# Armor Stand Tools Language Config # # Edit these strings if you wish to customize the wording # or the language of the text used in this plugin. # # IMPORTANT: Only edit the text that is between the single # quotation marks: 'like this' # If you change anything outside of the quotation marks, # errors will occur. # Do not use ' marks inside the string itself. # # If you ever wish to return to the default language config # then delete this file and reload the plugin. A new default # file will be generated. # #################### # General Messages # #################### invReturned: 'Inventory contents returned' asDropped: 'Armor stand dropped' asVisible: 'Visible' isTrue: 'True' isFalse: 'False' carrying: 'Carrying armor stand. Click to drop.' generalNoPerm: 'No permission for this tool and/or region' cbCreated: 'Command block created' size: 'Size' small: 'Small' normal: 'Normal' basePlate: 'Base plate' isOn: 'On' isOff: 'Off' gravity: 'Gravity' arms: 'Arms' invul: 'Invulnerability' equip: 'Equipment' locked: 'Locked' unLocked: 'Un-Locked' currently: 'Currently' notConsole: 'This command can not be run from console' giveMsg1: 'Given armor stand tools. L-click any tool to cycle through tools.' giveMsg2: 'Run this command again to return your inventory.' conReload: 'Armor Stand Tools config reloaded' noRelPerm: 'You do not have permission to reload the plugin' noAirError: 'Error: Failed to find a near-by air block. Move and try again.' pleaseWait: 'Please wait, this may take a few seconds...' appliedHead: 'Applied the head of player' noHead: 'No player head found for player' invalidName: 'is not a valid minecraft username' wgNoPerm: 'No permission to alter an armor stand in this region' headFailed: 'Failed to apply the player head. Try again.' noCommandPerm: 'You do not have permission to use this command' # ############################# # Tool names & descriptions # ############################# tool: summon: name: 'Summon Armor Stand' lore: - 'R-Click to summon an armor stand and pick it up' - 'Any click will drop it' gui: name: 'GUI Multi-Tool' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to open a GUI to tweak' - 'the attributes of the armor stand or change' - 'its armor and items' rotat: name: 'Rotation' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change its Rotation' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' headX: name: 'Head X' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Head X Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' headY: name: 'Head Y' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Head Y Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' headZ: name: 'Head Z' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Head Z Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' lArmX: name: 'Left Arm X' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Arm X Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' lArmY: name: 'Left Arm Y' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Arm Y Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' lArmZ: name: 'Left Arm Z' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Arm Z Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' rArmX: name: 'Right Arm X' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Arm X Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' rArmY: name: 'Right Arm Y' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Arm Y Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' rArmZ: name: 'Right Arm Z' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Arm Z Value' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' moveX: name: 'Move X' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to move +0.1 X' - 'Crouch R-Click for -0.1 X' moveY: name: 'Move Y' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to move +0.1 Y' - 'Crouch R-Click for -0.1 Y' moveZ: name: 'Move Z' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to move +0.1 Z' - 'Crouch R-Click for -0.1 Z' lLegX: name: 'Left Leg X' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Leg X' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' lLegY: name: 'Left Leg Y' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Leg Y' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' lLegZ: name: 'Left Leg Z' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Leg Z' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' rLegX: name: 'Right Leg X' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Leg X' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' rLegY: name: 'Right Leg Y' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Leg Y' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' rLegZ: name: 'Right Leg Z' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Leg Z' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' bodyX: name: 'Body X' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Body Z' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' bodyY: name: 'Body Y' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Body Z' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' bodyZ: name: 'Body Z' lore: - 'R-Click armor stand to change Body Z' - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click' gui_move: name: 'Pick Up (Move)' lore: - 'Pick up this armor stand to move it' gui_clone: name: 'Clone' lore: - 'Clone this armor stand and pick it up' gui_save: name: 'Create Command Block' lore: - 'Create command block to' - 'summon this armor stand' gui_invis: name: 'Toggle Visibility' lore: gui_size: name: 'Toggle Size' lore: gui_base: name: 'Toggle Base' lore: gui_grav: name: 'Toggle Gravity' lore: gui_arms: name: 'Toggle Arms' lore: gui_name: name: 'Change Name' lore: gui_slots: name: 'Toggle Equipment Lock' lore: gui_pHead: name: 'Give Player Head' lore: gui_invul: name: 'Toggle Invulnerability' lore: