoveel keer herhalen. het maximale
wat toegestaan is, is %max%.'
worldedit_unsafe: '&7Toegang tot deze command is geblokkeerd'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: '&cNnveilige edits zijn verwerkt op %s0 by %s1'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: '&7Disabled FAWE tips.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: '&7De FAWE tips staan nu aan.'
worldedit_bypassed: '&7De restrictie of FAWE wordt nu overscheiden.'
worldedit_unmasked: '&6Je FAWE edits hebben nu geen restrictie meer.'
worldedit_restricted: '&6Je FAWE edits hebben nu een restrictie.'
worldedit_unsafe: 'Toegang tot deze command is geblokkeerd'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: 'Nnveilige edits zijn verwerkt op %s0 by %s1'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: 'Disabled FAWE tips.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: 'De FAWE tips staan nu aan.'
worldedit_bypassed: 'De restrictie of FAWE wordt nu overscheiden.'
worldedit_unmasked: 'Je FAWE edits hebben nu geen restrictie meer.'
worldedit_restricted: 'Je FAWE edits hebben nu een restrictie.'
worldedit_oom_admin: |-
&cMogelijke opties:
&8 - &7//fast
&8 - &7Voer kleinere bewerkingen uit
&8 - &7Wijs meer geheugen toe
&8 - &7Disable `max-memory-percent`
Mogelijke opties:
- //fast
- Voer kleinere bewerkingen uit
- Wijs meer geheugen toe
- Disable `max-memory-percent`
compressed: Geschiedenis gecomprimeerd. Saved ~ %s0b (%s1x kleiner)
action_complete: Uitvoering is over %s0 voltooid.
worldedit_extend: '&cje edit is waarschijnlijk buiten het toegestaande gebied gekomen.'
worldedit_extend: 'je edit is waarschijnlijk buiten het toegestaande gebied gekomen.'
web_unauthorized: 'alleen links van de configureerde webhost zijn toegestaan: %s0'
command_syntax: '&cGebruik: &7%s0'
no_perm: '&cje hebt hier geen permission node voor: %s0'
setting_disable: '&cSetting ontbreekt: %s0'
brush_not_found: '&cBruikbare brushes: %s0'
brush_incompatible: '&cDeze brush kan niet in deze versie gebruikt worden'
schematic_not_found: '&cSchematic niet gevonden: &7%s0'
no_region: '&cJe hebt momenteel geen toegestaand gebied'
no_mask: '&cJe hebt momenteel geen brush geselecteerd'
not_player: '&cJe moet een speler zijn om dit te doen!'
player_not_found: '&cSpeler niet gevonden:&7 %s0'
command_syntax: 'Gebruik: %s0'
no_perm: 'je hebt hier geen permission node voor: %s0'
setting_disable: 'Setting ontbreekt: %s0'
brush_not_found: 'Bruikbare brushes: %s0'
brush_incompatible: 'Deze brush kan niet in deze versie gebruikt worden'
schematic_not_found: 'Schematic niet gevonden: %s0'
no_region: 'Je hebt momenteel geen toegestaand gebied'
no_mask: 'Je hebt momenteel geen brush geselecteerd'
not_player: 'Je moet een speler zijn om dit te doen!'
player_not_found: 'Speler niet gevonden: %s0'
oom: |-
&8[&cCritical&8] &cGedetecteerd laag geheugen i.e. < 1%. We zullen de volgende acties ondernemen:
&8 - &7Verwijder de huidige WE blok plaatsing
&8 - &7Clear WE history
&8 - &7Unload non essential chunks
&8 - &7Dood de entities
&8 - &7Onnodige data collecteren
&cNegeer dit als je de server wilt laten crashen.
&7Note: Een laag opslagvermogen kan door WE veroorzaakt worden (dit hoeft niet)
worldedit_some_fails: '&c%s0 Blokken zijn niet geplaats omdat ze uit je toegestaande
[Critical] Gedetecteerd laag geheugen i.e. < 1%. We zullen de volgende acties ondernemen:
- Verwijder de huidige WE blok plaatsing
- Clear WE history
- Unload non essential chunks
- Dood de entities
- Onnodige data collecteren
Negeer dit als je de server wilt laten crashen.
Note: Een laag opslagvermogen kan door WE veroorzaakt worden (dit hoeft niet)
worldedit_some_fails: '%s0 Blokken zijn niet geplaats omdat ze uit je toegestaande
gebied werden geplaatst.'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: '&coOntbrekende blokken: %s0'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: 'oOntbrekende blokken: %s0'
block_not_allowed: Het is niet toegestaan om dit te gebruiken
generating_link: Uploading %s, even geduld A.U.B...
generating_link_failed: '&cDe donwload link kon niet worden gemaakt!'
generating_link_failed: 'De donwload link kon niet worden gemaakt!'
download_link: '%s'
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ worldedit:
selection_shift: Region verzet
selection_cleared: Selectie verwijderd
navigation_wand_error: '&cNergens om door heen te gaan'
navigation_wand_error: 'Nergens om door heen te gaan'
world_is_loaded: de wereld zou niet in gebruik moeten zijn wanneer er een uitvoering
wordt gedaan. onlaad de wereld, of gebruik -f om het te overschrijden (save
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ worldedit:
brush_target_offset_set: Uitschietting van de target gezet tot %s0
brush_equipped: Brush in gebruik %s0
brush_try_other: |-
&cEr zijn betere brushes hier voor te gebruiken e.g.
&8 - &7//br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
Er zijn betere brushes hier voor te gebruiken e.g.
- //br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
brush_copy: Links klik de fundering van de constructie om te kopieëren, rechts
klik om te plakken. Verhoog de brush Settings als dat mogelijk is.
brush_height_invalid: Onvalide hoogte map file (%s0)
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ worldedit:
rollback_element: Aan %s0 het ontdaan maken.
tool_inspect: Inspect tool gebonden aan %s0.
tool_inspect_info: '&7%s0 veranderd %s1 to %s2 %s3 geleden'
tool_inspect_info_footer: '&6Totaal: &7%s0 veranderingen'
tool_inspect_info: '%s0 veranderd %s1 to %s2 %s3 geleden'
tool_inspect_info_footer: 'Totaal: %s0 veranderingen'
tool_none: De tool is niet meer gebonden aan je item.
tool_info: Info tool gebonden aan %s0.
tool_tree: Tree tool gebonden aan %s0.
@ -214,23 +214,23 @@ worldedit:
nothing_confirmed: Je hebt geen acties die bevestigt moeten worden.
page_footer: Gebruik %s0 om naar de volgende pagina te gaan
schematic_prompt_clear: '&7we raden je aan &c%s0 &7 te gebruiken om je klipbord
schematic_prompt_clear: 'we raden je aan %s0 te gebruiken om je klipbord
te verwijderen first'
schematic_show: |-
&7scematics &a%s0&7 aan het wergeven &a%s1&7:
&8 - &aLinks klik &7a het gebouw om er een klipbord van de maken
&8 - &aRechts klik &7a om een gebouw toe te voegen aan je multi-klipbord
&8 - &7Gebruik &a%s2&7 om terug naar de wereld te gaan
scematics %s0 aan het wergeven %s1:
- Links klik a het gebouw om er een klipbord van de maken
- Rechts klik a om een gebouw toe te voegen aan je multi-klipbord
- Gebruik %s2 om terug naar de wereld te gaan
schematic_format: 'Beschikbare formats (Name: Lookup names)'
schematic_move_exists: '&c%s0 bestaat al'
schematic_move_success: '&a%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '&a%s0 aantal verplaatst: %s1'
schematic_move_exists: '%s0 bestaat al'
schematic_move_success: '%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '%s0 aantal verplaatst: %s1'
schematic_loaded: '%s0 gelanden. plak met //paste'
schematic_saved: '%s0 opgeslagen.'
schematic_page: Pagina moet %s zijn
schematic_none: Niks gevonden.
schematic_list: 'Beschikbare files (Filename: Format) [%s0/%s1]:'
schematic_list_elem: '&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1'
schematic_list_elem: ' - %s0 - %s1'
clipboard_uri_not_found: Je hebt %s0 niet geladen
clipboard_cleared: Jlikbord verwijderd
@ -255,31 +255,31 @@ worldedit:
command_invalid_syntax: De command was niet goed gebruikt (no more help available).
command_clarifying_bracket: '&7 clarifying bracket toegevoegt aan &c%s0'
help_suggest: '&7kon %s0 niet binden. misschien één van deze proberen &c%s1 &7?'
command_clarifying_bracket: ' clarifying bracket toegevoegt aan %s0'
help_suggest: 'kon %s0 niet binden. misschien één van deze proberen %s1 ?'
help_header_categories: Command Types
help_header_subcommands: Subcommands
help_header_command: '&cHelp voor: &7%s0'
help_item_allowed: '&a%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_item_denied: '&c%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_header_command: 'Help voor: %s0'
help_item_allowed: '%s0 - %s1'
help_item_denied: '%s0 - %s1'
help_header: 'Help: pagina %s0/%s1'
help_footer: '&7Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
help_footer: 'Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
block_cycler_cannot_cycle: De blok data kan niet worden veranderd.
block_cycler_limit: Maximale veranderingen in blokken bereikt.
block_cycler_no_perm: '&cHet is niet toegestaan om deze blok data te veranderen.'
block_cycler_no_perm: 'Het is niet toegestaan om deze blok data te veranderen.'
scripting_no_perm: '&cJe hebt onvoldoende rechten om deze craft scriptie uit te voeren. '
scripting_no_perm: 'Je hebt onvoldoende rechten om deze craft scriptie uit te voeren. '
scripting_cs: Gebruik eerst /cs met een scriptie naam.
scripting_error: Er waren problemen onstaan bij het uitvoeren van de craft scriptie.
progress_message: '%s1/%s0 (%s2%) @%s3cps %s4s left'
progress_finished: '[ Klaar! ]'
worldedit_cancel_count: '&czoveel edits: %s0 ontdaan.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: '&7Het geselecteerde gebied is groot (&c%s0 &7->
&c%s1&7, containing &c%s3&7 blocks). Gebruik &c//confirm &7om te bevestigen &c%s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: '&cYour WorldEdit actie was opgeheven:&7 %s0&c.'
worldedit_cancel_count: 'zoveel edits: %s0 ontdaan.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: 'Het geselecteerde gebied is groot (%s0 ->
%s1, containing %s3 blocks). Gebruik //confirm om te bevestigen %s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason: 'Your WorldEdit actie was opgeheven: %s0.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_manual: manuele opheffing
worldedit_cancel_reason_low_memory: Lage memory
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_changes: Teveel blokken verandered
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ cancel:
/wea, or disable `region-restrictions` in config.yml)
worldedit_cancel_reason_no_region: geen toegestaand gebied (bypass with /wea, or
disable `region-restrictions` in config.yml)
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: '&cChunks laden overgeslaan: &7%s0;%s1&c. probeer het
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: 'Chunks laden overgeslaan: %s0;%s1. probeer het
chunk-wait op te krikken.'
ascend_fail: Geen vrije plekken boven je gesignaleerd.
@ -319,47 +319,47 @@ selection:
klik om toe te voegen. om een lucht holte te selecteren, doe //pos1.'
sel_convex_polyhedral: 'Convex polyhedral selector: Links klik=First vertex, rechts
klik om meer toe te voegen.'
sel_list: Voor een lijst met selecties doe:&c //sel list
sel_list: 'Voor een lijst met selecties doe: //sel list'
sel_modes: 'Selecteer één van de modes hier:'
tip_sel_list: 'Tip: Zie de verschillende selectie modes met &c//sel list'
tip_sel_list: 'Tip: Zie de verschillende selectie modes met //sel list'
tip_select_connected: 'Tip: Selecteer alle verbonden blokken met //sel fuzzy'
tip_set_pos1: 'Tip: Gebruik pos1 als een punt met &c//set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Tip: Selecteer punten van ver weg met &c//farwand'
tip_lazycut: '&7Tip: Het is veiliger om &c//lazycut te gebruiken'
tip_fast: '&7Tip: Set fast and without undo using &c//fast'
tip_cancel: '&7Tip: gebruik &c//cancel &7 om een edit stop te zetten'
tip_mask: '&7Tip: Zet een globale bestemmings mask met &c/gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Tip: Vervang opwaartse hellingen van 3-20 blocks met&c //replace
tip_set_pos1: 'Tip: Gebruik pos1 als een punt met //set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Tip: Selecteer punten van ver weg met //farwand'
tip_lazycut: 'Tip: Het is veiliger om //lazycut te gebruiken'
tip_fast: 'Tip: Set fast and without undo using //fast'
tip_cancel: 'Tip: gebruik //cancel om een edit stop te zetten'
tip_mask: 'Tip: Zet een globale bestemmings mask met /gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Tip: Vervang opwaartse hellingen van 3-20 blocks met //replace
/[-20][-3] bedrock'
tip_set_linear: '&7Tip: Zet een blok lineaire met &c//set #l3d[wood,bedrock]'
tip_surface_spread: '&7Tip: Verpsreid een oppervlakte met &c//set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]'
tip_set_hand: '&7Tip: Gebruik je huide hand met &c//set hand'
tip_replace_regex: '&7&7Tip: Vervang door regex:&c //replace .*_log <pattern>'
tip_replace_regex_2: '&7&7Tip: Vervang door regex:&c //replace .*stairs[facing=(north|south)]
tip_set_linear: 'Tip: Zet een blok lineaire met //set #l3d[wood,bedrock]'
tip_surface_spread: 'Tip: Verpsreid een oppervlakte met //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]'
tip_set_hand: 'Tip: Gebruik je huide hand met //set hand'
tip_replace_regex: 'Tip: Vervang door regex: //replace .*_log <pattern>'
tip_replace_regex_2: 'Tip: Vervang door regex: //replace .*stairs[facing=(north|south)]
tip_replace_regex_3: '&7&7Tip: Vervang door operators:&c //replace water[level>2]
tip_replace_regex_3: 'Tip: Vervang door operators: //replace water[level>2]
tip_replace_regex_4: '&7&7Tip: Vervang door operators:&c //replace true *[waterlogged=false]'
tip_replace_regex_5: '&7&7Tip: Vervang door operators:&c //replace true *[level-=1]'
tip_replace_id: '&7Tip: Vervang alleen het blok id:&c//replace woodenstair #id[cobblestair]'
tip_replace_light: 'Tip: Verwijder licht met with&c//replace #brightness[1][15]'
tip_replace_regex_4: 'Tip: Vervang door operators: //replace true *[waterlogged=false]'
tip_replace_regex_5: 'Tip: Vervang door operators: //replace true *[level-=1]'
tip_replace_id: 'Tip: Vervang alleen het blok id://replace woodenstair #id[cobblestair]'
tip_replace_light: 'Tip: Verwijder licht met with//replace #brightness[1][15]'
tip_tab_complete: 'Tip: The replace command supports tab completion'
tip_flip: 'Tip: Mirror met &c//flip'
tip_deform: 'Tip: Verander het van vorm met &c//deform'
tip_transform: 'Tip: Zet een transform met &c//gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Tip: Plaats bij klikken met &c//br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Tip: Zet een source mask met &c/gsmask <mask>&7'
tip_replace_marker: 'Tip: verander een blok in je volle klipbord met &c//replace
tip_flip: 'Tip: Mirror met //flip'
tip_deform: 'Tip: Verander het van vorm met //deform'
tip_transform: 'Tip: Zet een transform met //gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Tip: Plaats bij klikken met //br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Tip: Zet een source mask met /gsmask <mask>'
tip_replace_marker: 'Tip: verander een blok in je volle klipbord met //replace
wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Tip: Plaats met &c//paste'
tip_paste: 'Tip: Plaats met //paste'
tip_lazycopy: 'Tip: Lazycopy is sneller'
tip_download: 'Tip: Probeer &c//download'
tip_rotate: 'Tip: Orïenteer met &c//rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Tip: Om een pattern te gebruiken, probeer &c#copy'
tip_download: 'Tip: Probeer //download'
tip_rotate: 'Tip: Orïenteer met //rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Tip: Om een pattern te gebruiken, probeer #copy'
tip_regen_0: 'Tip: Gebruik een biome met /regen [biome]'
tip_regen_1: 'Tip: Gebruik een seed met /regen [biome] [seed]'
tip_biome_pattern: 'Tip: Dee &c#biome[forest]&7 pattern kan ik elke opdracht gebruikt
tip_biome_pattern: 'Tip: Dee #biome[forest] pattern kan ik elke opdracht gebruikt
tip_biome_mask: 'Tip: Er wordt een restrictie geplaatst op de biome met `$jungle`

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
prefix: '&8(&4&lFAWE&8)&r&7'
prefix: '(FAWE)'
file_deleted: '%s0 был удален.'
schematic_pasting: '&7Вставка схематического файла. Это не может быть отменено.'
lighting_propogate_selection: '&7Освещение было распространено в %s0 чанках. (Примечание:
schematic_pasting: 'Вставка схематического файла. Это не может быть отменено.'
lighting_propogate_selection: 'Освещение было распространено в %s0 чанках. (Примечание:
Для удаления освещения используйте //removelight)'
updated_lighting_selection: '&7Освещение было обновлено в %s0 чанках. (Это может
updated_lighting_selection: 'Освещение было обновлено в %s0 чанках. (Это может
занять секунду для отправки пакетов)'
set_region: '&7Выделение установлено в вашем текущем регионе WorldEdit'
worldedit_command_limit: '&7Пожалуйста, подождите, пока ваше текущее действие завершится'
worldedit_delayed: '&7Пожалуйста, подождите, пока мы обрабатываем ваши действия
set_region: 'Выделение установлено в вашем текущем регионе WorldEdit'
worldedit_command_limit: 'Пожалуйста, подождите, пока ваше текущее действие завершится'
worldedit_delayed: 'Пожалуйста, подождите, пока мы обрабатываем ваши действия
worldedit_run: '&7Простите за задержку. Выполнение: %s'
worldedit_complete: '&7Действие WorldEdit выполнено.'
require_selection_in_mask: '&7%s вашего выделения не находится в пределах вашей
worldedit_run: 'Простите за задержку. Выполнение: %s'
worldedit_complete: 'Действие WorldEdit выполнено.'
require_selection_in_mask: '%s вашего выделения не находится в пределах вашей
маски. Вы можете только вносить изменения в пределах разрешенных регионов.'
worldedit_volume: '&7Вы не можете выбрать значение %current%. Максимальное значение,
worldedit_volume: 'Вы не можете выбрать значение %current%. Максимальное значение,
которое вы можете изменить - %max%.'
worldedit_iterations: '&7Вы не можете выполнить интерацию %current% раз. Максимальное
worldedit_iterations: 'Вы не можете выполнить интерацию %current% раз. Максимальное
число допустимых итераций - %max%.'
worldedit_unsafe: '&7Доступ к этой команде был заблокирован!'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: '&cFAWE обрабатывает небезопасный WorldEdit в %s0
worldedit_unsafe: 'Доступ к этой команде был заблокирован!'
worldedit_dangerous_worldedit: 'FAWE обрабатывает небезопасный WorldEdit в %s0
на %s1'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: '&7Советы WorldEdit &cвключены&7.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: '&7Советы WorldEdit &cвключены&7.'
worldedit_bypassed: '&7Обход ограничений WorldEdit &cвключен&7.'
worldedit_unmasked: '&7Ваш WorldEdit теперь неограниченный.'
worldedit_restricted: '&7Обход ограничений WorldEdit &cвыключен&7.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_on: 'Советы WorldEdit включены.'
worldedit_toggle_tips_off: 'Советы WorldEdit включены.'
worldedit_bypassed: 'Обход ограничений WorldEdit включен.'
worldedit_unmasked: 'Ваш WorldEdit теперь неограниченный.'
worldedit_restricted: 'Обход ограничений WorldEdit выключен.'
worldedit_oom_admin: |-
&cВозможные варианты:
&8 - &7//fast
&8 - &7Сделать небольшие изменения
&8 - &7Выделить больше памяти
&8 - &7Отключить `max-memory-percent`
Возможные варианты:
- //fast
- Сделать небольшие изменения
- Выделить больше памяти
- Отключить `max-memory-percent`
compressed: История сжата. Сохранено ~ %s0b (%s1x меньше)
action_complete: Действие выполенено за %s0 секунд
worldedit_extend: '&cВаше выделение WorldEdit может быть расширено за пределами
worldedit_extend: 'Ваше выделение WorldEdit может быть расширено за пределами
разрешенного региона.'
command_syntax: '&cИспользование: &7%s0'
no_perm: '&cУ вас нет разрешения: %s0'
setting_disable: '&cОтсутствует параметр: %s0'
schematic_not_found: '&cСхематический файл не найден: &7%s0'
no_region: '&cУ вас нет текущего региона WorldEdit'
no_mask: '&cУ вас нет текущей установленой маски'
not_player: '&cВы должны быть игроком, чтобы выполнить это действие!'
player_not_found: '&cИгрок не найден:&7 %s0'
command_syntax: 'Использование: %s0'
no_perm: 'У вас нет разрешения: %s0'
setting_disable: 'Отсутствует параметр: %s0'
schematic_not_found: 'Схематический файл не найден: %s0'
no_region: 'У вас нет текущего региона WorldEdit'
no_mask: 'У вас нет текущей установленой маски'
not_player: 'Вы должны быть игроком, чтобы выполнить это действие!'
player_not_found: 'Игрок не найден: %s0'
oom: |-
&8[&cОпасно&8] &cОбнаружено мало память, т.е. < 1%. FAWE предпримет следующие действия:
&8 - &7Прекратить размещение блоков WE
&8 - &7Очистить историю WE
&8 - &7Выгрузить не необходимые чанки
&8 - &7Убить энтити
&8 - &7Собрать мусор
&cИгнорирование этого может призвести к крашу сервера.
&7Примечание: Нехватка памяти скорее всего (но не обязательно) вызванно WE
worldedit_some_fails: '&c%s0 блок(ов) не были размещены, потому что они были за
[Опасно] Обнаружено мало память, т.е. < 1%. FAWE предпримет следующие действия:
- Прекратить размещение блоков WE
- Очистить историю WE
- Выгрузить не необходимые чанки
- Убить энтити
- Собрать мусор
Игнорирование этого может призвести к крашу сервера.
Примечание: Нехватка памяти скорее всего (но не обязательно) вызванно WE
worldedit_some_fails: '%s0 блок(ов) не были размещены, потому что они были за
пределами вашего региона.'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: '&cНедостающие блоки: %s0'
worldedit_some_fails_blockbag: 'Недостающие блоки: %s0'
web_unauthorized: 'Разрешены только ссылки с настроенного веб-хостинга: %s0'
brush_not_found: '&cДоступные кисти: %s0'
brush_incompatible: '&cКисть не совместима с этой версией'
brush_not_found: 'Доступные кисти: %s0'
brush_incompatible: 'Кисть не совместима с этой версией'
generating_link: Загрузка %s, пожалуйста подождите...
generating_link_failed: '&cНе удалось создать ссылку!'
generating_link_failed: 'Не удалось создать ссылку!'
download_link: '%s'
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ worldedit:
command_paste: |-
Буфер обмена был вставлен в %s0
Совет: Вставка по клику - &c//br copypaste
Совет: Вставка по клику - //br copypaste
command_rotate: Буфер обмена был повернут
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ worldedit:
brush_none: Вы не держите кисть!
brush_try_other: |-
&cFAWE добавляет другие, более подходящие кисти, например,
&8 - &7//br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
FAWE добавляет другие, более подходящие кисти, например,
- //br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
brush_copy: Кисть копирования сформирована (%s0). ПКМ по обьекту для копирования,
ПКМ для вставки. При необходимости увеличьте радиус кисти.
brush_height_invalid: Неверная высота файла карты (%s0)
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ worldedit:
rollback_element: Отмена %s0
tool_inspect: Инструмент проверки связан с %s0.
tool_inspect_info: '&7%s0 изменено %s1 на %s2 %s3 назад'
tool_inspect_info_footer: '&6Всего: &7%s0 изменений'
tool_inspect_info: '%s0 изменено %s1 на %s2 %s3 назад'
tool_inspect_info_footer: 'Всего: %s0 изменений'
tool_none: Инструмент больше не связан с вашим предметом.
tool_info: Информационный инструмент связан с %s0.
tool_tree: Инструмент Девера связан с %s0.
@ -192,16 +192,16 @@ worldedit:
schematic_page: Страница должна быть %s
schematic_none: Схематических фалов не найдено.
schematic_list: 'Доступные схематические файлы (Имя файла: Формат) [%s0/%s1]:'
schematic_prompt_clear: '&7Вы можете использовать &c%s0 &7очистить свой первый'
schematic_prompt_clear: 'Вы можете использовать %s0 очистить свой первый'
schematic_show: |-
&7Отображение &a%s0&7 схемы из &a%s1&7:
&8 - &aЩелчок левой кнопкой мыши &7структура для настройки вашего буфера обмена
&8 - &aЩелкните правойt кнопкой мыши &7добавить структуру в ваш мультибуфер
&8 - &7использование &a%s2&7 вернуться в мир
schematic_move_exists: '&c%s0 уже существует'
schematic_move_success: '&a%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '&a%s0 нет перемещенных: %s1'
schematic_list_elem: '&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1'
Отображение %s0 схемы из %s1:
- Щелчок левой кнопкой мыши структура для настройки вашего буфера обмена
- Щелкните правойt кнопкой мыши добавить структуру в ваш мультибуфер
- использование %s2 вернуться в мир
schematic_move_exists: '%s0 уже существует'
schematic_move_success: '%s0 -> %s1'
schematic_move_failed: '%s0 нет перемещенных: %s1'
schematic_list_elem: ' - %s0 - %s1'
clipboard_cleared: Буфер обмена очищен
clipboard_invalid_format: 'Неизвестный формат буфера обмена: %s0'
@ -239,25 +239,25 @@ worldedit:
timezone_set: 'Часовой пояс для этой сессии: %s0'
timezone_display: 'Текущее время в этом часовом поясе: %s0'
navigation_wand_error: '&cНичто не может пройти'
navigation_wand_error: 'Ничто не может пройти'
world_is_loaded: Мир не должен использоваться во время исполнения. Выгрузить или использовать -f переопределить (сохранить сначала)
command_clarifying_bracket: '&7Added clarifying bracket for &c%s0'
help_suggest: '&7не мог найти %s0. Возможно, попробуйте один из &c%s1 &7?'
command_clarifying_bracket: 'Added clarifying bracket for %s0'
help_suggest: 'не мог найти %s0. Возможно, попробуйте один из %s1 ?'
help_header_categories: Типы команд
help_header_subcommands: Подкоманды
help_header_command: '&cПомогите за: &7%s0'
help_item_allowed: '&a%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_item_denied: '&c%s0&8 - &7%s1'
help_header_command: 'Помогите за: %s0'
help_item_allowed: '%s0 - %s1'
help_item_denied: '%s0 - %s1'
help_header: 'Помогите: страница %s0/%s1'
help_footer: '&7Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
help_footer: 'Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5'
progress_message: '[ Очередь: %s0 | Отправляется: %s1 ]'
progress_finished: '[ Готово! ]'
worldedit_cancel_count: '&cОтменено %s0 изменений.'
worldedit_cancel_reason: '&cВаше действие WorldEdit было отменено:&7 %s0&c.'
worldedit_cancel_count: 'Отменено %s0 изменений.'
worldedit_cancel_reason: 'Ваше действие WorldEdit было отменено: %s0.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_manual: Ручная отмена
worldedit_cancel_reason_low_memory: Мало памяти
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_changes: Слишком много блоков изменено
@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ cancel:
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_entities: Слишком много энтити
worldedit_cancel_reason_max_iterations: Максимальное количество итераций
worldedit_cancel_reason_no_region: Нет разрешенного региона (обход, используя /wea, или выключите `region-restrictions` в config.yml)
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: '&cПропущенные загруженные чанки: &7%s0;%s1&c. Попробуйте увеличить ожидание чанка.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: '&7Ваш выбор большой (&c%s0 &7-> &c%s1&7, содержащий &c%s3&7 блоки). использование &c//confirm &7выполнить &c%s2'
worldedit_failed_load_chunk: 'Пропущенные загруженные чанки: %s0;%s1. Попробуйте увеличить ожидание чанка.'
worldedit_cancel_reason_confirm: 'Ваш выбор большой (%s0 -> %s1, содержащий %s3 блоки). использование //confirm выполнить %s2'
worldedit_cancel_reason_outside_level: внешний мир
worldedit_cancel_reason_outside_region: Вне допустимой области (обход с /wea, или отключить `region-restrictions` в config.yml)
history: {}
@ -294,36 +294,36 @@ selection:
sel_max: '%s0 максимум точек.'
sel_fuzzy: 'Нечеткое выделение: ЛКМ, чтобы выбрать все условные блоки, ПКМ, чтобы добавить'
sel_convex_polyhedral: 'Выпуклое многогранное выделение: ЛКМ - первая вершина, ПКМ для добавления больше.'
sel_list: Для получения списка типов выделения используйте:&c //sel list
sel_list: Для получения списка типов выделения используйте: //sel list
sel_modes: 'Выберите один из перечисленных режимов ниже:'
tip_sel_list: 'Совет: Смотрите различные режимы выделения - &c//sel list'
tip_sel_list: 'Совет: Смотрите различные режимы выделения - //sel list'
tip_select_connected: 'Совет: Выберите все подключенные блоки - //sel fuzzy'
tip_set_pos1: 'Совет: Используйте Pos1 как шаблон - &c//set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Совет: Выберите удаленные точки - &c//farwand'
tip_fast: '&7Совет: Установить быстро и без отмены, используя &c//fast'
tip_cancel: '&7Совет: Вы можете &c//cancel &7от изменений в процессе'
tip_mask: '&7Совет: Задайте маску глобального назначения - &c/gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Совет: Заменить верхний слой 3-20 блоков -&c //replace /-20:-3 bedrock'
tip_set_linear: '&7Совет: Установка блоков -&c //set #l3d:wood,bedrock'
tip_surface_spread: '&7Совет: Распространение плоской поверхности -&c //set #surfacespread:5:0:5:#existing'
tip_set_hand: '&7Совет: Используйте свою текущую руку - &c//set hand'
tip_replace_id: '&7Совет: Заменить только ID блока -&c //replace woodenstair #id:cobblestair'
tip_replace_light: 'Совет: Удалить источники света -&c //replace #brightness:1:15 0'
tip_set_pos1: 'Совет: Используйте Pos1 как шаблон - //set pos1'
tip_farwand: 'Совет: Выберите удаленные точки - //farwand'
tip_fast: 'Совет: Установить быстро и без отмены, используя //fast'
tip_cancel: 'Совет: Вы можете //cancel от изменений в процессе'
tip_mask: 'Совет: Задайте маску глобального назначения - /gmask'
tip_mask_angle: 'Совет: Заменить верхний слой 3-20 блоков - //replace /-20:-3 bedrock'
tip_set_linear: 'Совет: Установка блоков - //set #l3d:wood,bedrock'
tip_surface_spread: 'Совет: Распространение плоской поверхности - //set #surfacespread:5:0:5:#existing'
tip_set_hand: 'Совет: Используйте свою текущую руку - //set hand'
tip_replace_id: 'Совет: Заменить только ID блока - //replace woodenstair #id:cobblestair'
tip_replace_light: 'Совет: Удалить источники света - //replace #brightness:1:15 0'
tip_tab_complete: 'Совет: Команда replace поддерживает автозаполение'
tip_flip: 'Совет: Отобразить - &c//flip'
tip_deform: 'Совет: Изменить - &c//deform'
tip_transform: 'Совет: Установка преобразования - &c//gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Совет: Вставка по клику - &c//br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Совет: Установить маску источника - &c/gsmask <mask>&7'
tip_replace_marker: 'Совет: Замените блок с помощью полного буфера обмена - &c//replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Совет: Вставить - &c//paste'
tip_flip: 'Совет: Отобразить - //flip'
tip_deform: 'Совет: Изменить - //deform'
tip_transform: 'Совет: Установка преобразования - //gtransform'
tip_copypaste: 'Совет: Вставка по клику - //br copypaste'
tip_source_mask: 'Совет: Установить маску источника - /gsmask <mask>'
tip_replace_marker: 'Совет: Замените блок с помощью полного буфера обмена - //replace wool #fullcopy'
tip_paste: 'Совет: Вставить - //paste'
tip_lazycopy: 'Совет: lazycopy быстрее'
tip_download: 'Совет: Попробовать - &c//download'
tip_rotate: 'Совет: Ориентация - &c//rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Совет: Для использования шаблона используйте &c#copy'
tip_lazycut: '&7Совет: Это безопаснее использовать &c//lazycut'
tip_regen_0: 'Совет: Используйте биом - &c/regen [biome]'
tip_regen_1: 'Совет: Используйте сид - &c/regen [biome] [seed]'
tip_biome_pattern: 'Tip: The &c#biome[forest]&7 pattern can be used in any command'
tip_download: 'Совет: Попробовать - //download'
tip_rotate: 'Совет: Ориентация - //rotate'
tip_copy_pattern: 'Совет: Для использования шаблона используйте #copy'
tip_lazycut: 'Совет: Это безопаснее использовать //lazycut'
tip_regen_0: 'Совет: Используйте биом - /regen [biome]'
tip_regen_1: 'Совет: Используйте сид - /regen [biome] [seed]'
tip_biome_pattern: 'Tip: The #biome[forest] pattern can be used in any command'
tip_biome_mask: 'Tip: Restrict to a biome with the `$jungle` mask'

Datei anzeigen

@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
prefıx: "&2&lS&c&lO &e>"
fıle_deleted: "&c%s0 &eBaşarıyla Silindi."
schematıc_pastıng: "&eSchematic Yapıştırılıyor. &4Geri Alınamaz."
lıghtıng_propogate_selectıon: "&eAydınlatma &c%s0 &eParçaya Ayrılmıştır. &7(&4Not: &aAydınlatmayı Kaldırmak İçin: &d//removelight&7)"
updated_lıghtıng_selectıon: "&eAydınlatma &c%s0 &eChunk Olarak Güncellendi. &7(&aPaketlerin Gönderilmesi Zaman Alabilir&7)"
set_regıon: "&eSeçim, İzin Verilen Bölgenize Ayarlandı"
worldedıt_command_limit: "&7Lütfen Mevcut İşleminiz Tamamlanıncaya Kadar Bekleyin"
worldedıt_delayed: "&eFAWE İşleminizi Gerçekleştirirken Lütfen Bekleyin..."
worldedıt_run: "&eŞuan Yürütülüyor: &c%s"
worldedıt_complete: "&aDüzenleme Tamamlandı."
requıre_selectıon_ın_mask: "&eSeçiminizden &c%s &eTanesi Maskenizin İçinde Değil. Yalnızca İzin Verilen Bölgelerde Düzenlemeler Yapabilirsiniz."
worldedıt_volume: "&eHacim &c%current% &eOlamaz. &eMaksimum Hacim: &c%max%."
worldedıt_ıteratıons: "&c%current% &eKere Tekrar Edemezsin. Maksimum &c%max% &eDefa Tekrar Edebilirsin."
worldedıt_unsafe: "&cBu Komuta Erişim Engellendi"
worldedıt_dangerous_worldedıt: "&cİşlenmiş Güvensiz Düzenleme: &2%s0 &c%s1 &eTarafından"
worldedıt_toggle_tıps_on: "&eFAWE İpuçları Devre Dışı Bırakıldı."
worldedıt_toggle_tıps_off: "&eFAWE İpuçları Aktif Edildi."
worldedıt_bypassed: "&eŞuanda FAWE Kısıtlamasını Atlıyor."
worldedıt_unmasked: "&cFAWE Düzenlemeleriniz Artık Sınırsız."
worldedıt_restrıcted: "&cFAWE Düzenlemeleriniz Artık Sınırlandırıldı."
prefıx: "&lS&lO >"
fıle_deleted: "%s0 Başarıyla Silindi."
schematıc_pastıng: "Schematic Yapıştırılıyor. Geri Alınamaz."
lıghtıng_propogate_selectıon: "Aydınlatma %s0 Parçaya Ayrılmıştır. (Not: Aydınlatmayı Kaldırmak İçin: //removelight)"
updated_lıghtıng_selectıon: "Aydınlatma %s0 Chunk Olarak Güncellendi. (Paketlerin Gönderilmesi Zaman Alabilir)"
set_regıon: "Seçim, İzin Verilen Bölgenize Ayarlandı"
worldedıt_command_limit: "Lütfen Mevcut İşleminiz Tamamlanıncaya Kadar Bekleyin"
worldedıt_delayed: "FAWE İşleminizi Gerçekleştirirken Lütfen Bekleyin..."
worldedıt_run: "Şuan Yürütülüyor: %s"
worldedıt_complete: "Düzenleme Tamamlandı."
requıre_selectıon_ın_mask: "Seçiminizden %s Tanesi Maskenizin İçinde Değil. Yalnızca İzin Verilen Bölgelerde Düzenlemeler Yapabilirsiniz."
worldedıt_volume: "Hacim %current% Olamaz. Maksimum Hacim: %max%."
worldedıt_ıteratıons: "%current% Kere Tekrar Edemezsin. Maksimum %max% Defa Tekrar Edebilirsin."
worldedıt_unsafe: "Bu Komuta Erişim Engellendi"
worldedıt_dangerous_worldedıt: "İşlenmiş Güvensiz Düzenleme: %s0 %s1 Tarafından"
worldedıt_toggle_tıps_on: "FAWE İpuçları Devre Dışı Bırakıldı."
worldedıt_toggle_tıps_off: "FAWE İpuçları Aktif Edildi."
worldedıt_bypassed: "Şuanda FAWE Kısıtlamasını Atlıyor."
worldedıt_unmasked: "FAWE Düzenlemeleriniz Artık Sınırsız."
worldedıt_restrıcted: "FAWE Düzenlemeleriniz Artık Sınırlandırıldı."
worldedıt_oom_admın: |-
&cMümkün Ayarlar:
&8 - &7//fast
&8 - &7Daha Küçük Düzenlemeler Yapın
&8 - &7Daha Fazla Bellek Ayırın
&8 - &7`max-memory-percent` Ayarını Kapatın
compressed: "&eGeçmiş Sıkıştırldı. &a%s0b &eKaydedildi. &7(%s1x &eDaha Küçük&7)"
actıon_complete: "&eİşlem &a%s0 &eSaniyede Tamamlandı"
Mümkün Ayarlar:
- //fast
- Daha Küçük Düzenlemeler Yapın
- Daha Fazla Bellek Ayırın
- `max-memory-percent` Ayarını Kapatın
compressed: "Geçmiş Sıkıştırldı. %s0b Kaydedildi. (%s1x Daha Küçük)"
actıon_complete: "İşlem %s0 Saniyede Tamamlandı"
worldedıt_extend: "&cDüzenlemeniz İzin Verilen Bölgenizin Dışına Çıkmış Olabilir."
web_unauthorızed: "&eSadece Yapılandırılmış Siteden Gelen Bağlantılara İzin Verilir: &a%s0"
command_syntax: "&bKullanımı: &a%s0"
no_perm: "&cBunun İçin Yetkin YOK: &a%s0"
settıng_dısable: "&cEksik Ayar: &a%s0"
brush_not_found: "&cKullanılabilir Fırçalar: &a%s0"
brush_ıncompatıble: "&cFırçalar Bu Sürüm İle Uyumlu Değil"
schematıc_not_found: "&cSchematic Bulunamadı: &a%s0"
no_regıon: "&cİzin Verilen Bölge YOK"
no_mask: "&cHenüz Maske Ayarlamamışsın"
not_player: "&cDostum Bunun Icin Oyuncu Olmalisin!"
player_not_found: "&cOyuncu Bulunamadı: &a%s0"
worldedıt_extend: "Düzenlemeniz İzin Verilen Bölgenizin Dışına Çıkmış Olabilir."
web_unauthorızed: "Sadece Yapılandırılmış Siteden Gelen Bağlantılara İzin Verilir: %s0"
command_syntax: "Kullanımı: %s0"
no_perm: "Bunun İçin Yetkin YOK: %s0"
settıng_dısable: "Eksik Ayar: %s0"
brush_not_found: "Kullanılabilir Fırçalar: %s0"
brush_ıncompatıble: "Fırçalar Bu Sürüm İle Uyumlu Değil"
schematıc_not_found: "Schematic Bulunamadı: %s0"
no_regıon: "İzin Verilen Bölge YOK"
no_mask: "Henüz Maske Ayarlamamışsın"
not_player: "Dostum Bunun Icin Oyuncu Olmalisin!"
player_not_found: "Oyuncu Bulunamadı: %s0"
oom: |-
&8[&cKritik&8] &cDüşük Bellek Algılandı < 1%. Aşağıdaki İşlemleri Yapmalısınız:
&8 - &7WorldEdit Blok Yerleştirmesini Sonlandır
&8 - &7WorldEdit Geçmişini Temizle
&8 - &7Gereksiz Chunkları Sil
&8 - &7Yaratıkları Öldür
&8 - &7Çöpleri Topla
&7Not: Düşük Belleğin Sebebi WorldEdit Olabilir !!
worldedıt_some_faıls: "&eİzin Verilen Bölgenizin Dışında Olduğu İçin &c%s0 &eBlok Yerleştirilemedi."
worldedıt_some_faıls_blockbag: "&cEksik Bloklar: &a%s0"
[Kritik] Düşük Bellek Algılandı < 1%. Aşağıdaki İşlemleri Yapmalısınız:
- WorldEdit Blok Yerleştirmesini Sonlandır
- WorldEdit Geçmişini Temizle
- Gereksiz Chunkları Sil
- Yaratıkları Öldür
- Çöpleri Topla
Not: Düşük Belleğin Sebebi WorldEdit Olabilir !!
worldedıt_some_faıls: "İzin Verilen Bölgenizin Dışında Olduğu İçin %s0 Blok Yerleştirilemedi."
worldedıt_some_faıls_blockbag: "Eksik Bloklar: %s0"
generatıng_lınk: "&eYükleniyor: &a%s&7, &eLütfen Bekleyin..."
generatıng_lınk_faıled: "&cİndirme Linki Oluşturulurken Hata Oldu!"
download_lınk: "&c%s"
generatıng_lınk: "Yükleniyor: %s, Lütfen Bekleyin..."
generatıng_lınk_faıled: "İndirme Linki Oluşturulurken Hata Oldu!"
download_lınk: "%s"
mask_dısabled: "&eGenel Maske Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
mask: "&eGenel Maske Ayarlandı"
source_mask_dısabled: "&eGenel Kaynak Maskesi Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
source_mask: "&eGenel Kaynak Maskesi Ayarlandı"
transform_dısabled: "&eGenel Dönüştürücü Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
transform: "&eGenel Dönüştürücü Ayarlandı"
fast_enabled: "&eHızlı Mod Aktifleştirildi. Geçmiş ve Düzenleme Kısıtlamaları Atlanacak."
fast_dısabled: "&eHızlı Mod Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
place_enabled: "&EPozisyon 1'e YerleÅŸtirildi."
place_dısabled: "&eDurduğun Bloğa Yerleştiriliyor."
mask_dısabled: "Genel Maske Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
mask: "Genel Maske Ayarlandı"
source_mask_dısabled: "Genel Kaynak Maskesi Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
source_mask: "Genel Kaynak Maskesi Ayarlandı"
transform_dısabled: "Genel Dönüştürücü Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
transform: "Genel Dönüştürücü Ayarlandı"
fast_enabled: "Hızlı Mod Aktifleştirildi. Geçmiş ve Düzenleme Kısıtlamaları Atlanacak."
fast_dısabled: "Hızlı Mod Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
place_enabled: "Pozisyon 1'e YerleÅŸtirildi."
place_dısabled: "Durduğun Bloğa Yerleştiriliyor."
command_copy: "&c%s0 &eBlok Kopyalandı."
command_copy: "%s0 Blok Kopyalandı."
command_cut_slow: "&c%s0 &eBlok Kesildi."
command_cut_lazy: "&eYapıştırılandan &c%s0 &eBlok Kaldırılacak"
command_cut_slow: "%s0 Blok Kesildi."
command_cut_lazy: "Yapıştırılandan %s0 Blok Kaldırılacak"
command_paste: "&ePano Yapıştırıldı: &a%s0"
command_paste: "Pano Yapıştırıldı: %s0"
command_rotate: "&ePano Döndürüldü"
command_rotate: "Pano Döndürüldü"
command_flıpped: "&ePano Çevirildi."
command_flıpped: "Pano Çevirildi."
command_regen_0: "&eBölge Yeniden Oluşturuldu."
command_regen_1: "&eBölge Yeniden Oluşturuldu."
command_regen_2: "&eBölge Yeniden Oluşturuldu."
command_regen_0: "Bölge Yeniden Oluşturuldu."
command_regen_1: "Bölge Yeniden Oluşturuldu."
command_regen_2: "Bölge Yeniden Oluşturuldu."
command_tree: "&c%s0 &eAğacı Oluşturuldu."
command_pumpkın: "&c%s0 &eKabak Yamaları Oluşturuldu."
command_tree: "%s0 Ağacı Oluşturuldu."
command_pumpkın: "%s0 Kabak Yamaları Oluşturuldu."
command_flora: "&c%s0 &eBitki Örtüsü Oluşturuldu."
command_flora: "%s0 Bitki Örtüsü Oluşturuldu."
command_hıstory_clear: "&eGeçiş Temizlendi"
command_redo_error: "&eGeriye Alma Eylemi Bulunamadı."
command_hıstory_other_error: "&c%s0 &eOturumu Bulunamadı."
command_redo_success: "&aGeri Almayı Geri Alma Başarılı."
command_undo_error: "&cGeri Alınacak Bir İşlem Bulunamadı."
command_undo_success: "&aGeri Alma Başarılı."
command_hıstory_clear: "Geçiş Temizlendi"
command_redo_error: "Geriye Alma Eylemi Bulunamadı."
command_hıstory_other_error: "%s0 Oturumu Bulunamadı."
command_redo_success: "Geri Almayı Geri Alma Başarılı."
command_undo_error: "Geri Alınacak Bir İşlem Bulunamadı."
command_undo_success: "Geri Alma Başarılı."
operatıon: "&eİşlem Sıraya Alındı: &7(&a%s0&7)"
operatıon: "İşlem Sıraya Alındı: (%s0)"
selectıon_wand: "&eSol_Tıklama: &a1. Pozisyonu Ayarlar&7; &eSağ_Tıklama: &a2. Pozisyonu Ayarlar"
selectıon_wand_dısable: "&eWand Devre Dışı Bırakıldı."
selectıon_wand_enable: "&eWand Aktifleştirildi."
selectıon_chunk: "&eChunk Seçildi: &7(&a%s0&7)"
selectıon_chunks: "&eChunk Seçildi: &7(&2%s0&7) - (&c%s1&7)"
selectıon_contract: "&eBölge &c%s0 &eBlok Taahhüt Edildi."
selectıon_count: "&c%s0 &eBlok Sayıldı."
selectıon_dıstr: "&eToplam Blok: &c%s0"
selectıon_expand: "&eBölge &c%s0 &eBlok Genişletildi"
selectıon_expand_vert: "&eBölge &c%s0 &eBlok Genişletildi &7(&aYukarıdan Aşağıya&7)"
selectıon_ınset: "&eBölge Girişi"
selectıon_outset: "&eBölge Başlangıcı"
selectıon_shıft: "&eBölge Kaydırıldı"
selectıon_cleared: "&eSeçimler Temizlendi"
selectıon_wand: "Sol_Tıklama: 1. Pozisyonu Ayarlar; Sağ_Tıklama: 2. Pozisyonu Ayarlar"
selectıon_wand_dısable: "Wand Devre Dışı Bırakıldı."
selectıon_wand_enable: "Wand Aktifleştirildi."
selectıon_chunk: "Chunk Seçildi: (%s0)"
selectıon_chunks: "Chunk Seçildi: (%s0) - (%s1)"
selectıon_contract: "Bölge %s0 Blok Taahhüt Edildi."
selectıon_count: "%s0 Blok Sayıldı."
selectıon_dıstr: "Toplam Blok: %s0"
selectıon_expand: "Bölge %s0 Blok Genişletildi"
selectıon_expand_vert: "Bölge %s0 Blok Genişletildi (Yukarıdan Aşağıya)"
selectıon_ınset: "Bölge Girişi"
selectıon_outset: "Bölge Başlangıcı"
selectıon_shıft: "Bölge Kaydırıldı"
selectıon_cleared: "Seçimler Temizlendi"
navıgatıon_wand_error: "&cDostum Gidecek Bir Yer YOK"
navıgatıon_wand_error: "Dostum Gidecek Bir Yer YOK"
world_ıs_loaded: "&eDünya Yürütülürken Kullanılmamlıdır. Dünya Kaydını Sil, ya da Geçersiz Kılmak İçin -f Kullanın &7(&aÖnce Kaydedin&7)"
world_ıs_loaded: "Dünya Yürütülürken Kullanılmamlıdır. Dünya Kaydını Sil, ya da Geçersiz Kılmak İçin -f Kullanın (Önce Kaydedin)"
brush_reset: "&eFırçanı Sıfırla."
brush_none: "&cDostum Fırça Tutmuyorsun!"
brush_scroll_action_set: "&eKaydırma Eylemini &c%s0 &eOlarak Ayarla"
brush_scroll_action_unset: "&eKaydırma Eylemini Kaldır"
brush_vısual_mode_set: "&eGörsel Modu &c%s0 &eOlarak Ayarla"
brush_target_mode_set: "&eHedef Modu &c%s0 &eOlarak Ayarla"
brush_target_mask_set: "&eHedef Maskesini &c%s0 &eOlarak Ayarla"
brush_target_offset_set: "&eHedef Ofsetini &c%s0 &eOlarak Ayarla"
brush_equıpped: "&eDonatılmış Fırça: &c%s0"
brush_reset: "Fırçanı Sıfırla."
brush_none: "Dostum Fırça Tutmuyorsun!"
brush_scroll_action_set: "Kaydırma Eylemini %s0 Olarak Ayarla"
brush_scroll_action_unset: "Kaydırma Eylemini Kaldır"
brush_vısual_mode_set: "Görsel Modu %s0 Olarak Ayarla"
brush_target_mode_set: "Hedef Modu %s0 Olarak Ayarla"
brush_target_mask_set: "Hedef Maskesini %s0 Olarak Ayarla"
brush_target_offset_set: "Hedef Ofsetini %s0 Olarak Ayarla"
brush_equıpped: "Donatılmış Fırça: %s0"
brush_try_other: |-
&cBelki Daha Uygun Başka Fırçalar Vardır:
&8 - &7//br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
brush_copy: "&eKopyalamak İçin Bir Nesnenin Tabanına Sol_Tıklayın, Yapıştırmak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın. Gerekirse Fırça Yarıçapını Arttırın."
brush_heıght_ınvalıd: "&eGeçersiz Yükseklik Haritası Dosyası: &7(&c%s0&7)"
brush_smooth: "&aNot: &eÇıkıntıları veya Mağaraları Yumuşatmak İstiyorsanız Harman Fırçasını Kullanın."
brush_splıne: "&eNokta Eklemek İçin Tıklayın, Bitirmek İçin Aynı Noktaya Tıklayın"
brush_lıne_prımary: "&c%s0 &eNoktası Eklendi, Satırı Oluşturmak İçin Başka Bir Konuma Tıklayın"
brush_lıne_secondary: "&eDelik Oluşturuldu"
brush_splıne_prımary_2: "&ePozisyon Eklendi, Katılmak İçin Aynı Noktaya Tıklayın!"
brush_splıne_secondary_error: "&cYeterince Pozisyon Ayarlanmadı!"
brush_splıne_secondary: "&eDelik Oluşturuldu"
brush_sıze: "&eFırça Boyutu Ayarlandı"
brush_range: "&eFırça Menzili Ayarlandı"
brush_mask_dısabled: "&eFırça Maskesi Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
brush_mask: "&eFırça Maskesi Ayarlandı"
brush_source_mask_dısabled: "&eFırça Kaynak Maskesi Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
brush_source_mask: "&eFırça Kaynak Maskesi Ayarlandı"
brush_transform_dısabled: "&eFırça Dönüştürücü Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
brush_transform: "&eFırça Dönüştürücü Ayarlandı"
brush_materıal: "&eFırça Malzemesi Ayarlandı"
Belki Daha Uygun Başka Fırçalar Vardır:
- //br height [radius=5] [#clipboard|file=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]
brush_copy: "Kopyalamak İçin Bir Nesnenin Tabanına Sol_Tıklayın, Yapıştırmak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın. Gerekirse Fırça Yarıçapını Arttırın."
brush_heıght_ınvalıd: "Geçersiz Yükseklik Haritası Dosyası: (%s0)"
brush_smooth: "Not: Çıkıntıları veya Mağaraları Yumuşatmak İstiyorsanız Harman Fırçasını Kullanın."
brush_splıne: "Nokta Eklemek İçin Tıklayın, Bitirmek İçin Aynı Noktaya Tıklayın"
brush_lıne_prımary: "%s0 Noktası Eklendi, Satırı Oluşturmak İçin Başka Bir Konuma Tıklayın"
brush_lıne_secondary: "Delik Oluşturuldu"
brush_splıne_prımary_2: "Pozisyon Eklendi, Katılmak İçin Aynı Noktaya Tıklayın!"
brush_splıne_secondary_error: "Yeterince Pozisyon Ayarlanmadı!"
brush_splıne_secondary: "Delik Oluşturuldu"
brush_sıze: "Fırça Boyutu Ayarlandı"
brush_range: "Fırça Menzili Ayarlandı"
brush_mask_dısabled: "Fırça Maskesi Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
brush_mask: "Fırça Maskesi Ayarlandı"
brush_source_mask_dısabled: "Fırça Kaynak Maskesi Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
brush_source_mask: "Fırça Kaynak Maskesi Ayarlandı"
brush_transform_dısabled: "Fırça Dönüştürücü Devre Dışı Bırakıldı"
brush_transform: "Fırça Dönüştürücü Ayarlandı"
brush_materıal: "Fırça Malzemesi Ayarlandı"
rollback_element: "&eTamamlanmadı: &c%s0"
rollback_element: "Tamamlanmadı: %s0"
tool_ınspect: "&c%s0 &eBağlı Aleti Kontrol Edin."
tool_ınspect_ınfo: "&c%s0 &eDeğiştirildi: &2%s1&e'den &c%s2 %s3 &eÖnce"
tool_ınspect_ınfo_footer: "&eToplam: &c%s0 &aDeğiştirildi."
tool_none: "&eElindeki Eşyaya Hiçbir Özellik Bağlı &cDeğil."
tool_ınfo: "&eBilgi Aracı Bağlı: &c%s0."
tool_tree: "&eAğaç Aracı Bağlı: &c%s0."
tool_tree_error: "&c%s0 &eTipinde Ağaç Bulunamadı."
tool_repl: "&eBlok Değiştirici Bağlı: &c%s0."
tool_cycler: "&eBlok Verisi Değiştirici Bağlı: &c%s0."
tool_flood_fıll: "&eBlok Dolgu Aleti Bağlı: &c%s0."
tool_range_error: "&eMaksimum Mesafe: &c%s0."
tool_radıus_error: "&eİzin Verilen Maksimum Mesafe: &c%s0."
tool_deltree: "&eAğaç Kaldırıcı Bağlı: &c%s0."
tool_farwand: "&eFarWant Bağlı: &c%s0."
tool_lrbuıld_bound: "&eUzun Menzilli Yapı Aracı &c%s0 &eBağlı."
tool_lrbuıld_ınfo: "&a%s0 &eAyarlamak İçin Sol_Tıklayın&7; &c%s1 &eAyarlamak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın."
superpıckaxe_enabled: "&eSüper Kazma &aAçıldı."
superpıckaxe_dısabled: "&eSüper Kazma &cKapatıldı."
superpıckaxe_area_enabled: "&eMod Değiştirildi. Bir Kazmaya Sol_Tıklayın. Kapatmak İçin: &a//"
tool_ınspect: "%s0 Bağlı Aleti Kontrol Edin."
tool_ınspect_ınfo: "%s0 Değiştirildi: %s1'den %s2 %s3 Önce"
tool_ınspect_ınfo_footer: "Toplam: %s0 Değiştirildi."
tool_none: "Elindeki Eşyaya Hiçbir Özellik Bağlı Değil."
tool_ınfo: "Bilgi Aracı Bağlı: %s0."
tool_tree: "Ağaç Aracı Bağlı: %s0."
tool_tree_error: "%s0 Tipinde Ağaç Bulunamadı."
tool_repl: "Blok Değiştirici Bağlı: %s0."
tool_cycler: "Blok Verisi Değiştirici Bağlı: %s0."
tool_flood_fıll: "Blok Dolgu Aleti Bağlı: %s0."
tool_range_error: "Maksimum Mesafe: %s0."
tool_radıus_error: "İzin Verilen Maksimum Mesafe: %s0."
tool_deltree: "Ağaç Kaldırıcı Bağlı: %s0."
tool_farwand: "FarWant Bağlı: %s0."
tool_lrbuıld_bound: "Uzun Menzilli Yapı Aracı %s0 Bağlı."
tool_lrbuıld_ınfo: "%s0 Ayarlamak İçin Sol_Tıklayın; %s1 Ayarlamak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın."
superpıckaxe_enabled: "Süper Kazma Açıldı."
superpıckaxe_dısabled: "Süper Kazma Kapatıldı."
superpıckaxe_area_enabled: "Mod Değiştirildi. Bir Kazmaya Sol_Tıklayın. Kapatmak İçin: //"
snapshot_loaded: "&c%s0 &eBellek Kopyası Yüklendi; Şuan Kuruluyor..."
snapshot_set: "&eBellek Kopyası Ayarlandı: &a%s0"
snapshot_newest: "&eEn Son Yayınlanan Bellek Kopyasını Kullanıyorsunuz."
snapshot_lıst_header: "&7(&c%s0&7) &eDünyası İçin Bellek Kopyaları:"
snapshot_lıst_footer: "&b/snap use <SnapShot> &eya da &b/snap use latest &eKomutlarını Kullanarak Bellek Kopyasını Değiştirebilirsin."
snapshot_loaded: "%s0 Bellek Kopyası Yüklendi; Şuan Kuruluyor..."
snapshot_set: "Bellek Kopyası Ayarlandı: %s0"
snapshot_newest: "En Son Yayınlanan Bellek Kopyasını Kullanıyorsunuz."
snapshot_lıst_header: "(%s0) Dünyası İçin Bellek Kopyaları:"
snapshot_lıst_footer: "/snap use <SnapShot> ya da /snap use latest Komutlarını Kullanarak Bellek Kopyasını Değiştirebilirsin."
bıome_lıst_header: "&eBiyomlar &7(&aSayfa: &2%s0&7/&c%s1&7):"
bıome_changed: "&eBiyomlar &c%s0 &eSütunda Değiştirildi."
bıome_lıst_header: "Biyomlar (Sayfa: %s0/%s1):"
bıome_changed: "Biyomlar %s0 Sütunda Değiştirildi."
kıll_success: "&a%s1 &eYarıçapında &c%s0 &eYaratık Öldürüldü."
nothıng_confırmed: "&cOnay Bekleyen Hiçbir İşlemin YOK."
page_footer: "&eBir Sonraki Sayfa İçin: &a%s0"
kıll_success: "%s1 Yarıçapında %s0 Yaratık Öldürüldü."
nothıng_confırmed: "Onay Bekleyen Hiçbir İşlemin YOK."
page_footer: "Bir Sonraki Sayfa İçin: %s0"
schematıc_format: "&eKullanılabilir Formatlar: &7(&aİsim&7: &aArama_İsmi&7)"
schematıc_loaded: "&c%s0 &aBaşarıyla Yüklendi. Yapıştırmak İçin: &b//paste"
schematıc_saved: "&c%s0 &aBaşarıyla Kaydedildi."
schematıc_page: "&cSayfa &b%s &cOlmak Zorunda"
schematıc_none: "&cBöyle Bir Schematic Bulunamadı."
schematıc_lıst: "&eKullanılabilir Dosyalar &7(&aDosya_Adı&7: &aFormat&7) [&b%s0&7/&c%s1&7]:"
schematıc_lıst_elem: "&8 - &a%s0 &8- &7%s1"
schematıc_format: "Kullanılabilir Formatlar: (İsim: Arama_İsmi)"
schematıc_loaded: "%s0 Başarıyla Yüklendi. Yapıştırmak İçin: //paste"
schematıc_saved: "%s0 Başarıyla Kaydedildi."
schematıc_page: "Sayfa %s Olmak Zorunda"
schematıc_none: "Böyle Bir Schematic Bulunamadı."
schematıc_lıst: "Kullanılabilir Dosyalar (Dosya_Adı: Format) [%s0/%s1]:"
schematıc_lıst_elem: " - %s0 - %s1"
clıpboard_urı_not_found: "&c%s0 &eYüklü Değilsin"
clıpboard_cleared: "&aPano Temizlendi"
clıpboard_ınvalıd_format: "&eBelirsiz Pano Formatı: &c%s0"
clıpboard_urı_not_found: "%s0 Yüklü Değilsin"
clıpboard_cleared: "Pano Temizlendi"
clıpboard_ınvalıd_format: "Belirsiz Pano Formatı: %s0"
vısıtor_block: "&c%s0 &eBlok Etkilendi"
vısıtor_entıty: "&c%s0 &eYaratık Etkilendi"
vısıtor_flat: "&c%s0 &eSütun Etkilendi"
vısıtor_block: "%s0 Blok Etkilendi"
vısıtor_entıty: "%s0 Yaratık Etkilendi"
vısıtor_flat: "%s0 Sütun Etkilendi"
selector_fuzzy_pos1: "&eBölge Belirlendi ve Genişletildi: &a%s0 &c%s1"
selector_fuzzy_pos2: "&eGeniÅŸletme Eklendi: &a%s0 &c%s1"
selector_pos: "&c%s0 &eKonumu Artık: &a%s1 &7(&c%s2&7)"
selector_center: "&eMerkez Ayarlandı: &a%s0 &7(&c%s1&7)"
selector_radıus: "&eYarıçap Ayarlandı: &a%s0 &7(&c%s1&7)"
selector_expanded: "&eBölge Genişletildi: &a%s0 &7(&c%s1&7)"
selector_ınvalıd_coordınates: "&cBilinmeyen Koordinatlar: &a%s0"
selector_already_set: "&cPozisyon Zaten Ayarlandı."
selector_set_default: "&eVarsayılan Bölge Seçiciniz: &a%s0"
selector_fuzzy_pos1: "Bölge Belirlendi ve Genişletildi: %s0 %s1"
selector_fuzzy_pos2: "GeniÅŸletme Eklendi: %s0 %s1"
selector_pos: "%s0 Konumu Artık: %s1 (%s2)"
selector_center: "Merkez Ayarlandı: %s0 (%s1)"
selector_radıus: "Yarıçap Ayarlandı: %s0 (%s1)"
selector_expanded: "Bölge Genişletildi: %s0 (%s1)"
selector_ınvalıd_coordınates: "Bilinmeyen Koordinatlar: %s0"
selector_already_set: "Pozisyon Zaten Ayarlandı."
selector_set_default: "Varsayılan Bölge Seçiciniz: %s0"
tımezone_set: "&eBu Oturum İçin Belirlenen Saat Dilimi: &a%s0"
tımezone_dısplay: "&eBu Saat Dilimindeki Geçerli Saat: &a%s0"
tımezone_set: "Bu Oturum İçin Belirlenen Saat Dilimi: %s0"
tımezone_dısplay: "Bu Saat Dilimindeki Geçerli Saat: %s0"
command_ınvalıd_syntax: "&cKomut Düzgün Kullanılmadı."
command_ınvalıd_syntax: "Komut Düzgün Kullanılmadı."
command_clarıfyıng_bracket: "&c%s0 &eİçin Açıklama Ekini Belirlendi"
help_suggest: "&c%s0 &eBulunamadı. Belki Bunlardan Biri İşe Yarar: &a%s1 &e?"
help_header_categorıes: "&eKomut Türleri"
help_header_subcommands: "&eAlt Komutlar"
help_header_command: "&eYardım: &7%s0"
help_ıtem_allowed: "&a%s0&8 - &7%s1"
help_ıtem_denıed: "&c%s0&8 - &7%s1"
help_header: "&eYardım: &aSayfa &2%s0&7/&c%s1"
help_footer: "&eWiki: https://git.io/vSKE5"
command_clarıfyıng_bracket: "%s0 İçin Açıklama Ekini Belirlendi"
help_suggest: "%s0 Bulunamadı. Belki Bunlardan Biri İşe Yarar: %s1 ?"
help_header_categorıes: "Komut Türleri"
help_header_subcommands: "Alt Komutlar"
help_header_command: "Yardım: %s0"
help_ıtem_allowed: "%s0 - %s1"
help_ıtem_denıed: "%s0 - %s1"
help_header: "Yardım: Sayfa %s0/%s1"
help_footer: "Wiki: https://git.io/vSKE5"
progress_message: "%s1/%s0 (%s2%) @%s3cps %s4s &aKaldı"
progress_fınıshed: "&7[ &aTAMAMLANDI! &7]"
progress_message: "%s1/%s0 (%s2%) @%s3cps %s4s Kaldı"
progress_fınıshed: "[ TAMAMLANDI! ]"
worldedıt_cancel_count: "&c%s0 &eDüzenleme İptal Edildi."
worldedıt_cancel_reason_confırm: "&eSeçiminiz Çok Büyük &7(&a%s0 &7-> &c%s1&7)&e. &c//confirm &eKullanarak &c%s2 &eİşlemini Onaylayabilirsiniz"
worldedıt_cancel_reason: "&cWorldEdit İşleminiz İptal Edildi: &e%s0&c."
worldedıt_cancel_reason_manual: "&cElle İptal Edildi"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_low_memory: "&cDüşük Bellek"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_changes: "&cÇok Fazla Blok Değiştirildi"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_checks: "&cÇok Fazla Blok Denemesi Var"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_tıles: "&cÇok Fazla Blok Durumu Var"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_entıtıes: "&cÇok Fazla Yaratık Var"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_ıteratıons: "&cMaksimum Yenileme"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_outsıde_regıon: "&cİzin Verilen Bölge Dışında. &7(&eEsgeçmek İçin: &a/wea&e, ya da &b`region-restrictions` &eBölümünü config.yml'den Kapatın&7)"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_no_regıon: "&cİzin Verilen Bölge YOK. &7(&eEsgeçmek İçin: &a/wea&e, ya da &b`region-restrictions` &eBölümünü config.yml'den Kapatın&7)"
worldedıt_faıled_load_chunk: "&eBazı Chunkların Yüklemesi Atlandı: &a%s0;%s1 &cchunk-wait &eSüresini Arttırmayı Deneyin."
worldedıt_cancel_count: "%s0 Düzenleme İptal Edildi."
worldedıt_cancel_reason_confırm: "Seçiminiz Çok Büyük (%s0 -> %s1). //confirm Kullanarak %s2 İşlemini Onaylayabilirsiniz"
worldedıt_cancel_reason: "WorldEdit İşleminiz İptal Edildi: %s0."
worldedıt_cancel_reason_manual: "Elle İptal Edildi"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_low_memory: "Düşük Bellek"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_changes: "Çok Fazla Blok Değiştirildi"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_checks: "Çok Fazla Blok Denemesi Var"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_tıles: "Çok Fazla Blok Durumu Var"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_entıtıes: "Çok Fazla Yaratık Var"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_max_ıteratıons: "Maksimum Yenileme"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_outsıde_regıon: "İzin Verilen Bölge Dışında. (Esgeçmek İçin: /wea, ya da `region-restrictions` Bölümünü config.yml'den Kapatın)"
worldedıt_cancel_reason_no_regıon: "İzin Verilen Bölge YOK. (Esgeçmek İçin: /wea, ya da `region-restrictions` Bölümünü config.yml'den Kapatın)"
worldedıt_faıled_load_chunk: "Bazı Chunkların Yüklemesi Atlandı: %s0;%s1 chunk-wait Süresini Arttırmayı Deneyin."
outside world:
worldedıt_cancel_reason_outsıde_world: Cancel
ascend_faıl: "&cYukarıda Boş Nokta YOK."
ascended_plural: "&eYükseltilen Seviye: &a%s0"
ascended_sıngular: "&eBir Seviyeye Yükseltildi."
unstuck: "&aHOP Buradayım!"
descend_faıl: "&cAltında Serbest Nokta YOK."
descend_plural: "&eÄ°ndirilen Seviye: &a%s0"
descend_sıngular: "&eBir Seviyeye İndirildi."
whoosh: "&aAmaniiinnn!"
poof: "&aAmaniiinnn!"
thru_faıl: "&cDostum Önünde Serbest Nokta YOK."
no_block: "&cGörünürde ya da Uzaklarda Blok Yok!"
up_faıl: "&cDostum Galiba Tepende Bir Blok Var."
ascend_faıl: "Yukarıda Boş Nokta YOK."
ascended_plural: "Yükseltilen Seviye: %s0"
ascended_sıngular: "Bir Seviyeye Yükseltildi."
unstuck: "HOP Buradayım!"
descend_faıl: "Altında Serbest Nokta YOK."
descend_plural: "Ä°ndirilen Seviye: %s0"
descend_sıngular: "Bir Seviyeye İndirildi."
whoosh: "Amaniiinnn!"
poof: "Amaniiinnn!"
thru_faıl: "Dostum Önünde Serbest Nokta YOK."
no_block: "Görünürde ya da Uzaklarda Blok Yok!"
up_faıl: "Dostum Galiba Tepende Bir Blok Var."
sel_cuboıd: "&eKüboid: &c1. Nokta İçin Sol_Tıklayın&7, &c2. Nokta İçin Sağ_Tıklayın"
sel_cuboıd_extend: "&eKüboid: &cBaşlangıç Noktası İçin Sol_Tıklayın&7, &cUzatmak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın"
sel_2d_polygon: "&e2D Çokgen Seçici: &cNokta Eklemek İçin Sağ ya da Sol_Tıklayın."
sel_ellıpsıod: "&eElipsoit Seçici: &cSol_Tıklama=Merkez&7, &cUzatmak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın"
sel_sphere: "&eKüre Seçici: &cSol_Tıklama=Merkez&/, &cYarıçapı Ayarlamak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın"
sel_cylındrıcal: "&eSilindirik Seçici: &cSol_Tıklama=Merkez&7, &cUzatmak İçin Sağ Tıklayın."
sel_max: "&aMaksimum Puan: &c%s0."
sel_fuzzy: "&eBulanık Seçici: &cŞarta Bağlı Tüm Blokları Seçmek İçin Sol_Tıklayın&7, &cEklemek İçin Sağ_Tıklayın. &aHava Boşluğunu Seçmek İçin: &c//pos1."
sel_convex_polyhedral: "&eKonveks Çokyüzlü Seçici: &cSok_Tıklama=İlk_Vertex&7, &eDaha Fazlası İçin &cSağ Tıklayın&7."
sel_lıst: "&eSeçim Türlerinin Listesi İçin: &c//sel list"
sel_modes: "&eAşağıdaki Modlardan Birini Seçin:"
sel_cuboıd: "Küboid: 1. Nokta İçin Sol_Tıklayın, 2. Nokta İçin Sağ_Tıklayın"
sel_cuboıd_extend: "Küboid: Başlangıç Noktası İçin Sol_Tıklayın, Uzatmak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın"
sel_2d_polygon: "2D Çokgen Seçici: Nokta Eklemek İçin Sağ ya da Sol_Tıklayın."
sel_ellıpsıod: "Elipsoit Seçici: Sol_Tıklama=Merkez, Uzatmak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın"
sel_sphere: "Küre Seçici: Sol_Tıklama=Merkez&/, Yarıçapı Ayarlamak İçin Sağ_Tıklayın"
sel_cylındrıcal: "Silindirik Seçici: Sol_Tıklama=Merkez, Uzatmak İçin Sağ Tıklayın."
sel_max: "Maksimum Puan: %s0."
sel_fuzzy: "Bulanık Seçici: Şarta Bağlı Tüm Blokları Seçmek İçin Sol_Tıklayın, Eklemek İçin Sağ_Tıklayın. Hava Boşluğunu Seçmek İçin: //pos1."
sel_convex_polyhedral: "Konveks Çokyüzlü Seçici: Sok_Tıklama=İlk_Vertex, Daha Fazlası İçin Sağ Tıklayın."
sel_lıst: "Seçim Türlerinin Listesi İçin: //sel list"
sel_modes: "Aşağıdaki Modlardan Birini Seçin:"
tıp_sel_lıst: "&7Hatırlatma: &aFarklı Seçim Modlarını Görmek İçin: &c//sel list"
tıp_select_connected: "&7Hatırlatma: &aBağlı Tüm Blokları Seçmek İçin: &c//sel fuzzy"
tıp_set_pos1: "&7Hatırlatma: &a1. Pozisyonu Desen Olarak Ayarlamak İçin: &c//set pos1"
tıp_farwand: "&7Hatırlatma: &aUzak Noktaları Seçmek İçin: &c//farwand"
tıp_lazycut: "&7Hatırlatma: &aBu Komutu Kullanmak Daha Güvenli: &c//lazycut"
tıp_fast: "&7Hatırlatma: &aHızlıca Geri Almak İçin: &c//fast"
tıp_cancel: "&7Hatırlatma: &aDevam Eden Düzenlemeyi İptal Etmek İçin: &c//cancel"
tıp_mask: "&7Hatırlatma: &aGenel Hedef Maskesi Ayarlamak İçin: &c/gmask"
tıp_mask_angle: "&7Hatırlatma: &a3-20 Bloktan Yukarısını Değiştirmek İçin: &c//replace /[-20][-3] bedrock"
tıp_set_lınear: "&7Hatırlatma: &aBlokları Doğrusal Olarak Ayarlamak İçin: &c//set #l3d[wood,bedrock]"
tıp_surface_spread: "&7Hatırlatma: &aDüz Yüzeye Yaymak İçin: &c//set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]"
tıp_set_hand: "&7Hatırlatma: &aŞuanki Elini Kullanmak İçin: &c//set hand"
tıp_replace_ıd: "&7Hatırlatma: &aBlok ID'sini Değiştirmek İçin: &c//replace woodenstair #id[cobblestair]"
tıp_replace_lıght: "&7Hatırlatma: &aIşık Kaynaklarını Kaldırmak İçin: &c//replace #brightness[1][15] 0"
tıp_tab_complete: "&7Hatırlatma: &cReplace &aKomutu Sekme Tamamlamayı Destekler"
tıp_flıp: "&7Hatırlatma: &aAyna İçin: &c//flip"
tıp_deform: "&7Hatırlatma: &aYeniden Şekillendirmek İçin: &c//deform"
tıp_transform: "&7Hatırlatma: &aDönüşüm Yapmak İçin: &c//gtransform"
tıp_copypaste: "&7Hatırlatma: &aTıklayarak Yapıştırmak İçin: &c//br copypaste"
tıp_source_mask: "&7Hatırlatma: &aKaynak Maskesi Ayarlamak İçin: &c/gsmask <mask>&7"
tıp_replace_marker: "&7Hatırlatma: &aTamamen Yerleştirmek İçin: &c//replace wool #fullcopy"
tıp_paste: "&7Hatırlatma: &aYapıştırmak İçin: &c//paste"
tıp_lazycopy: "&7Hatırlatma: &lLazyCopy &eDaha Hızlıdır"
tıp_download: "&7Hatırlatma: &aİndirmek İçin: &c//download"
tıp_rotate: "&7Hatırlatma: &aYönlendirmek İçin: &c//rotate"
tıp_copy_pattern: "&7Hatırlatma: &aDesen Olarak Kullanmak İçin: &c#copy"
tıp_regen_0: "&7Hatırlatma: &aBiyomları Kullanmak İçin: &c/regen <Biyom>"
tıp_regen_1: "&7Hatırlatma: &aBiyom Değeri İçin: &c/regen <Biyom> <Değer>"
tıp_bıome_pattern: "&7Hatırlatma: &c#biome[forest] &eDeseni Herhangi Bir Komutta Kullanılabilir"
tıp_bıome_mask: "&7Hatırlatma: &c`$jungle` &eMaskesini Bir Biyoma Kısıtla"
tıp_sel_lıst: "Hatırlatma: Farklı Seçim Modlarını Görmek İçin: //sel list"
tıp_select_connected: "Hatırlatma: Bağlı Tüm Blokları Seçmek İçin: //sel fuzzy"
tıp_set_pos1: "Hatırlatma: 1. Pozisyonu Desen Olarak Ayarlamak İçin: //set pos1"
tıp_farwand: "Hatırlatma: Uzak Noktaları Seçmek İçin: //farwand"
tıp_lazycut: "Hatırlatma: Bu Komutu Kullanmak Daha Güvenli: //lazycut"
tıp_fast: "Hatırlatma: Hızlıca Geri Almak İçin: //fast"
tıp_cancel: "Hatırlatma: Devam Eden Düzenlemeyi İptal Etmek İçin: //cancel"
tıp_mask: "Hatırlatma: Genel Hedef Maskesi Ayarlamak İçin: /gmask"
tıp_mask_angle: "Hatırlatma: 3-20 Bloktan Yukarısını Değiştirmek İçin: //replace /[-20][-3] bedrock"
tıp_set_lınear: "Hatırlatma: Blokları Doğrusal Olarak Ayarlamak İçin: //set #l3d[wood,bedrock]"
tıp_surface_spread: "Hatırlatma: Düz Yüzeye Yaymak İçin: //set #surfacespread[5][0][5][#existing]"
tıp_set_hand: "Hatırlatma: Şuanki Elini Kullanmak İçin: //set hand"
tıp_replace_ıd: "Hatırlatma: Blok ID'sini Değiştirmek İçin: //replace woodenstair #id[cobblestair]"
tıp_replace_lıght: "Hatırlatma: Işık Kaynaklarını Kaldırmak İçin: //replace #brightness[1][15] 0"
tıp_tab_complete: "Hatırlatma: Replace Komutu Sekme Tamamlamayı Destekler"
tıp_flıp: "Hatırlatma: Ayna İçin: //flip"
tıp_deform: "Hatırlatma: Yeniden Şekillendirmek İçin: //deform"
tıp_transform: "Hatırlatma: Dönüşüm Yapmak İçin: //gtransform"
tıp_copypaste: "Hatırlatma: Tıklayarak Yapıştırmak İçin: //br copypaste"
tıp_source_mask: "Hatırlatma: Kaynak Maskesi Ayarlamak İçin: /gsmask <mask>"
tıp_replace_marker: "Hatırlatma: Tamamen Yerleştirmek İçin: //replace wool #fullcopy"
tıp_paste: "Hatırlatma: Yapıştırmak İçin: //paste"
tıp_lazycopy: "Hatırlatma: &lLazyCopy Daha Hızlıdır"
tıp_download: "Hatırlatma: İndirmek İçin: //download"
tıp_rotate: "Hatırlatma: Yönlendirmek İçin: //rotate"
tıp_copy_pattern: "Hatırlatma: Desen Olarak Kullanmak İçin: #copy"
tıp_regen_0: "Hatırlatma: Biyomları Kullanmak İçin: /regen <Biyom>"
tıp_regen_1: "Hatırlatma: Biyom Değeri İçin: /regen <Biyom> <Değer>"
tıp_bıome_pattern: "Hatırlatma: #biome[forest] Deseni Herhangi Bir Komutta Kullanılabilir"
tıp_bıome_mask: "Hatırlatma: `$jungle` Maskesini Bir Biyoma Kısıtla"