diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32c667e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ paper-repo
+ https://papermc.io/repo/repository/maven-public
+ sk89q-repo
+ http://maven.sk89q.com/repo/
+ IntellectualSites
+ https://mvn.intellectualsites.com/content/groups/public/
+ org.spigotmc
+ spigot
+ 1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
+ provided
+ com.sk89q.worldguard
+ worldguard-bukkit
+ 7.0.2
+ provided
+ com.sk89q.worldedit
+ worldedit-core
+ 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT
+ provided
+ com.plotsquared
+ PlotSquared-Core
+ 5.13.0
+ clean package install
+ src/main/java
+ ${project.name}-${project.version}
+ src/main/resources
+ true
+ **/*.yml
+ maven-compiler-plugin
+ 3.8.0
+ 1.8
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandTool.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandTool.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandTool.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandTool.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Commands.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Commands.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Commands.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Commands.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Config.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Config.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Config.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Config.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.java
similarity index 94%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.java
index a9f7833..cad8a22 100644
--- a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.java
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitAdapter;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.WorldGuard;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.StateFlag;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.RegionManager;
+import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.regions.RegionContainer;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.noAirError);
- b.setType(Material.SIGN);
+ b.setType(Material.OAK_SIGN);
nms.openSign(p, b);
b.setMetadata("armorStand", new FixedMetadataValue(this, as.getUniqueId()));
b.setMetadata("setName", new FixedMetadataValue(this, true));
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.noAirError);
- b.setType(Material.SIGN);
+ b.setType(Material.OAK_SIGN);
nms.openSign(p, b);
b.setMetadata("armorStand", new FixedMetadataValue(this, as.getUniqueId()));
b.setMetadata("setSkull", new FixedMetadataValue(this, true));
@@ -212,9 +213,14 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
private boolean getWorldGuardAstFlag(Location l) {
- RegionManager regions = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getRegionContainer().get(BukkitAdapter.adapt(l.getWorld()));
- if(regions == null) return true;
- return regions.getApplicableRegions(BukkitAdapter.asBlockVector(l)).testState(null, (StateFlag) WG_AST_FLAG);
+ if (l != null) {
+ RegionContainer regionContainer = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getRegionContainer();
+ RegionManager regions = regionContainer.get(BukkitAdapter.adapt(l.getWorld()));
+ if (regions == null) return true;
+ return regions.getApplicableRegions(BukkitAdapter.asBlockVector(l)).testState(null, (StateFlag) WG_AST_FLAG);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
boolean playerHasPermission(Player p, Block b, ArmorStandTool tool) {
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.java
similarity index 99%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.java
index 623b81b..93ab583 100644
--- a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.java
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ public class MainListener implements Listener {
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
Block b = event.getBlock();
- if((b.getType() == Material.PLAYER_HEAD && b.hasMetadata("protected")) || (b.getType() == Material.SIGN && b.hasMetadata("armorStand"))) {
+ if((b.getType() == Material.PLAYER_HEAD && b.hasMetadata("protected")) || (b.getType() == Material.OAK_SIGN && b.hasMetadata("armorStand"))) {
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R1.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R1.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R1.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R1.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R2.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R2.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R2.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R2.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_14_R1.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_14_R1.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_14_R1.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_14_R1.java
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_15_R1.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_15_R1.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_15_R1.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_15_R1.java
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_16_R1.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_16_R1.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a6ed40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_16_R1.java
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package com.gmail.St3venAU.plugins.ArmorStandTools;
+class NMS_v1_16_R1 extends NMS {
+ public NMS_v1_16_R1(String nmsVersion) {
+ super(
+ nmsVersion,
+ "bA"
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.java
similarity index 67%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.java
index b4a37d2..cd7ee08 100644
--- a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.java
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
package com.gmail.St3venAU.plugins.ArmorStandTools;
-import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.api.PlotAPI;
-import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitUtil;
-import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.plot.object.Plot;
-import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.plot.object.PlotArea;
-import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.plot.object.PlotPlayer;
+import com.plotsquared.core.api.PlotAPI;
+import com.plotsquared.core.player.PlotPlayer;
+import com.plotsquared.core.plot.Plot;
+import com.plotsquared.core.plot.PlotArea;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@@ -25,7 +24,10 @@ class PlotSquaredHook {
public static boolean checkPermission(Player player, Location location) {
- com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.plot.object.Location plotLocation = BukkitUtil.getLocation(location);
+ com.plotsquared.core.location.Location plotLocation = new com.plotsquared.core.location.Location(location.getWorld().getName(),
+ location.getBlockX(),
+ location.getBlockY(),
+ location.getBlockZ());
PlotArea plotArea = plotLocation.getPlotArea();
if(plotArea == null) {
plugin.debug("plots.admin.build.road: " + player.hasPermission("plots.admin.build.road"));
diff --git a/src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Utils.java b/src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Utils.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Utils.java
rename to src/main/java/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Utils.java
diff --git a/src/config.yml b/src/main/resources/config.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from src/config.yml
rename to src/main/resources/config.yml
diff --git a/src/language.yml b/src/main/resources/language.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from src/language.yml
rename to src/main/resources/language.yml
diff --git a/src/plugin.yml b/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from src/plugin.yml
rename to src/main/resources/plugin.yml
diff --git a/target/ArmorStandTools-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar b/target/ArmorStandTools-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b391de
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/ArmorStandTools-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd$1.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd$1.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91ce19a
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd$1.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d15a749
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandCmd.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI$1.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI$1.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55606e2
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI$1.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI$2.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI$2.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf85f20
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI$2.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..574b73e
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandGUI.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandTool.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandTool.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833b232
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/ArmorStandTool.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Commands.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Commands.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29bf5d5
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Commands.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Config.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Config.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7684482
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Config.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55c9e0b
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Main.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$1.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$1.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7fd94b
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$1.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$2.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$2.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96fd349
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$2.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$3.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$3.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..239c0f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener$3.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26fe1c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/MainListener.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS$1.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS$1.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..606beda
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS$1.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9177f6c
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R1.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R1.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70bff0e
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R1.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R2.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R2.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24057ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_13_R2.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_14_R1.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_14_R1.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f45a719
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_14_R1.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_15_R1.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_15_R1.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e783d2a
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_15_R1.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_16_R1.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_16_R1.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cef90b
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/NMS_v1_16_R1.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f3166
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/PlotSquaredHook.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Utils.class b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Utils.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..250ad31
Binary files /dev/null and b/target/classes/com/gmail/St3venAU/plugins/ArmorStandTools/Utils.class differ
diff --git a/target/classes/config.yml b/target/classes/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d88df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/classes/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Armor Stand Tools
+# by St3venAU
+# St3venAU@gmail.com
+# Main Config
+# File generated by: v3.5.0
+# (If this is not the version you are running, consider deleting this
+# config to allow it to be re-created. There may be new config options)
+# Features:
+# - Summon armor stands
+# - Name armor stands
+# - Toggle: Gravity, Visibility, Arms, Base, Size, Invulnerability, Equipment Lock
+# - Manipulate the position of the Head, Body, Arms and Legs
+# - Full control over armor stand's inventory (armor & items in hands)
+# - Clone armor stand tool
+# - Create command block tool: Creates a command block with the command that will summon this
+# armor stand in its current state
+# - Player head tool: Set's an armor stand's head to the head of a specified player.
+# - Support for WorldGuard regions.
+# - User customizable language config.
+# Commands:
+# /astools Give yourself all of the armor stand tools (Note: Clears your inventory)
+# /astools reload Reload the armor stand tools plugin config file
+# /ast Alias for the /astools
+# /ascmd assign console Assign a console command to the nearest armor stand (within 4 blocks)
+# /ascmd assign player Assign a player command to the nearest armor stand
+# /ascmd remove Remove the command assigned to the nearest armor stand
+# /ascmd view View the command assigned to the nearest armor stand
+# /ascmd cooldown Set the cooldown for the command on nearest armor stand (Setting this overrides the default cooldown from config.yml)
+# /ascmd cooldown remove Remove the cooldown for the command on nearest armor stand (Default cooldown set in config.yml will be used)
+# Note: Commands may include a %player% placeholder, which will get replaced by the executing player's name at time of execution.
+# Permissions:
+# astools.command Permission for the /astools command
+# astools.reload Permission to reload the plugin with /astools reload
+# astools.use Permission for using any of the tools (except the ones below that have their own separate permissions)
+# astools.clone Permission to use the clone tool (Clones an armor stand without requiring the materials)
+# astools.summon Permission to use the summon tool (Summons an armor stand without requiring the materials)
+# astools.head Permission to use the player head tool (Ability to specify a player head for an armor stand)
+# astools.cmdblock Permission to use the save tool (Creates a command block)
+# astools.ascmd.assign.console Permission to assign a console command to an armor stand
+# astools.ascmd.assign.player Permission to assign a player command to an armor stand
+# astools.ascmd.remove Permission to remove a command from an armor stand
+# astools.ascmd.view Permission to view the command assigned to an armor stand
+# astools.ascmd.execute Permission to execute a command assigned to an armor stand by (on right click)
+# astools.bypass-wg-flag Permission to bypass AST's custom worldguard flag (see below for more details)
+# WorldGuard Integration:
+# - If a player does not have build permission for the region, that player will also be denied the use of AST in that region.
+# - Additionally, there is a custom region flag named 'ast' which defaults to Allow, this can be changed to Deny if you wish to have a
+# region in which players have build permission, but not permission to use AST.
+# - The ast worldguard flag is ignored for any player with the permission node 'astools.bypass-wg-flag'. This means that a player with
+# this permission can use AST in worldguard regions even if the ast flag for that region is set to Deny.
+# - The ast worldguard flag is also ignored for players that have op.
+# These are the defaults for spawning new armor stands with the /astools (or /ast) armor stand
+# The helmet, chest, pants, boots and inHand items are set like this: MATERIAL dataValue
+# e.g. To have red wool in the armor stands hand by default: inHand: WOOL 14
+integrateWithWorldGuard: true
+allowMovingStandsBetweenWorlds: false
+deactivateToolsOnWorldChange: true
+requireCreativeForSaveAsCmdBlock: false
+defaultASCmdCooldownTicks: 0
+bypassWorldguardForASCmdExecution: false
+# Uncomment the section below to deny players access to commands of your choice when they have any AST tools in their inventory
+# Add as many command as you wish. Only the first word of each command is needed, anything after the first space is ignored.
+# - sell
+helmet: AIR 0
+chest: AIR 0
+pants: AIR 0
+boots: AIR 0
+inHand: AIR 0
+inOffHand: AIR 0
+isVisible: true
+isSmall: false
+hasArms: true
+hasBasePlate: false
+hasGravity: false
+name: ''
+invulnerable: false
+equipmentLock: false
+ headX: true
+ headY: true
+ headZ: true
+ lArmX: true
+ lArmY: true
+ lArmZ: true
+ rArmX: true
+ rArmY: true
+ rArmZ: true
+ moveX: true
+ moveY: true
+ moveZ: true
+ lLegX: true
+ lLegY: true
+ lLegZ: true
+ rLegX: true
+ rLegY: true
+ rLegZ: true
+ bodyX: true
+ bodyY: true
+ bodyZ: true
+ summon: true
+ gui: true
+ rotat: true
+ gui_clone: true
+ gui_save: true
+ gui_invis: true
+ gui_size: true
+ gui_base: true
+ gui_grav: true
+ gui_arms: true
+ gui_name: true
+ gui_slots: true
+ gui_pHead: true
+ gui_invul: true
+ gui_move: true
+ gui_glow: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/target/classes/language.yml b/target/classes/language.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..451c985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/classes/language.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Armor Stand Tools
+# by St3venAU
+# St3venAU@gmail.com
+# Language Config
+# File generated by: v3.5.0
+# (If this is not the version you are running, consider deleting this
+# config to allow it to be re-created. There may be new config options)
+# If you are looking for a translated version of this file, check here:
+# https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/armor-stand-tools.2237/
+# Edit these strings if you wish to customize the wording
+# or the language of the text used in this plugin.
+# IMPORTANT: Only edit the text that is between the single
+# quotation marks: 'like this'
+# If you change anything outside of the quotation marks,
+# errors will occur.
+# Do not use ' marks inside the string itself.
+# If you ever wish to return to the default language config,
+# delete this file and reload the plugin. A new default language
+# file will be generated.
+# General Messages #
+invReturned: 'Inventory contents returned'
+asDropped: 'Armor stand dropped'
+asVisible: 'Visible'
+isTrue: 'True'
+isFalse: 'False'
+carrying: 'Carrying armor stand. Click to drop.'
+generalNoPerm: 'No permission for this tool and/or region'
+cbCreated: 'Command block created'
+size: 'Size'
+small: 'Small'
+normal: 'Normal'
+basePlate: 'Base plate'
+isOn: 'On'
+isOff: 'Off'
+gravity: 'Gravity'
+arms: 'Arms'
+invul: 'Invulnerability'
+equip: 'Equipment'
+locked: 'Locked'
+unLocked: 'Un-Locked'
+currently: 'Currently'
+notConsole: 'This command can not be run from console'
+giveMsg1: 'Given armor stand tools. L-click any tool to cycle through tools.'
+giveMsg2: 'Run this command again to return your inventory.'
+conReload: 'Armor Stand Tools config reloaded'
+noRelPerm: 'You do not have permission to reload the plugin'
+noAirError: 'Error: Failed to find a near-by air block. Move and try again.'
+pleaseWait: 'Please wait. this may take a few seconds...'
+appliedHead: 'Applied the head of player'
+invalidName: 'is not a valid minecraft username'
+wgNoPerm: 'No permission to alter an armor stand in this region'
+headFailed: 'Failed to apply the player head. Try again.'
+noCommandPerm: 'You do not have permission to use this command'
+armorStand: 'Armor Stand'
+none: 'None'
+guiInUse: 'This armor stands GUI is in use'
+# New since v2.4.0:
+noASNearBy: 'No armor stand found near by'
+closestAS: 'Closest armor stand'
+hasNoCmd: 'has no command assigned'
+hasCmd: 'has an assigned a command'
+type: 'Type'
+command: 'Command'
+unassignedCmd: 'Unassigned command from armor stand'
+assignedCmdToAS: 'Assigned command to closest armor stand'
+assignCmdError: 'An error occured while assigning command to closest armor stand'
+ascmdHelp: 'This command is used to assign a command to the nearest armor stand (within 4 blocks). The command is executed when the armor stand is right clicked.'
+viewCmd: 'View assigned command'
+removeCmd: 'Remove assigned command'
+assignConsole: 'Assign a command to be executed by the console'
+assignPlayer: 'Assign a command to be executed by the player'
+executeCmdError: 'An error occured executing the command assigned to this armor stand'
+# New since v3.2.0
+creativeRequired: 'Creative mode is required to save an armor stand as a command block'
+# New since v3.3.0
+cmdOnCooldown: 'This command is on cooldown'
+cooldownRemovedFrom: 'Cooldown removed from'
+isAnInvalidCooldown: 'is an invalid cooldown time'
+cooldownSetTo: 'Cooldown set to'
+ticksFor: 'ticks for'
+setCooldown: 'Set the cooldown for the command'
+removeCooldown: 'Remove the cooldown for the command'
+# New since v3.4.1
+glow: 'Glow'
+cmdNotAllowed: 'That command is not allowed while using Armor Stand Tools'
+# Tool names & descriptions #
+ summon:
+ name: 'Summon Armor Stand'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click to summon an armor stand and pick it up'
+ - 'Any click will drop it'
+ gui:
+ name: 'GUI Multi-Tool'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to open a GUI to tweak'
+ - 'the attributes of the armor stand or change'
+ - 'its armor and items'
+ rotat:
+ name: 'Rotation'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change its Rotation'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ headX:
+ name: 'Head X'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Head X Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ headY:
+ name: 'Head Y'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Head Y Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ headZ:
+ name: 'Head Z'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Head Z Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ lArmX:
+ name: 'Left Arm X'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Arm X Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ lArmY:
+ name: 'Left Arm Y'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Arm Y Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ lArmZ:
+ name: 'Left Arm Z'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Arm Z Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ rArmX:
+ name: 'Right Arm X'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Arm X Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ rArmY:
+ name: 'Right Arm Y'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Arm Y Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ rArmZ:
+ name: 'Right Arm Z'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Arm Z Value'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ moveX:
+ name: 'Move X'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to move +0.1 X'
+ - 'Crouch R-Click for -0.1 X'
+ moveY:
+ name: 'Move Y'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to move +0.1 Y'
+ - 'Crouch R-Click for -0.1 Y'
+ moveZ:
+ name: 'Move Z'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to move +0.1 Z'
+ - 'Crouch R-Click for -0.1 Z'
+ lLegX:
+ name: 'Left Leg X'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Leg X'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ lLegY:
+ name: 'Left Leg Y'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Leg Y'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ lLegZ:
+ name: 'Left Leg Z'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Left Leg Z'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ rLegX:
+ name: 'Right Leg X'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Leg X'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ rLegY:
+ name: 'Right Leg Y'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Leg Y'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ rLegZ:
+ name: 'Right Leg Z'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Right Leg Z'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ bodyX:
+ name: 'Body X'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Body X'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ bodyY:
+ name: 'Body Y'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Body Y'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ bodyZ:
+ name: 'Body Z'
+ lore:
+ - 'R-Click armor stand to change Body Z'
+ - 'Value depends on how high up the body you click'
+ gui_move:
+ name: 'Pick Up (Move)'
+ lore:
+ - 'Pick up this armor stand to move it'
+ gui_clone:
+ name: 'Clone'
+ lore:
+ - 'Clone this armor stand and pick it up'
+ gui_save:
+ name: 'Create Command Block'
+ lore:
+ - 'Create command block to'
+ - 'summon this armor stand'
+ gui_invis:
+ name: 'Toggle Visibility'
+ lore:
+ gui_size:
+ name: 'Toggle Size'
+ lore:
+ gui_base:
+ name: 'Toggle Base'
+ lore:
+ gui_grav:
+ name: 'Toggle Gravity'
+ lore:
+ gui_arms:
+ name: 'Toggle Arms'
+ lore:
+ gui_name:
+ name: 'Change Name'
+ lore:
+ gui_slots:
+ name: 'Toggle Equipment Lock'
+ lore:
+ gui_pHead:
+ name: 'Give Player Head'
+ lore:
+ gui_invul:
+ name: 'Toggle Invulnerability'
+ lore:
+ gui_glow:
+ name: 'Toggle Glow'
+ lore:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/target/classes/plugin.yml b/target/classes/plugin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..615cb77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/classes/plugin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+main: com.gmail.St3venAU.plugins.ArmorStandTools.Main
+name: ArmorStandTools
+version: 3.5.0
+api-version: 1.15
+author: St3venAU
+description: Armor stand manipulation tools
+softdepend: [WorldGuard, PlotSquared]
+ astools:
+ description: Give yourself the armor stand tools
+ aliases: ast
+ usage: Usage /astools or /astools reload
+ ascmd:
+ description: View/Remove/Assign the command assigned to the nearest armor stand
+ usage: Usage /ascmd view, /ascmd remove, /ascmd assign
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2f288b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/maven-archiver/pom.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#Generated by Maven
+#Tue Aug 04 10:46:16 CDT 2020
diff --git a/target/maven-status/maven-compiler-plugin/compile/default-compile/createdFiles.lst b/target/maven-status/maven-compiler-plugin/compile/default-compile/createdFiles.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ede43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/maven-status/maven-compiler-plugin/compile/default-compile/createdFiles.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccfa372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/maven-status/maven-compiler-plugin/compile/default-compile/inputFiles.lst
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