#!/usr/bin/env python3 from collections import namedtuple from typing import Dict from json import dumps, loads from base64 import b64decode from time import time, sleep from threading import Thread from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from http import HTTPStatus from http.server import ThreadingHTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler # Set this to True if behind an ip masking proxy (with X-Forwarded-For support) while using prevent-proxy-connections behind_proxy = False # Should mojang accounts be allowed to join with this AltAuth proxy allow_mojang_accounts = True # Should banned microsoft accounts ("UserBannedException") be allowed to join? # Should accounts with disabled multiplayer ("InsufficientPrivilegesException") be allowed to join? allowed_microsoft_accounts = ("InsufficientPrivilegesException", "UserBannedException") def moj_request(url, data=None): try: response = urlopen(Request( url, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json" } if data else {}, data=dumps(data).encode("utf8") if data else None )) return response.code, response.read() except HTTPError as response: return response.code, response.read() CachedProfile = namedtuple('CachedProfile', ('timestamp', 'use_altauth', 'ip', 'uuid')) cached_profiles: Dict[str, CachedProfile] = {} def timeout_cleaner(): global cached_profiles while True: timeout = time() - 60 cached_profiles = { serverId: profile for serverId, profile in cached_profiles.items() if profile.timestamp > timeout } sleep(1) class AltAuthRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_POST(self): try: self.close_connection = True if self.path != "/session/minecraft/join": self.send_response(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) self.end_headers() return content_length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) if content_length > 1024: raise Exception() request = loads(self.rfile.read(content_length)) access_token = request["accessToken"] selected_profile = request["selectedProfile"] server_id = request["serverId"] token = loads(b64decode(access_token.split(".")[1] + "==")) # Decode the JSON Web Token now = time() use_altauth = False if token["exp"] >= now: # check token expiration date raise Exception() if token["iss"] == "Yggdrasil-Auth" and allow_mojang_accounts: # Mojang account if token["spr"] != selected_profile: raise Exception() # Valid token (even on other ip): 204 # Invalid token: 403 {"error": "ForbiddenOperationException", "errorMessage": "Invalid token"} code, data = moj_request("https://authserver.mojang.com/validate", data={ "accessToken": access_token }) if code != 204: raise Exception() use_altauth = True else: # Microsoft account # Valid token: 204 # According to wiki.vg Xbox multiplayer disabled: InsufficientPrivilegesException # According to wiki.vg Multiplayer banned: UserBannedException # Mojang account: 403 {"error":"ForbiddenOperationException","path":"/session/minecraft/join"} # Invalid token: 403 {"error":"ForbiddenOperationException","path":"/session/minecraft/join"} code, data = moj_request("https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/join", data={ "accessToken": access_token, "selectedProfile": selected_profile, "serverId": server_id }) if code == 403: if loads(data)["error"] in allowed_microsoft_accounts: use_altauth = True code = 204 if code == 204: cached_profiles[server_id] = CachedProfile( timestamp=now, use_altauth=use_altauth, ip=self.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] if behind_proxy else self.client_address[0], uuid=selected_profile ) self.send_response(code) self.end_headers() if code != 204 and data: self.wfile.write(data) except BaseException as e: print(e) # The client continues the login process with a 500 response, therefore 403 instead self.send_response(HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b'{"error":"ForbiddenOperationException","path":"/session/minecraft/join"}') def do_GET(self): try: self.close_connection = True if not self.path.startswith("/session/minecraft/hasJoined?"): self.send_response(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) self.end_headers() return query = { attribute.split("=")[0]: attribute.split("=")[1] for attribute in self.path.split("?", 1)[1].split("&") } server_id = query["serverId"] username = query["username"] altauth_client = server_id in cached_profiles cached_profile = cached_profiles.pop(server_id) if altauth_client else None if altauth_client and "ip" in query: if query.pop("ip") != cached_profile.ip: raise Exception() if altauth_client and cached_profile.use_altauth: code, data = moj_request( f"https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/{cached_profile.uuid}" ) if data: profile = loads(data) if profile["name"] != username: # Disarm server_id hash collisions and prevent username spoofing raise Exception() elif "ip" in query: code, data = moj_request( f"https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/hasJoined?username={username}&serverId={server_id}&ip={query['ip']}" ) else: code, data = moj_request( f"https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/hasJoined?username={username}&serverId={server_id}" ) self.send_response(code) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(data) except BaseException as e: print(e) self.send_response(HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) self.end_headers() if __name__ == '__main__': Thread(target=timeout_cleaner, name="TimeoutCleanup", daemon=True).start() ThreadingHTTPServer(('', 8080), AltAuthRequestHandler).serve_forever()