Mirror von https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit.git synchronisiert 2025-01-11 18:10:52 +01:00

Add barebones Anvil API

not anvil commands, just the core of the api
could do with some optimization
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Jesse Boyd 2019-11-01 19:11:05 +01:00
Ursprung 1ad040f7d0
Commit 3e00ce36d2
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GPG-Schlüssel-ID: 59F1DE6293AF6E1F
5 geänderte Dateien mit 1218 neuen und 18 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ public enum FaweCache implements Trimable {
*/ */
public final CleanableThreadLocal<AtomicBoolean> CHUNK_FLAG = new CleanableThreadLocal<>(AtomicBoolean::new); // resets to false public final CleanableThreadLocal<AtomicBoolean> CHUNK_FLAG = new CleanableThreadLocal<>(AtomicBoolean::new); // resets to false
public final CleanableThreadLocal<long[]> LONG_BUFFER_1024 = new CleanableThreadLocal<>(() -> new long[1024]);
public final CleanableThreadLocal<byte[]> BYTE_BUFFER_8192 = new CleanableThreadLocal<>(() -> new byte[8192]); public final CleanableThreadLocal<byte[]> BYTE_BUFFER_8192 = new CleanableThreadLocal<>(() -> new byte[8192]);
public final CleanableThreadLocal<int[]> BLOCK_TO_PALETTE = new CleanableThreadLocal<>(() -> { public final CleanableThreadLocal<int[]> BLOCK_TO_PALETTE = new CleanableThreadLocal<>(() -> {

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@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
package com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil;
import com.boydti.fawe.FaweCache;
import com.boydti.fawe.beta.IChunkSet;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.streamer.StreamDelegate;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.streamer.ValueReader;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.collection.BitArray4096;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.collection.BlockVector3ChunkMap;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.io.FastByteArrayOutputStream;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MathMan;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.ListTag;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.NBTConstants;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.NBTInputStream;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.NBTOutputStream;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.registry.state.Property;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.biome.BiomeType;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.biome.BiomeTypes;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockID;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockState;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockStateHolder;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockType;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockTypes;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
public class MCAChunk implements IChunkSet {
public final boolean[] hasSections = new boolean[16];
public boolean hasBiomes = false;
public final byte[] biomes = new byte[256];
public final char[] blocks = new char[65536];
public final BlockVector3ChunkMap<CompoundTag> tiles = new BlockVector3ChunkMap<CompoundTag>();
public final Map<UUID, CompoundTag> entities = new HashMap<>();
public long inhabitedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public long lastUpdate;
public int modified;
public boolean deleted;
public int chunkX;
public int chunkZ;
public MCAChunk() {}
private boolean readLayer(Section section) {
if (section.palette == null || section.layer == -1 || section.blocksLength == -1 || section.palette[section.palette.length - 1] == null || section.blocks == null) {
// not initialized
return false;
int bitsPerEntry = MathMan.log2nlz(section.palette.length - 1);
BitArray4096 bitArray = new BitArray4096(section.blocks, bitsPerEntry);
char[] buffer = FaweCache.IMP.SECTION_BITS_TO_CHAR.get();
int offset = section.layer << 12;
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
BlockState block = section.palette[buffer[i]];
blocks[offset + i] = block.getOrdinalChar();
section.layer = -1;
section.blocksLength = -1;
section.blocks = null;
section.palette = null;
return true;
private static class Section {
public int layer = -1;
public long[] blocks;
public int blocksLength = -1;
public BlockState[] palette;
public MCAChunk(NBTInputStream nis, int chunkX, int chunkZ, boolean readPos) throws IOException {
this.chunkX = chunkX;
this.chunkZ = chunkZ;
StreamDelegate root = createDelegate(nis, readPos);
public StreamDelegate createDelegate(NBTInputStream nis, boolean readPos) {
StreamDelegate root = new StreamDelegate();
StreamDelegate level = root.add("").add("Level");
level.add("InhabitedTime").withLong((i, v) -> inhabitedTime = v);
level.add("LastUpdate").withLong((i, v) -> lastUpdate = v);
if (readPos) {
level.add("xPos").withInt((i, v) -> MCAChunk.this.chunkX = v);
level.add("zPos").withInt((i, v) -> MCAChunk.this.chunkZ = v);
Section section = new Section();
StreamDelegate layers = level.add("Sections");
StreamDelegate layer = layers.add();
layer.withInfo((length, type) -> {
section.layer = -1;
section.blocksLength = -1;
layer.add("Y").withInt((i, y) -> section.layer = y);
layer.add("Palette").withValue((ValueReader<Map<String, Object>>) (index, map) -> {
String name = (String) map.get("Name");
BlockType type = BlockTypes.get(name);
BlockState state = type.getDefaultState();
Map<String, String> properties = (Map<String, String>) map.get("Properties");
if (properties != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
Property property = type.getProperty(key);
state = state.with(property, property.getValueFor(value));
section.palette[index] = state;
StreamDelegate blockStates = layer.add("BlockStates");
blockStates.withInfo((length, type) -> {
if (section.blocks == null) {
section.blocks = FaweCache.IMP.LONG_BUFFER_1024.get();
section.blocksLength = length;
blockStates.withLong((index, value) -> section.blocks[index] = value);
level.add("TileEntities").withValue((ValueReader<Map<String, Object>>) (index, value) -> {
CompoundTag tile = FaweCache.IMP.asTag(value);
int x = tile.getInt("x") & 15;
int y = tile.getInt("y");
int z = tile.getInt("z") & 15;
tiles.put(x, y, z, tile);
level.add("Entities").withValue((ValueReader<Map<String, Object>>) (index, value) -> {
CompoundTag entity = FaweCache.IMP.asTag(value);
entities.put(entity.getUUID(), entity);
level.add("Biomes").withInt((index, value) -> biomes[index] = (byte) value);
return root;
public int getX() {
return chunkX;
public int getZ() {
return chunkZ;
public boolean hasSection(int layer) {
return hasSections[layer];
public void setPosition(int X, int Z) {
this.chunkX = X;
this.chunkZ = Z;
public IChunkSet reset() {
return this.reset(true);
public IChunkSet reset(boolean full) {
if (!tiles.isEmpty()) {
if (!entities.isEmpty()) {
modified = 0;
deleted = false;
hasBiomes = false;
if (full) {
for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
blocks[i] = BlockID.AIR;
Arrays.fill(hasSections, false);
return this;
public void write(NBTOutputStream nbtOut) throws IOException {
int[] blockToPalette = FaweCache.IMP.BLOCK_TO_PALETTE.get();
int[] paletteToBlock = FaweCache.IMP.PALETTE_TO_BLOCK.get();
long[] blockstates = FaweCache.IMP.BLOCK_STATES.get();
int[] blocksCopy = FaweCache.IMP.SECTION_BLOCKS.get();
nbtOut.writeNamedTagName("", NBTConstants.TYPE_COMPOUND);
nbtOut.writeNamedTag("DataVersion", 1631);
nbtOut.writeLazyCompoundTag("Level", out -> {
out.writeNamedTag("Status", "decorated");
out.writeNamedTag("xPos", getX());
out.writeNamedTag("zPos", getZ());
if (entities.isEmpty()) {
} else {
out.writeNamedTag("Entities", new ListTag(CompoundTag.class, new ArrayList<>(entities.values())));
if (tiles.isEmpty()) {
} else {
out.writeNamedTag("TileEntities", new ListTag(CompoundTag.class,
new ArrayList<>(tiles.values())));
out.writeNamedTag("InhabitedTime", inhabitedTime);
out.writeNamedTag("LastUpdate", lastUpdate);
if (hasBiomes) {
out.writeNamedTag("Biomes", biomes);
int len = 0;
for (boolean hasSection : hasSections) {
if (hasSection) {
out.writeNamedTagName("Sections", NBTConstants.TYPE_LIST);
for (int layer = 0; layer < hasSections.length; layer++) {
if (!hasSections[layer]) {
out.writeNamedTag("Y", (byte) layer);
int blockIndexStart = layer << 12;
int blockIndexEnd = blockIndexStart + 4096;
int num_palette = 0;
try {
for (int i = blockIndexStart, j = 0; i < blockIndexEnd; i++, j++) {
int ordinal = blocks[i];
int palette = blockToPalette[ordinal];
if (palette == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// BlockState state = BlockTypes.states[ordinal];
blockToPalette[ordinal] = palette = num_palette;
paletteToBlock[num_palette] = ordinal;
blocksCopy[j] = palette;
for (int i = 0; i < num_palette; i++) {
blockToPalette[paletteToBlock[i]] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
out.writeNamedTagName("Palette", NBTConstants.TYPE_LIST);
for (int i = 0; i < num_palette; i++) {
int ordinal = paletteToBlock[i];
BlockState state = BlockTypes.states[ordinal];
BlockType type = state.getBlockType();
out.writeNamedTag("Name", type.getId());
// Has no properties
if (type.getDefaultState() != state) {
// Write properties
out.writeNamedTagName("Properties", NBTConstants.TYPE_COMPOUND);
for (Property<?> property : type.getProperties()) {
String key = property.getName();
Object value = state.getState(property);
String valueStr = value.toString();
if (Character.isUpperCase(valueStr.charAt(0))) {
System.out.println("Invalid uppercase value " + value);
valueStr = valueStr.toLowerCase();
out.writeNamedTag(key, valueStr);
// BlockStates
int bitsPerEntry = MathMan.log2nlz(num_palette - 1);
int blockBitArrayEnd = (bitsPerEntry * 4096) >> 6;
if (num_palette == 1) {
// Set a value, because minecraft needs it for some reason
blockstates[0] = 0;
blockBitArrayEnd = 1;
} else {
BitArray4096 bitArray = new BitArray4096(blockstates, bitsPerEntry);
out.writeNamedTagName("BlockStates", NBTConstants.TYPE_LONG_ARRAY);
for (int i = 0; i < blockBitArrayEnd; i++) {
// out.writeNamedTagName("BlockLight", NBTConstants.TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY);
// out.writeInt(2048);
// out.write(blockLight, layer << 11, 1 << 11);
// out.writeNamedTagName("SkyLight", NBTConstants.TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY);
// out.writeInt(2048);
// out.write(skyLight, layer << 11, 1 << 11);
// cleanup
} catch (Throwable e) {
Arrays.fill(blockToPalette, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
throw e;
public byte[] toBytes(byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new byte[8192];
FastByteArrayOutputStream buffered = new FastByteArrayOutputStream(buffer);
try (NBTOutputStream nbtOut = new NBTOutputStream(buffered)) {
return buffered.toByteArray();
public long getInhabitedTime() {
return inhabitedTime;
public long getLastUpdate() {
return lastUpdate;
public void setInhabitedTime(long inhabitedTime) {
this.inhabitedTime = inhabitedTime;
public void setLastUpdate(long lastUpdate) {
this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate;
public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) {
this.deleted = deleted;
public boolean isDeleted() {
return deleted;
public boolean isEmpty() {
if (deleted) return true;
for (boolean hasSection : hasSections) {
if (hasSection) return false;
return true;
public boolean isModified() {
return modified != 0;
public int getModified() {
return modified;
public final void setModified() {
public int getBitMask() {
int bitMask = 0;
for (int section = 0; section < hasSections.length; section++) {
if (hasSections[section]) {
bitMask += 1 << section;
return bitMask;
public boolean setTile(int x, int y, int z, CompoundTag tile) {
if (tile != null) {
tiles.put(x, y, z, tile);
} else {
if (tiles.remove(x, y, z) == null) {
return false;
return true;
public void setEntity(CompoundTag entityTag) {
long least = entityTag.getLong("UUIDLeast");
long most = entityTag.getLong("UUIDMost");
entities.put(new UUID(most, least), entityTag);
public BiomeType getBiomeType(int x, int z) {
return BiomeTypes.get(this.biomes[(z << 4) | x] & 0xFF);
public BiomeType[] getBiomes() {
BiomeType[] tmp = new BiomeType[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
tmp[i] = BiomeTypes.get(this.biomes[i] & 0xFF);
return tmp;
public boolean setBiome(BlockVector2 pos, BiomeType biome) {
return this.setBiome(pos.getX(), 0, pos.getZ(), biome);
public boolean setBiome(int x, int y, int z, BiomeType biome) {
biomes[x + (z << 4)] = (byte) biome.getInternalId();
return true;
public Set<CompoundTag> getEntities() {
return new HashSet<>(entities.values());
public Map<BlockVector3, CompoundTag> getTiles() {
return tiles == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : tiles;
public CompoundTag getTile(int x, int y, int z) {
if (tiles == null || tiles.isEmpty()) {
return null;
short pair = MathMan.tripleBlockCoord(x, y, z);
return tiles.get(pair);
private final int getIndex(int x, int y, int z) {
return x | (z << 4) | (y << 8);
public int getBlockOrdinal(int x, int y, int z) {
return blocks[x | (z << 4) | (y << 8)];
public BlockState getBlock(int x, int y, int z) {
int ordinal = getBlockOrdinal(x, y, z);
return BlockState.getFromOrdinal(ordinal);
public Set<UUID> getEntityRemoves() {
return new HashSet<>();
public boolean setBlock(int x, int y, int z, BlockStateHolder holder) {
setBlock(x, y, z, holder.getOrdinalChar());
holder.applyTileEntity(this, x, y, z);
return true;
public void setBlocks(int layer, char[] data) {
int offset = layer << 12;
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {
blocks[offset + i] = data[i];
public char[] getArray(int layer) {
char[] tmp = FaweCache.IMP.SECTION_BITS_TO_CHAR.get();
int offset = layer << 12;
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {
tmp[i] = blocks[offset + i];
return tmp;
public void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, char ordinal) {
blocks[getIndex(x, y, z)] = ordinal;
public void setBiome(BiomeType biome) {
Arrays.fill(biomes, (byte) biome.getInternalId());
public void removeEntity(UUID uuid) {
public boolean trim(boolean aggressive) {
return isEmpty();

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@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
package com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil;
import com.boydti.fawe.Fawe;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.streamer.StreamDelegate;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.RunnableVal;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.RunnableVal4;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.collection.CleanableThreadLocal;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.io.BufferedRandomAccessFile;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.io.FastByteArrayInputStream;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MainUtil;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.MathMan;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.NBTInputStream;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.World;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.zip.Inflater;
import java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream;
* Chunk format: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Chunk_format#Entity_format
* e.g.: `.Level.Entities.#` (Starts with a . as the root tag is unnamed)
public class MCAFile {
private static Field fieldBuf2;
private static Field fieldBuf3;
static {
try {
fieldBuf2 = InflaterInputStream.class.getDeclaredField("buf");
fieldBuf3 = NBTInputStream.class.getDeclaredField("buf");
} catch (Throwable e) {
private final World world;
private final File file;
private RandomAccessFile raf;
private byte[] locations;
private boolean deleted;
private final int X, Z;
private final Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<MCAChunk> chunks = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
final ThreadLocal<byte[]> byteStore1 = new ThreadLocal<byte[]>() {
protected byte[] initialValue() {
return new byte[4096];
final ThreadLocal<byte[]> byteStore2 = new ThreadLocal<byte[]>() {
protected byte[] initialValue() {
return new byte[4096];
final ThreadLocal<byte[]> byteStore3 = new ThreadLocal<byte[]>() {
protected byte[] initialValue() {
return new byte[1024];
public MCAFile(World world, File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
this.world = world;
this.file = file;
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(file.getName());
String[] split = file.getName().split("\\.");
X = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
Z = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
public MCAFile(World world, int mcrX, int mcrZ) {
this(world, mcrX, mcrZ, new File(world.getStoragePath().toFile(), "r." + mcrX + "." + mcrZ + ".mca"));
public MCAFile(World world, int mcrX, int mcrZ, File file) {
this.world = world;
this.file = file;
X = mcrX;
Z = mcrZ;
public void clear() {
if (raf != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
synchronized (chunks) {
locations = null;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) {
this.deleted = deleted;
public boolean isDeleted() {
return deleted;
public World getWorld() {
return world;
* Loads the location header from disk
public void init() {
try {
if (raf == null) {
this.locations = new byte[4096];
if (file != null) {
this.raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
if (raf.length() < 8192) {
} else {
} catch (Throwable e) {
public int getX() {
return X;
public int getZ() {
return Z;
public RandomAccessFile getRandomAccessFile() {
return raf;
public File getFile() {
return file;
public MCAChunk getCachedChunk(int cx, int cz) {
int pair = MathMan.pair((short) (cx & 31), (short) (cz & 31));
synchronized (chunks) {
return chunks.get(pair);
public void setChunk(MCAChunk chunk) {
int cx = chunk.getX();
int cz = chunk.getZ();
int pair = MathMan.pair((short) (cx & 31), (short) (cz & 31));
synchronized (chunks) {
chunks.put(pair, chunk);
public MCAChunk getChunk(int cx, int cz) throws IOException {
MCAChunk cached = getCachedChunk(cx, cz);
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
} else {
return readChunk(cx, cz);
public MCAChunk readChunk(int cx, int cz) throws IOException {
int i = ((cx & 31) << 2) + ((cz & 31) << 7);
int offset = (((locations[i] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((locations[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((locations[i + 2] & 0xFF))) << 12;
int size = (locations[i + 3] & 0xFF) << 12;
if (offset == 0) {
return null;
NBTInputStream nis = getChunkIS(offset);
MCAChunk chunk = new MCAChunk(nis, cx, cz, false);
int pair = MathMan.pair((short) (cx & 31), (short) (cz & 31));
synchronized (chunks) {
chunks.put(pair, chunk);
return chunk;
* @param onEach
* @throws IOException
public void forEachSortedChunk(RunnableVal4<Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer> onEach) throws IOException {
char[] offsets = new char[(int) (raf.length() / 4096) - 2];
Arrays.fill(offsets, Character.MAX_VALUE);
char i = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < 32; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++, i += 4) {
int offset = (((locations[i] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((locations[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((locations[i + 2] & 0xFF))) - 2;
int size = locations[i + 3] & 0xFF;
if (size != 0) {
if (offset < offsets.length) {
offsets[offset] = i;
} else {
Fawe.debug("Ignoring invalid offset " + offset);
for (i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
int index = offsets[i];
if (index != Character.MAX_VALUE) {
int offset = i + 2;
int size = locations[index + 3] & 0xFF;
int index2 = index >> 2;
int x = (index2) & 31;
int z = (index2) >> 5;
onEach.run(x, z, offset << 12, size << 12);
* @param onEach cx, cz, offset, size
public void forEachChunk(RunnableVal4<Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer> onEach) {
int i = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < 32; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++, i += 4) {
int offset = (((locations[i] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((locations[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((locations[i + 2] & 0xFF)));
int size = locations[i + 3] & 0xFF;
if (size != 0) {
onEach.run(x, z, offset << 12, size << 12);
public void forEachChunk(RunnableVal<MCAChunk> onEach) {
int i = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < 32; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++, i += 4) {
int offset = (((locations[i] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((locations[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((locations[i + 2] & 0xFF)));
int size = locations[i + 3] & 0xFF;
if (size != 0) {
try {
onEach.run(getChunk(x, z));
} catch (Throwable ignore) {
public int getOffset(int cx, int cz) {
int i = ((cx & 31) << 2) + ((cz & 31) << 7);
int offset = (((locations[i] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((locations[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((locations[i + 2] & 0xFF)));
return offset << 12;
public int getSize(int cx, int cz) {
int i = ((cx & 31) << 2) + ((cz & 31) << 7);
return (locations[i + 3] & 0xFF) << 12;
public List<Integer> getChunks() {
final List<Integer> values;
synchronized (chunks) {
values = new ArrayList<>(chunks.size());
for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i += 4) {
int offset = (((locations[i] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((locations[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((locations[i + 2] & 0xFF)));
return values;
public byte[] getChunkCompressedBytes(int offset) throws IOException {
if (offset == 0) {
return null;
synchronized (raf) {
int size = raf.readInt();
int compression = raf.read();
byte[] data = new byte[size];
return data;
private NBTInputStream getChunkIS(int offset) throws IOException {
try {
byte[] data = getChunkCompressedBytes(offset);
FastByteArrayInputStream bais = new FastByteArrayInputStream(data);
InflaterInputStream iis = new InflaterInputStream(bais, new Inflater(), 1);
fieldBuf2.set(iis, byteStore2.get());
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(iis);
NBTInputStream nis = new NBTInputStream(bis);
fieldBuf3.set(nis, byteStore3.get());
return nis;
} catch (IllegalAccessException unlikely) {
return null;
public void streamChunk(int cx, int cz, StreamDelegate delegate) throws IOException {
streamChunk(getOffset(cx, cz), delegate);
public void streamChunk(int offset, StreamDelegate delegate) throws IOException {
byte[] data = getChunkCompressedBytes(offset);
streamChunk(data, delegate);
public void streamChunk(byte[] data, StreamDelegate delegate) throws IOException {
if (data != null) {
try {
FastByteArrayInputStream bais = new FastByteArrayInputStream(data);
InflaterInputStream iis = new InflaterInputStream(bais, new Inflater(), 1);
fieldBuf2.set(iis, byteStore2.get());
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(iis);
NBTInputStream nis = new NBTInputStream(bis);
fieldBuf3.set(nis, byteStore3.get());
} catch (IllegalAccessException unlikely) {
* @param onEach chunk
public void forEachCachedChunk(RunnableVal<MCAChunk> onEach) {
synchronized (chunks) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, MCAChunk> entry : chunks.entrySet()) {
public List<MCAChunk> getCachedChunks() {
synchronized (chunks) {
return new ArrayList<>(chunks.values());
public void uncache(int cx, int cz) {
int pair = MathMan.pair((short) (cx & 31), (short) (cz & 31));
synchronized (chunks) {
private byte[] toBytes(MCAChunk chunk) throws Exception {
if (chunk.isDeleted()) {
return null;
byte[] uncompressed = chunk.toBytes(byteStore3.get());
byte[] compressed = MainUtil.compress(uncompressed, byteStore2.get(), null);
return compressed;
private byte[] getChunkBytes(int cx, int cz) throws Exception {
MCAChunk mca = getCachedChunk(cx, cz);
if (mca == null) {
int offset = getOffset(cx, cz);
if (offset == 0) {
return null;
return getChunkCompressedBytes(offset);
return toBytes(mca);
private void writeSafe(RandomAccessFile raf, int offset, byte[] data) throws IOException {
int len = data.length + 5;
if (raf.length() - offset < len) {
raf.setLength(((offset + len + 4095) / 4096) * 4096);
// Length of remaining data
raf.writeInt(data.length + 1);
// Compression type
private void writeHeader(RandomAccessFile raf, int cx, int cz, int offsetMedium, int sizeByte, boolean writeTime) throws IOException {
int i = ((cx & 31) << 2) + ((cz & 31) << 7);
locations[i] = (byte) (offsetMedium >> 16);
locations[i + 1] = (byte) (offsetMedium >> 8);
locations[i + 2] = (byte) (offsetMedium);
locations[i + 3] = (byte) sizeByte;
raf.write((offsetMedium >> 16));
raf.write((offsetMedium >> 8));
raf.write((offsetMedium >> 0));
raf.seek(i + 4096);
if (offsetMedium == 0 && sizeByte == 0) {
} else {
raf.writeInt((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L));
public void close(ForkJoinPool pool) {
if (raf == null) return;
synchronized (raf) {
if (raf != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
raf = null;
locations = null;
public boolean isModified() {
if (isDeleted()) {
return true;
synchronized (chunks) {
for (Int2ObjectMap.Entry<MCAChunk> entry : chunks.int2ObjectEntrySet()) {
MCAChunk chunk = entry.getValue();
if (chunk.isModified() || chunk.isDeleted()) {
return true;
return false;
* Write the chunk to the file
* @param pool
public void flush(ForkJoinPool pool) {
synchronized (raf) {
// If the file is marked as deleted, nothing is written
if (isDeleted()) {
boolean wait; // If the flush method needs to wait for the pool
if (pool == null) {
wait = true;
pool = new ForkJoinPool();
} else wait = false;
// Chunks that need to be relocated
Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<byte[]> relocate = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
// The position of each chunk
final Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Integer> offsetMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); // Offset -> <byte cx, byte cz, short size>
// The data of each modified chunk
final Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<byte[]> compressedMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
// The data of each chunk that needs to be moved
final Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<byte[]> append = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
boolean modified = false;
// Get the current time for the chunk timestamp
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Load the chunks into the append or compressed map
for (MCAChunk chunk : getCachedChunks()) {
if (chunk.isModified() || chunk.isDeleted()) {
modified = true;
if (!chunk.isDeleted()) {
pool.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
byte[] compressed = toBytes(chunk);
int pair = MathMan.pair((short) (chunk.getX() & 31), (short) (chunk.getZ() & 31));
Int2ObjectOpenHashMap map;
if (getOffset(chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ()) == 0) {
map = append;
} else {
map = compressedMap;
synchronized (map) {
map.put(pair, compressed);
} catch (Throwable e) {
// If any changes were detected
if (modified) {
// Load the offset data into the offset map
forEachChunk(new RunnableVal4<Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
public void run(Integer cx, Integer cz, Integer offset, Integer size) {
short pair1 = MathMan.pairByte((byte) (cx & 31), (byte) (cz & 31));
short pair2 = (short) (size >> 12);
offsetMap.put((int) offset, (Integer) MathMan.pair(pair1, pair2));
// Wait for previous tasks
pool.awaitQuiescence(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
int start = 8192;
int written = start;
int end = 8192;
int nextOffset = 8192;
try {
for (int count = 0; count < offsetMap.size(); count++) {
// Get the previous position of the next chunk
Integer loc = offsetMap.get(nextOffset);
while (loc == null) {
nextOffset += 4096;
loc = offsetMap.get(nextOffset);
int offset = nextOffset;
// Get the x/z from the paired location
short cxz = MathMan.unpairX(loc);
int cx = MathMan.unpairShortX(cxz);
int cz = MathMan.unpairShortY(cxz);
// Get the size from the pair
int size = MathMan.unpairY(loc) << 12;
nextOffset += size;
end = Math.min(start + size, end);
int pair = MathMan.pair((short) (cx & 31), (short) (cz & 31));
byte[] newBytes = relocate.get(pair);
// newBytes is null if the chunk isn't modified or marked for moving
if (newBytes == null) {
MCAChunk cached = getCachedChunk(cx, cz);
// If the previous offset marks the current write position (start) then we only write the header
if (offset == start) {
if (cached == null || !cached.isModified()) {
writeHeader(raf, cx, cz, start >> 12, size >> 12, true);
start += size;
written = start + size;
} else {
newBytes = compressedMap.get(pair);
} else {
// The chunk needs to be moved, fetch the data if necessary
newBytes = compressedMap.get(pair);
if (newBytes == null) {
if (cached == null || !cached.isDeleted()) {
newBytes = getChunkCompressedBytes(getOffset(cx, cz));
if (newBytes == null) {
writeHeader(raf, cx, cz, 0, 0, false);
// The length to be written (compressed data + 5 byte chunk header)
int len = newBytes.length + 5;
int oldSize = (size + 4095) >> 12;
int newSize = (len + 4095) >> 12;
int nextOffset2 = end;
// If the current write position (start) + length of data to write (len) are longer than the position of the next chunk, we need to move the next chunks
while (start + len > end) {
Integer nextLoc = offsetMap.get(nextOffset2);
if (nextLoc != null) {
short nextCXZ = MathMan.unpairX(nextLoc);
int nextCX = MathMan.unpairShortX(nextCXZ);
int nextCZ = MathMan.unpairShortY(nextCXZ);
MCAChunk cached = getCachedChunk(nextCX, nextCZ);
if (cached == null || !cached.isModified()) {
byte[] nextBytes = getChunkCompressedBytes(nextOffset2);
relocate.put(MathMan.pair((short) (nextCX & 31), (short) (nextCZ & 31)), nextBytes);
int nextSize = MathMan.unpairY(nextLoc) << 12;
end += nextSize;
nextOffset2 += nextSize;
} else {
end += 4096;
nextOffset2 += 4096;
// Write the chunk + chunk header
writeSafe(raf, start, newBytes);
// Write the location data (beginning of file)
writeHeader(raf, cx, cz, start >> 12, newSize, true);
written = start + newBytes.length + 5;
start += newSize << 12;
// Write all the chunks which need to be appended
if (!append.isEmpty()) {
for (Int2ObjectMap.Entry<byte[]> entry : append.int2ObjectEntrySet()) {
int pair = entry.getIntKey();
short cx = MathMan.unpairX(pair);
short cz = MathMan.unpairY(pair);
byte[] bytes = entry.getValue();
int len = bytes.length + 5;
int newSize = (len + 4095) >> 12;
writeSafe(raf, start, bytes);
writeHeader(raf, cx, cz, start >> 12, newSize, true);
written = start + bytes.length + 5;
start += newSize << 12;
// Round the file length, since the vanilla server doesn't like it for some reason
raf.setLength(4096 * ((written + 4095) / 4096));
if (raf instanceof BufferedRandomAccessFile) {
((BufferedRandomAccessFile) raf).flush();
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (wait) {
pool.awaitQuiescence(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

Datei anzeigen

@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ public class StreamDelegate {
if (lazyReader != null) { if (lazyReader != null) {
lazyReader.apply(0, is); lazyReader.apply(0, is);
} else if (elemReader != null) { } else if (elemReader != null) {
Object raw = is.readTagPaylodRaw(type, depth); Object raw = is.readTagPayloadRaw(type, depth);
elemReader.apply(0, raw); elemReader.apply(0, raw);
} else if (valueReader != null) { } else if (valueReader != null) {
Object raw = is.readTagPaylodRaw(type, depth); Object raw = is.readTagPayloadRaw(type, depth);
valueReader.apply(0, raw); valueReader.apply(0, raw);
} else { } else {
is.readTagPaylodLazy(type, depth + 1, this); is.readTagPaylodLazy(type, depth + 1, this);

Datei anzeigen

@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ public final class NBTInputStream implements Closeable {
ValueReader valueReader = scope.getValueReader(); ValueReader valueReader = scope.getValueReader();
if (valueReader != null) { if (valueReader != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
valueReader.apply(i, readTagPaylodRaw(childType, depth + 1)); valueReader.apply(i, readTagPayloadRaw(childType, depth + 1));
} }
return; return;
} }
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ public final class NBTInputStream implements Closeable {
return; return;
} }
is.skipBytes(is.readShort() & 0xFFFF); is.skipBytes(is.readShort() & 0xFFFF);
Object child = readTagPaylodRaw(childType, depth); Object child = readTagPayloadRaw(childType, depth);
elem.apply(i, child); elem.apply(i, child);
} }
} }
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ public final class NBTInputStream implements Closeable {
} }
} }
public Object readTagPaylodRaw(int type, int depth) throws IOException { public Object readTagPayloadRaw(int type, int depth) throws IOException {
switch (type) { switch (type) {
case NBTConstants.TYPE_END: case NBTConstants.TYPE_END:
if (depth == 0) { if (depth == 0) {
@ -421,30 +421,31 @@ public final class NBTInputStream implements Closeable {
bytes = new byte[length]; bytes = new byte[length];
is.readFully(bytes); is.readFully(bytes);
return (new String(bytes, NBTConstants.CHARSET)); return (new String(bytes, NBTConstants.CHARSET));
case NBTConstants.TYPE_LIST: case NBTConstants.TYPE_LIST: {
int childType = is.readByte(); int childType = is.readByte();
length = is.readInt(); length = is.readInt();
List<Tag> tagList = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> tagList = new ArrayList<>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Tag tag = readTagPayload(childType, depth + 1); Object tag = readTagPayloadRaw(childType, depth + 1);
if (tag instanceof EndTag) { if (tag == null) {
throw new IOException("TAG_End not permitted in a list."); throw new IOException("TAG_End not permitted in a list.");
} }
tagList.add(tag); tagList.add(tag);
} }
return (tagList); return (tagList);
case NBTConstants.TYPE_COMPOUND: }
Map<String, Tag> tagMap = new HashMap<>(); case NBTConstants.TYPE_COMPOUND: {
Map<String, Object> tagMap = new HashMap<>();
while (true) { while (true) {
NamedTag namedTag = readNamedTag(depth + 1); int childType = is.readByte();
Tag tag = namedTag.getTag(); if (childType == NBTConstants.TYPE_END) {
if (tag instanceof EndTag) { return tagMap;
} else {
tagMap.put(namedTag.getName(), tag);
} }
String name = readNamedTagName(childType);
Object value = readTagPayloadRaw(childType, depth + 1);
tagMap.put(name, value);
} }
return (tagMap); }
case NBTConstants.TYPE_INT_ARRAY: { case NBTConstants.TYPE_INT_ARRAY: {
length = is.readInt(); length = is.readInt();
int[] data = new int[length]; int[] data = new int[length];