plugins { `java-library` alias(libs.plugins.paperweight.userdev) alias( // Adds runServer and runMojangMappedServer tasks for testing // Shades and relocates dependencies into our plugin jar. See alias(libs.plugins.shadow) } group = "com.moulberry.axiom" version = "1.5.12" description = "Serverside component for Axiom on Paper" java { // Configure the java toolchain. This allows gradle to auto-provision JDK 21 on systems that only have JDK 11 installed for example. toolchain.languageVersion.set(JavaLanguageVersion.of(21)) } repositories { mavenCentral() maven("") maven("") maven("") maven("") maven("") maven("") } dependencies { paperweight.paperDevBundle(libs.versions.paper) implementation(libs.reflection.remapper) implementation( // Zstd Compression Library implementation(libs.zstd.jni) // ViaVersion support compileOnly(libs.viaversion.api) // WorldGuard support compileOnly(libs.worldguard.bukkit) // PlotSquared support implementation(platform( compileOnly(libs.plotsquared.core) compileOnly(libs.plotsquared.bukkit) { isTransitive = false } // CoreProtect support compileOnly(libs.coreprotect) } tasks { // Configure reobfJar to run when invoking the build task assemble { dependsOn(reobfJar) } compileJava { options.encoding = // We want UTF-8 for everything // Set the release flag. This configures what version bytecode the compiler will emit, as well as what JDK APIs are usable. // See for more information. options.release.set(21) } javadoc { options.encoding = // We want UTF-8 for everything } processResources { filteringCharset = // We want UTF-8 for everything val props = mapOf( "name" to, "version" to project.version, "description" to project.description, "apiVersion" to "1.21" ) filesMatching("plugin.yml") { expand(props) } } shadowJar { // helper function to relocate a package into our package fun reloc(pkg: String) = relocate(pkg, "com.moulberry.axiom.dependency.$pkg") reloc("xyz.jpenilla:reflection-remapper") } }