2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
# Minecraft expectations
2024-11-11 21:47:29 +01:00
paper = "1.21-R0.1-SNAPSHOT"
2022-12-11 18:36:13 +01:00
fastutil = "8.5.9"
guava = "31.1-jre"
log4j = "2.19.0"
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
gson = "2.10"
snakeyaml = "2.0"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
# Plugins
dummypermscompat = "1.10"
2024-09-28 19:46:04 +00:00
worldguard-bukkit = "7.0.12"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
mapmanager = "1.8.0-SNAPSHOT"
2024-01-22 21:01:24 +01:00
griefprevention = "17.0.0"
2022-01-24 01:29:01 +08:00
griefdefender = "2.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
residence = "4.5._13.1"
2024-12-16 01:19:21 +00:00
towny = ""
2024-11-24 17:34:26 +00:00
plotsquared = "7.4.0"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
# Third party
2024-09-29 15:20:31 +02:00
bstats = "3.1.0"
2023-10-01 10:18:32 +02:00
sparsebitset = "1.3"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
parallelgzip = "1.0.5"
2024-12-23 02:47:10 +00:00
adventure = "4.18.0"
2024-08-10 19:44:39 +00:00
adventure-bukkit = "4.3.4"
2024-12-16 04:02:37 +00:00
checkerqual = "3.48.3"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
truezip = "6.8.4"
2024-06-30 08:51:05 +00:00
auto-value = "1.11.0"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
findbugs = "3.0.2"
2024-05-06 00:46:47 +00:00
rhino-runtime = "1.7.15"
2021-09-17 14:38:28 +01:00
zstd-jni = "1.4.8-1" # Not latest as it can be difficult to obtain latest ZSTD libs
2024-08-05 01:11:19 +00:00
antlr4 = "4.13.2"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
json-simple = "1.1.1"
jlibnoise = "1.0.0"
jchronic = "0.2.4a"
lz4-java = "1.8.0"
lz4-stream = "1.0.0"
2024-08-19 03:54:59 +00:00
commons-cli = "1.9.0"
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
paperlib = "1.0.8"
2024-04-15 18:10:57 +00:00
paster = "1.1.6"
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
vault = "1.7.1"
2024-04-14 14:35:41 +00:00
serverlib = "2.3.6"
2024-10-25 18:07:06 +00:00
linbus = "0.2.0"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
## Internal
2021-08-17 16:57:35 +02:00
text-adapter = "3.0.6"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
text = "3.0.4"
2024-03-31 19:27:29 +00:00
piston = "0.5.10"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
# Tests
2024-10-21 01:05:04 +00:00
mockito = "5.14.2"
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
2021-08-17 16:57:35 +02:00
# Gradle plugins
2023-07-05 15:50:20 +02:00
pluginyml = "0.6.0"
2024-12-16 01:19:38 +00:00
mod-publish-plugin = "0.8.4"
2021-08-17 16:57:35 +02:00
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
# Minecraft expectations
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
paper = { group = "io.papermc.paper", name = "paper-api", version.ref = "paper" }
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
fastutil = { group = "it.unimi.dsi", name = "fastutil", version.ref = "fastutil" }
log4jBom = { group = "org.apache.logging.log4j", name = "log4j-bom", version.ref = "log4j" }
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
log4jApi = { group = "org.apache.logging.log4j", name = "log4j-api", version.ref = "log4j" }
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
guava = { group = "com.google.guava", name = "guava", version.ref = "guava" }
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
gson = { group = "com.google.code.gson", name = "gson", version.ref = "gson" }
snakeyaml = { group = "org.yaml", name = "snakeyaml", version.ref = "snakeyaml" }
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
# Plugins
dummypermscompat = { group = "com.sk89q", name = "dummypermscompat", version.ref = "dummypermscompat" }
worldguard = { group = "com.sk89q.worldguard", name = "worldguard-bukkit", version.ref = "worldguard-bukkit" }
mapmanager = { group = "com.github.InventivetalentDev", name = "MapManager", version.ref = "mapmanager" }
griefprevention = { group = "com.github.TechFortress", name = "GriefPrevention", version.ref = "griefprevention" }
2022-01-24 01:29:01 +08:00
griefdefender = { group = "com.griefdefender", name = "api", version.ref = "griefdefender" }
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
residence = { group = "com.bekvon.bukkit.residence", name = "Residence", version.ref = "residence" }
2023-06-02 12:21:16 +00:00
towny = { group = "com.palmergames.bukkit.towny", name = "towny", version.ref = "towny" }
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
plotSquaredCore = { group = "com.intellectualsites.plotsquared", name = "plotsquared-core", version.ref = "plotsquared" }
plotSquaredBukkit = { group = "com.intellectualsites.plotsquared", name = "plotsquared-bukkit", version.ref = "plotsquared" }
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
# Third Party
bstatsBase = { group = "org.bstats", name = "bstats-base", version.ref = "bstats" }
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
bstatsBukkit = { group = "org.bstats", name = "bstats-bukkit", version.ref = "bstats" }
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
sparsebitset = { group = "com.zaxxer", name = "SparseBitSet", version.ref = "sparsebitset" }
parallelgzip = { group = "org.anarres", name = "parallelgzip", version.ref = "parallelgzip" }
truezip = { group = "de.schlichtherle", name = "truezip", version.ref = "truezip" }
autoValueAnnotations = { group = "com.google.auto.value", name = "auto-value-annotations", version.ref = "auto-value" }
autoValue = { group = "com.google.auto.value", name = "auto-value", version.ref = "auto-value" }
findbugs = { group = "com.google.code.findbugs", name = "jsr305", version.ref = "findbugs" }
rhino = { group = "org.mozilla", name = "rhino-runtime", version.ref = "rhino-runtime" }
zstd = { group = "com.github.luben", name = "zstd-jni", version.ref = "zstd-jni" }
antlr4 = { group = "org.antlr", name = "antlr4", version.ref = "antlr4" }
antlr4Runtime = { group = "org.antlr", name = "antlr4-runtime", version.ref = "antlr4" }
jsonSimple = { group = "com.googlecode.json-simple", name = "json-simple", version.ref = "json-simple" }
jlibnoise = { group = "com.sk89q.lib", name = "jlibnoise", version.ref = "jlibnoise" }
jchronic = { group = "com.sk89q", name = "jchronic", version.ref = "jchronic" }
lz4Java = { group = "org.lz4", name = "lz4-java", version.ref = "lz4-java" }
lz4JavaStream = { group = "net.jpountz", name = "lz4-java-stream", version.ref = "lz4-stream" }
2023-08-09 20:52:18 +02:00
commonsCli = { group = "commons-cli", name = "commons-cli", version.ref = "commons-cli" }
paperlib = { group = "io.papermc", name = "paperlib", version.ref = "paperlib" }
adventureApi = { group = "net.kyori", name = "adventure-api", version.ref = "adventure" }
adventureMiniMessage = { group = "net.kyori", name = "adventure-text-minimessage", version.ref = "adventure" }
adventureBukkit = { group = "net.kyori", name = "adventure-platform-bukkit", version.ref = "adventure-bukkit" }
paster = { group = "com.intellectualsites.paster", name = "Paster", version.ref = "paster" }
vault = { group = "com.github.MilkBowl", name = "VaultAPI", version.ref = "vault" }
serverlib = { group = "dev.notmyfault.serverlib", name = "ServerLib", version.ref = "serverlib" }
checkerqual = { group = "org.checkerframework", name = "checker-qual", version.ref = "checkerqual" }
2024-06-26 21:55:47 +02:00
linBus-bom = { group = "org.enginehub.lin-bus", name = "lin-bus-bom", version.ref = "linbus" }
linBus-common = { group = "org.enginehub.lin-bus", name = "lin-bus-common" }
linBus-stream = { group = "org.enginehub.lin-bus", name = "lin-bus-stream" }
linBus-tree = { group = "org.enginehub.lin-bus", name = "lin-bus-tree" }
linBus-format-snbt = { group = "org.enginehub.lin-bus.format", name = "lin-bus-format-snbt" }
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
# Internal
## Text
2021-08-17 16:57:35 +02:00
adventureTextAdapterBukkit = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-adapter-bukkit", version.ref = "text-adapter" }
2021-08-01 19:28:51 +02:00
adventureTextApi = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-api", version.ref = "text" }
adventureTextSerializerGson = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-serializer-gson", version.ref = "text" }
adventureTextSerializerLegacy = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-serializer-legacy", version.ref = "text" }
adventureTextSerializerPlain = { group = "net.kyori", name = "text-serializer-plain", version.ref = "text" }
## Piston
piston = { group = "org.enginehub.piston", name = "core", version.ref = "piston" }
pistonImpl = { group = "org.enginehub.piston", name = "default-impl", version.ref = "piston" }
pistonAnnotations = { group = "org.enginehub.piston.core-ap", name = "annotations", version.ref = "piston" }
pistonProcessor = { group = "org.enginehub.piston.core-ap", name = "processor", version.ref = "piston" }
pistonRuntime = { group = "org.enginehub.piston.core-ap", name = "runtime", version.ref = "piston" }
# Tests
mockito = { group = "org.mockito", name = "mockito-core", version.ref = "mockito" }
log4jCore = { group = "org.apache.logging.log4j", name = "log4j-core", version.ref = "log4j" }
2021-08-17 16:57:35 +02:00
pluginyml = { id = "net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit", version.ref = "pluginyml" }
2024-11-14 09:20:53 -07:00
mod-publish-plugin = { id = "me.modmuss50.mod-publish-plugin", version.ref = "mod-publish-plugin" }