geforkt von SteamWar/BungeeCore
Various language fixes
Signed-off-by: Lixfel <>
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class BungeeCore extends Plugin {
new ArenaCommand();
new RankCommand();
new LocalCommand();
new LockCurrentLocaleCommand();
new SetLocaleCommand();
// Punishment Commands:
new PunishmentCommand("ban", Punishment.PunishmentType.Ban);
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatMessageType;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.CommandSender;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ public class Message {
private static Locale locale(CommandSender sender) {
return sender instanceof ProxiedPlayer ? ChatSender.getLocale((ProxiedPlayer)sender) : Locale.getDefault();
return ChatSender.of(sender).getLocale();
@ -19,33 +19,25 @@
package de.steamwar.bungeecore.commands;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.SteamwarUser;
import de.steamwar.messages.ChatSender;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.CommandSender;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
public class LockCurrentLocaleCommand extends BasicCommand {
public class SetLocaleCommand extends BasicCommand {
public LockCurrentLocaleCommand() {
super("lockcurrentlocale", "", "locklocale", "locale");
public SetLocaleCommand() {
super("setlocale", null, "setlanguage");
public void execute(CommandSender commandSender, String[] strings) {
if (!(commandSender instanceof ProxiedPlayer)) {
public void execute(CommandSender s, String[] strings) {
if (!(s instanceof ProxiedPlayer))
ProxiedPlayer proxiedPlayer = (ProxiedPlayer) commandSender;
SteamwarUser steamwarUser = SteamwarUser.get(proxiedPlayer);
Locale locale = proxiedPlayer.getLocale();
if (locale == null) {
steamwarUser.setLocale(locale, true);
ChatSender sender = ChatSender.of(s);
sender.user().setLocale(Objects.requireNonNull(((ProxiedPlayer) s).getLocale()), true);
@ -24,23 +24,13 @@ import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.event.SettingsChangedEvent;
import net.md_5.bungee.event.EventHandler;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
public class SettingsChangedListener extends BasicListener {
public void onSettingsChanged(SettingsChangedEvent event) {
ProxiedPlayer player = event.getPlayer();
SteamwarUser steamwarUser = SteamwarUser.get(player);
if (steamwarUser.isManualLocale())
Locale locale = player.getLocale();
if (locale == null) {
locale = Locale.getDefault();
steamwarUser.setLocale(locale, false);
SteamwarUser.get(player).setLocale(Objects.requireNonNull(player.getLocale()), false);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class Utils {
static boolean handleMods(ProxiedPlayer player, List<Mod> mods) {
return handleMods(player.getUniqueId(), ChatSender.getLocale(player), player::disconnect, mods);
return handleMods(player.getUniqueId(), ChatSender.of(player).getLocale(), player::disconnect, mods);
static boolean handleMods(UUID uuid, Locale locale, Consumer<BaseComponent[]> disconnect, List<Mod> mods){
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import de.steamwar.bungeecore.commands.WebregisterCommand;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.comms.packets.LocaleInvalidationPacket;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.listeners.ConnectionListener;
import de.steamwar.messages.ChatSender;
import net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ProxyServer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.PendingConnection;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
@ -102,9 +101,7 @@ public class SteamwarUser {
String dbLocale = rs.getString("Locale");
if (dbLocale != null) {
locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(dbLocale);
locale = dbLocale != null ? Locale.forLanguageTag(dbLocale) : null;
manualLocale = rs.getBoolean("ManualLocale");
usersById.put(id, this);
@ -114,7 +111,6 @@ public class SteamwarUser {
usersByDiscord.put(discordId, this);
punishments = Punishment.getPunishmentsOfPlayer(id);
public static SteamwarUser getOrCreate(PendingConnection connection) {
@ -380,26 +376,18 @@ public class SteamwarUser {
public Locale getLocale() {
Locale locale = this.locale;
if (locale == null)
locale = BungeeCord.getInstance().getPlayer(uuid).getLocale();
if (locale != null)
return locale;
return Locale.getDefault();
public boolean isManualLocale() {
return manualLocale;
public void setLocale(Locale locale, boolean manualLocale) {
if (this.locale.equals(locale) && this.manualLocale == manualLocale)
if (this.manualLocale && !manualLocale)
boolean needsUpdate = !this.locale.equals(locale);
this.locale = locale;
this.manualLocale = manualLocale;
updateLocale.update(locale.toString(), manualLocale, id);
if (needsUpdate)
updateLocale.update(locale.toLanguageTag(), manualLocale, id);
new LocaleInvalidationPacket(id).send(getPlayer());
@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ DEV_NO_SERVER=§cThe server is currently not available.
DEV_UNKNOWN_SERVER=§cPlease specify a dev server.
#ModLoader blocker
MODLOADER_INSTALLED=§7You play with §e{0} §7client. Therefore you can't join an arena.
MODLOADER_INSTALLED_FABRIC=§7You have §e{0} §7installed. You can join arenas with the SteamWar Modsender.
MODLOADER_DENIED=§cYou cannot join an arena with Fabric and LiteLoader.
MODLOADER_INSTALLED=§7You play with §e{0} §7client. Therefore you can't join arenas.
MODLOADER_INSTALLED_FABRIC=§7You play with §e{0} §7client. You can only join arenas with the SteamWar Modsender installed.
MODLOADER_DENIED=§cYou cannot join arenas with Fabric and LiteLoader.
#Help command
HELP_LOBBY=§7Return from anywhere to the lobby using §8/§el§7!
HELP_LOBBY_HOVER=§eBack to the lobby
HELP_BAU=§7Join the Build-Server using §8/§ebuild§7!
HELP_BAU_HOVER=§eTo your Build-Server
HELP_BAUSERVER=§7Get help regarding the Build-Server with §8/§ehelp build§7!
HELP_BAUSERVER_HOVER=§eHelp for the Build-Server
HELP_BAU=§7Join your build server using §8/§ebuild§7!
HELP_BAU_HOVER=§eTo your build server
HELP_BAUSERVER=§7Get help regarding the build server with §8/§ehelp build§7!
HELP_BAUSERVER_HOVER=§eHelp for the build server
HELP_FIGHT=§7Start a new fight using §8/§efight§7!
HELP_FIGHT_HOVER=§eTo the fighting system
HELP_CHALLENGE=§7You challenge someone directly using §8/§echallenge§7!
HELP_CHALLENGE=§7Challenge someone directly using §8/§echallenge§7!
HELP_HISTORIC=§7Start a historic fight using §8/§ehistoric§7!
HELP_HISTORIC_HOVER=§eHistoric fights
@ -35,24 +35,24 @@ HELP_TEAM=§8/§eteam§7 for the team system!
HELP_TEAM_HOVER=§eTeam management
HELP_JOIN=§7Join a fight using §8/§ejoin §8[§eplayer§8]§7!
HELP_JOIN_HOVER=§eSJoin a player
HELP_LOCAL=§7Send messages only on your current serer using §8/§elocal§7!
HELP_LOCAL=§7Send chat messages only on your current server using §8/§elocal§7!
HELP_TNT=§8/§7tnt §8- §7(de)activates explosion damage
HELP_FIRE=§8/§7fire §8- §7(de)activates fire damage
HELP_TESTBLOCK=§8/§7testblock §8- §7Resets the dummy
HELP_RESET=§8/§7reset §8- §7Resets the current region
HELP_SPEED=§8/§7speed §8- §7Changes flight- and walking speed
HELP_SPEED=§8/§7speed §8- §7Changes flight and walking speed
HELP_NV=§8/§7nv §8- §7(de)activates night vision
HELP_WV=§8/§7wv §8- §7(de)activates underwater vision
HELP_TRACE=§8/§7trace §8- §7Gives help regarding the TNT-Tracer
HELP_TPSLIMIT=§8/§7tpslimit §8- §7Gives help regarding the TPS-Limiter
HELP_TRACE=§8/§7trace §8- §7Gives help regarding the tnt tracer
HELP_TPSLIMIT=§8/§7tpslimit §8- §7Gives help regarding the TPS limiter
HELP_LOADER=§8/§7loader §8- §7Use the automatic cannon loader
HELP_PROTECT=§8/§7protect §8- §7Protects the floor of the (M)WG-Region
HELP_PROTECT=§8/§7protect §8- §7Protects the floor of the (M)WG region
HELP_FREEZE=§8/§7freeze §8- §7Stops block updates
HELP_SKULL=§8/§7skull §8- §7Gives you a player head
HELP_DEBUGSTICK=§8/§7debugstick §8- §7Gives you a debugstick (1.15+)
HELP_BAUINFO=§8/§7buildinfo §8- §7Gives you information regarding the current Build-Server
HELP_DEBUGSTICK=§8/§7debugstick §8- §7Gives you a debugstick
HELP_BAUINFO=§8/§7buildinfo §8- §7Information about the current build server
HELP_WE_POS1=§8//§71 §7» §8//§7pos1
HELP_WE_POS2=§8//§72 §7» §8//§7pos2
@ -68,21 +68,21 @@ HELP_BAU_GROUP_ADMIN=§7Buildserver management commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_ADMIN_HOVER=§eAll management commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_ADMIN_TITLE=§7All management commands§8:
HELP_BAU_GROUP_OTHER=§7Additional management commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_OTHER_HOVER=§eAdditional Build-Server commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_OTHER_TITLE=§7Addtitional Build-Server commands§8:
HELP_BAU_GROUP_OTHER_HOVER=§eAdditional build server commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_OTHER_TITLE=§7Additional build server commands§8:
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WE=§7WorldEdit shortcuts
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WE_HOVER=§eWorldEdit shortcuts
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WE_TITLE=§7WorldEdit shortcuts§8:
HELP_BAU_GROUP_PLAYER=§7Player commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_PLAYER_TITLE=§7Player commands§8:
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WORLD=§7World changing Build-Server commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WORLD_HOVER=§eWorld changing Build-Server commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WORLD_TITLE=§7World changing Build-Server commands§8:
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WORLD=§7World changing build server commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WORLD_HOVER=§eWorld changing build server commands
HELP_BAU_GROUP_WORLD_TITLE=§7World changing build server commands§8:
HELP_BAU_TP=§8/§ebuild tp §8- §7Join the Build-Server of friends!
HELP_BAU_TP_HOVER=§eto another Build-Server
HELP_BAU_ADDMEMBER=§8/§ebuild addmember §8- §7Adds a friend to your Build
HELP_BAU_TP=§8/§ebuild tp §8- §7Join the build server of friends!
HELP_BAU_TP_HOVER=§eto another build server
HELP_BAU_ADDMEMBER=§8/§ebuild addmember §8- §7Allows a friend on your build server
HELP_BAU_DELMEMBER=§8/§ebuild delmember §8- §7Removes a player
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ HELP_BAU_TOGGLEWE=§8/§ebuild togglewe §8- §7Permission to use WorldEdit, /te
HELP_BAU_TOGGLEWE_HOVER=§eToggles WorldEdit permission
HELP_BAU_TOGGLEWORLD=§8/§ebuild toggleworld §8- §7/reset, /trace, /fire, /tnt
HELP_BAU_TOGGLEWORLD_HOVER=§eToggles world permission
HELP_BAU_DELETE=§8/§ebuild delete §8- §7Reset your entire Build-Server
HELP_BAU_DELETE=§8/§ebuild delete §8- §7Reset your entire build server
HELP_BAU_DELETE_HOVER=§eReset build server
HELP_BAU_TESTARENA=§8/§ebuild testarena §8- §7Start a test arena
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ USAGE_IGNORE=§8/§7ignore §8[§eplayer§8]
MOD_RED_SING=Attempted use of mod {0}
MOD_RED_PLUR=Attempted use of mods:\n{0}
MOD_YELLOW_SING=§7Deactivate the mod §e{0}§7, to continue playing on §eSteam§8War§7.
MOD_YELLOW_SING=§7Deactivate the mod §e{0}§7 to continue playing on §eSteam§8War§7.
MOD_YELLOW_PLUR=§7Deactivate the mods\n§e{0}\n§7to continue playing on §eSteam§8War§7.
#Various commands
@ -116,55 +116,55 @@ UNPUNISHMENT_USAGE=§8/§7{0} §8[§eplayer§8]
BAN_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7Was §e§lbanned§7 by §e{2} {3}§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
BAN_PERMA=§7You are §e§lbanned §epermanently§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
BAN_UNTIL=§7You are §e§lbanned §euntil {0} §8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
BAN_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was §e§lbanned§7 by §e{2} {3}§8: §f{4}
BAN_PERMA=§7You are §e§lbanned §epermanently§8: §e{0}
BAN_UNTIL=§7You are §e§lbanned §euntil {0}§8: §e{1}
UNBAN_ERROR=§cThe player isn't banned.
UNBAN=§7You have §e§lunbanned §e{0}.
BAN_AVOIDING_ALERT=§cPotential ban bypass by §r{0}§c: §c
BAN_AVOIDING_LIST={0} §e{1} §c
BAN_AVOIDING_BAN_HOVER=§cBan players because of bann bypass.
BAN_AVOIDING_BAN_HOVER=§cBan player because of bann bypass.
MUTE_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was §e§lmuted§7 by §e{2} {3}§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
MUTE_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently §e§lmuted§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
MUTE_UNTIL=§7You are §e§lmuted §euntil {0}§8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
MUTE_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was §e§lmuted§7 by §e{2} {3}§8: §f{4}
MUTE_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently §e§lmuted§8: §e{0}
MUTE_UNTIL=§7You are §e§lmuted §euntil {0}§8: §e{1}
UNMUTE_ERROR=§cThe player isn't muted.
UNMUTE=§7You have §e§lmuted §e{0}.
UNMUTE=§7You have §e§lunmuted §e{0}.
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lrecieving schematics§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from receiving §e§lschematics§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from receiving §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lrecieving schematics§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from receiving §e§lschematics§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from receiving §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMRECEIVING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from receiving schematics.
UNNOSCHEMRECEIVING=§e{0} §7may now receive §e§lschematics§7 again§8.
NOSCHEMSHARING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lsharing schematics§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSHARING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from sharing §e§lschematics§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSHARING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from sharing §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
NOSCHEMSHARING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lsharing schematics§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSHARING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from sharing §e§lschematics§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSHARING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from sharing §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMSHARING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from sharing schematics.
UNNOSCHEMSHARING=§e{0} §7may now share §e§lschematics§7 again§8.
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lsubmitting schematics§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from submitting §e§lschematics§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from submitting §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lsubmitting schematics§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from submitting §e§lschematics§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from submitting §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from submitting schematics.
UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING=§e{0} §7may now submit §e§lschematics§7 again§8.
NODEVSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7has annoyed §e{2} §7with reason §f{4}§7 and therefore has received §e§ldev server prohibition§7§8, §f{3}
NODEVSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from §e§ldev servers§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NODEVSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from §e§ldev servers§7 §euntil {0} §8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
NODEVSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from §e§ldev servers§8: §e{0}
NODEVSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from §e§ldev servers§7 §euntil {0}§8: §e{1}
UNNODEVSERVER_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from dev servers.
UNNODEVSERVER=§e{0} §7may now join §e§ldev servers§7 again§8.
NOFIGHTSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lfighting§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOFIGHTSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from §e§lfighting§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOFIGHTSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from §e§lfighting§7 §euntil {0} §8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
NOFIGHTSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lfighting§8: §f{4}
NOFIGHTSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from §e§lfighting§8: §e{0}
NOFIGHTSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from §e§lfighting§7 §euntil {0}§8: §e{1}
UNNOFIGHTSERVER_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from fighting.
UNNOFIGHTSERVER=§e{0} §7may now join §e§lfights§7 again§8.
NOTEAMSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lteam servers§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOTEAMSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from §e§lteam servers§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOTEAMSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from §e§lteam servers§7 §euntil {0} §8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
NOTEAMSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lteam servers§8: §f{4}
NOTEAMSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from §e§lteam servers§8: §e{0}
NOTEAMSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from §e§lteam servers§7 §euntil {0}§8: §e{1}
UNNOTEAMSERVER_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from team servers.
UNNOTEAMSERVER=§e{0} §7may now set §e§lteam servers§7 again§8.
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ IGNORE_MESSAGE=§7You are now ignoring §e{0}§8.
POLLRESULT_NOPOLL=§cThere is currently no ongoing poll.
POLLRESULT_HEADER=§e{0} player have voted on the question: §7{1}
POLLRESULT_HEADER=§e{0} players have voted on the question: §7{1}
POLLRESULT_LIST=§e{0}§8: §7{1}
@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ CHALLENGE_OFFLINE=§cThe challenged player isn't online.
CHALLENGE_IGNORED=§cThe challenged player has blocked you.
CHALLENGE_INARENA=§cThe challenged player is already in an arena.
CHALLENGE_BROADCAST=§e{0}§7-§eDuel§7: §e{1} §7vs §e{2}
CHALLENGE_BROADCAST=§e{0} duel§7: §e{1} §7vs §e{2}
CHALLENGE_CHALLENGED=§7You have challenged §e{0} §7to a §e{1}-fight§7!
CHALLENGE_CHALLENGED_TARGET=§e{0} §7 has challenged you to a §e{1}-fight §7{2}!
CHALLENGE_CHALLENGED=§7You have challenged §e{0} §7to a §e{1} fight§7!
CHALLENGE_CHALLENGED_TARGET=§e{0} §7 has challenged you to a §e{1} fight §7{2}!
CHALLENGE_ACCEPT=§7Click §ehere§7, to accept
CHALLENGE_ACCEPT=§7Click §ehere§7 to accept
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ EVENT_DATE_FORMAT=dd.MM.
EVENT_USAGE=§8/§7event §8[§eTeam§8] - §7To teleport to a fight
EVENT_NO_TEAM=§cThis team does not exist
EVENT_NO_FIGHT_TEAM=§cThis team has no current fight
EVENT_NO_CURRENT=§cThere is currently no event taking place
EVENT_NO_CURRENT=§cThere is no event taking place currently
EVENT_COMING=§eUpcoming events§8:
EVENT_COMING_EVENT=§7{0}§8-§7{1}§8: §e{2}
EVENT_COMING_DEADLINE=§7 Registration deadline§8: §7{0}
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ FIGHT_BROADCAST=§7Click §ehere§7 to fight §e{0} §7against §e{1}!
FIGHT_BROADCAST_HOVER=§aFight §eagainst §7{1}
CHECK_REMINDER=§7There are §e{0} §7schematics left to review§8!
CHECK_REMINDER=§7There are §e{0} §7schematics left for review§8!
CHECK_REMINDER_HOVER=§eSchematics to review
CHECK_NOT_CHECKING=§cYou are currently not reviewing any schematic.
CHECK_HELP_LIST=§8/§7check list §8- §7Shows the list of unreviewed schematics
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ KICK_NORMAL=§cYou were kicked.
MSG_USAGE=§8/§7msg §8[§euser§8] [§emessage§8]
MSG_OFFLINE=§cPLayer is offline!
MSG_OFFLINE=§cPlayer is offline!
MSG_IGNORED=§cThis player has blocked you!
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ TEAM_HELP_STEP_BACK=§8/§7team stepback §8- §7Demote yourself from leader.
TEAM_HELP_SERVER=§8/§7team server §8[§eIP/address§8] §8(§7port§8) §8- §7Set the address for your teamserver.
#Team Create
TEAM_CREATE_USAGE=§8/§7team create §8[§eTeamshortcut§8] §8[§eTeamname§8]
TEAM_CREATE_USAGE=§8/§7team create §8[§eteam shortcut§8] §8[§eteam name§8]
TEAM_CREATE_CREATED=§7You have created the team §e{0}§7!
#Team Join
@ -431,13 +431,13 @@ TEAM_KUERZEL_LENGHT=§cA team shortcut has to consist of 2 to 4 characters.
TEAM_KUERZEL_TAKEN=§cThere is already a team with that shortcut.
#Team Name
TEAM_NAME_USAGE=§8/§7team changename §8[§eTeamname§8]
TEAM_NAME_USAGE=§8/§7team changename §8[§eteam name§8]
TEAM_NAME_CHANGED=§7You have renamed your team!
TEAM_NAME_LENGHT=§cA team name has to consist of 4 to 15 characters.
TEAM_NAME_TAKEN=§cThere is already a team with that name.
#Team Leader
TEAM_LEADER_USAGE=§8/§7team promote §8[§eMember§8]
TEAM_LEADER_USAGE=§8/§7team promote §8[§emember§8]
TEAM_LEADER_NOT_USER=§cThe player {0} does not exist.
TEAM_LEADER_NOT_MEMBER=§cThis player is not in your team.
TEAM_LEADER_PROMOTED=§7You made §e{0} §7a leader!
@ -492,10 +492,10 @@ UNIGNORE_UNIGNORED=§7You ignored §e{0}§8.
WEB_USAGE=§8/§7webregister §8[§eE-Mail§8]
WEB_ALREADY=§cYou already have a webaccount.
WEB_ALREADY_EMAIL=§cYou already used this E-mail on another account...
WEB_ALREADY_EMAIL=§cYou already used this E-Mail address on another account...
WEB_NOT_EMAIL=§c[E-Mail], not [free text]!
WEB_EMAIL_REFRESH=§aYour E-Mail was updated.
WEB_INTERNAL_ERROR=§cAn internal error occurred, please ask a developer.
WEB_INTERNAL_ERROR=§cAn internal error occurred, please contact a developer.
WEB_EMAIL_SEND=§aAn E-Mail to reset your password has been sent.
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ ARENA_NOT_FOUND=§cThe specified arena could not be found
RANK_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND=§cPlayer not found
RANK_PLAYER_FOUND=§eRank §7of §e{0}
RANK_HEADER=§7§lMode {0}
RANK_PLACED=§e{0}§8. §7with §e{1} §7Elo§8.
RANK_EMBLEM=§eEmblem§8: {0}
RANK_NEEDED_FIGHTS_LEFT={0} §8(§e{1}§7 fights needed§8)
@ -622,5 +622,4 @@ FIGHT_MERGE_OFFLINE=§7The proposed arena has been terminated in the meantime, a
FIGHT_MERGE_INFO=§e{0}§8: §e{1}
#Locale Locking
LOCK_LOCALE_ERROR=§cError while saving your language
LOCK_LOCALE_CHANGED=§aLanguage saved
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ DEV_UNKNOWN_SERVER=§cBitte gib einen DevServer an.
#ModLoader blocker
MODLOADER_INSTALLED=§7Du spielst mit §e{0} §7Client. Daher kannst du keinen Arenen beitreten.
MODLOADER_INSTALLED_FABRIC=§7Du hast §e{0} §7installiert. Mit dem SteamWarModSender kannst du Arenen beitreten.
MODLOADER_INSTALLED_FABRIC=§7Du spielst mit §e{0} §7Client. Nur mit dem SteamWarModSender kannst du Arenen beitreten.
MODLOADER_DENIED=§cMit Fabric und LiteLoader kannst du keinen Arenen beitreten.
#Help command
@ -118,39 +118,39 @@ MUTE_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §e§lgemuted§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
UNMUTE_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht gemuted.
UNMUTE=§7Du hast §e{0} §e§lentmuted.
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lSchematicerhalten§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom Erhalten von §e§lSchematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom Erhalten von §e§lSchematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lSchematicerhalten§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom Erhalten von §e§lSchematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMRECEIVING_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom Erhalten von §e§lSchematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMRECEIVING_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Erhalten von Schematics ausgeschlossen.
UNNOSCHEMRECEIVING=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lSchematics§7 erhalten§8.
NOSCHEMSHARING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lSchematicverteilen§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSHARING_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lVerteilen von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSHARING_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lVerteilen von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
NOSCHEMSHARING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lSchematicverteilen§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSHARING_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lVerteilen von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSHARING_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lVerteilen von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMSHARING_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Verteilen von Schematics ausgeschlossen.
UNNOSCHEMSHARING=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lSchematics§7 verteilen§8.
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lSchematiceinsenden§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lEinsenden von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lEinsenden von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lSchematiceinsenden§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lEinsenden von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lEinsenden von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Einsenden von Schematics ausgeschlossen.
UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lSchematis§7 einsenden§8.
NODEVSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7hat §e{2} §7mit Grund §f{4}§7 zu genervt und hat daher §e§lDevserververbot§7 erhalten§8, §f{3}
NODEVSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lDevserver§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NODEVSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lDevserver§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
NODEVSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lDevserver§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{0}
NODEVSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lDevserver§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{1}
UNNODEVSERVER_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Devserver ausgeschlossen.
UNNODEVSERVER=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder dem §e§lDevserver§7 beitreten§8.
NOFIGHTSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOFIGHTSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOFIGHTSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
NOFIGHTSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §f{4}
NOFIGHTSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{0}
NOFIGHTSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8: §e{1}
UNNOFIGHTSERVER_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Kämpfen ausgeschlossen.
UNNOFIGHTSERVER=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lKämpfen§7 beitreten§8.
NOTEAMSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOTEAMSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOTEAMSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
NOTEAMSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8: §f{4}
NOTEAMSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8: §e{0}
NOTEAMSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8: §e{1}
UNNOTEAMSERVER_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Teamserver setzten ausgeschlossen.
UNNOTEAMSERVER=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen§8.
@ -167,7 +167,6 @@ IGNORE_MESSAGE=§7Du ignorierst nun §e{0}§8.
POLLRESULT_NOPOLL=§cDerzeit läuft keine Umfrage.
POLLRESULT_HEADER=§eEs haben {0} abgestimmt auf die Frage: §7{1}
POLLRESULT_LIST=§e{0}§8: §7{1}
BAU_ADDMEMBER_USAGE=§8/§7bau addmember §8[§eSpieler§8]
@ -601,5 +600,4 @@ FIGHT_MERGE_INFO_LORE_1=§8Von: §e{0}
FIGHT_MERGE_OFFLINE=§7Die vorgeschlagene Arena wurde in der Zwischenzeit beendet, es wird eine neue Arena gestartet.
#Locale Locking
LOCK_LOCALE_ERROR=§cFehler beim speichern deiner Sprache
LOCK_LOCALE_CHANGED=§aSprache gespeichert
@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ import;
public interface ChatSender {
static Locale getLocale(ProxiedPlayer player) {
return SteamwarUser.get(player).getLocale();
static Stream<ProxiedPlayer> all() {
return ProxyServer.getInstance().getPlayers().stream();
@ -154,7 +150,7 @@ public interface ChatSender {
public Locale getLocale() {
return ChatSender.getLocale(player);
return user().getLocale();
In neuem Issue referenzieren
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