geforkt von SteamWar/BungeeCore
Merge branch 'master' into configRefactoring
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# SteamWar GDPR report
## Copyright notice
The provided build worlds contain the world design of SteamWar contributors and is subject to their copyright.
The build worlds are therefore provided for personal use only.
## Categories of personal data processed
- IP address
- Minecraft account
- E-Mail address (if using a website account)
## Processing purposes of personal data and person-related data
- Provision of SteamWar user functionality (Minecraft account, IP address, BuildWorlds, BuildInventories, BuildMembers, Elo, IgnoredPlayers, SchematicMembers, SchematicChecksessions, Schematics, PersonalKits, UserData, UserConfigs)
- Manual analysis and punishment of player misbehaviour (BannedIPs, log files, Punishments)
- Statistical analysis (Sessions, Fights, SchematicChecksessions)
- Historical data storage (Fights)
- Technical error analysis (log files)
- Provision of the SteamWar website functionality (IP address, E-Mail address)
## Data Accessors
- SteamWar software
- SteamWar Administration
- SteamWar Development
- SteamWar Moderation (limited to Punishments and SchematicChecksessions)
## Storage duration
- Data for provision of functionality is stored until user triggered deletion
- Log file storage duration is targeted at one month, but might differ due to technical reasons
- Historical and statistical data deletion is not intended
@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ public class BungeeCore extends Plugin {
new ListCommand();
new ListCommand();
new StatCommand();
new StatCommand();
new VerifyCommand();
new VerifyCommand();
new GDPRQuery();
// Punishment Commands:
// Punishment Commands:
new PunishmentCommand("ban", Punishment.PunishmentType.Ban);
new PunishmentCommand("ban", Punishment.PunishmentType.Ban);
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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
package de.steamwar.bungeecore.commands;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.BungeeCore;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.Message;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.Statement;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.SteamwarUser;
import net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.CommandSender;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
public class GDPRQuery extends BasicCommand {
public GDPRQuery() {
super("gdprquery", "bungeecore.softreload");
public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
if(!(sender instanceof ProxiedPlayer))
ProxiedPlayer player = (ProxiedPlayer) sender;
SteamwarUser user = args.length == 0 ? SteamwarUser.get(player.getUniqueId()) : SteamwarUser.get(args[0]);
if(user == null) {
Message.send("UNKNOWN_PLAYER", player);
BungeeCord.getInstance().getScheduler().runAsync(BungeeCore.get(), () -> {
try {
createZip(player, user);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Could not create zip", e);
private void createZip(ProxiedPlayer player, SteamwarUser user) throws IOException {
printUpdate(player, "GDPR_STATUS_WEBSITE");
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(user.getUserName() + ".zip"));
copy(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""), out, "");
copy(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""), out, "README.txt");
printUpdate(player, "GDPR_STATUS_WORLD");
copyBauwelt(user, out, "/home/minecraft/userworlds/" + user.getUuid().toString(), "BuildWorld12");
copyBauwelt(user, out, "/home/minecraft/userworlds15/" + user.getId(), "BuildWorld15");
printUpdate(player, "GDPR_STATUS_INVENTORIES");
copyPlayerdata(user, out, "/home/minecraft/userworlds", "BuildInventories12");
copyPlayerdata(user, out, "/home/minecraft/userworlds15", "BuildInventories15");
printUpdate(player, "GDPR_STATUS_DATABASE");
sqlCSV(user, out, bannedIPs, "BannedIPs.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, bauweltMember, "BuildMember.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, bauweltMembers, "BuildMembers.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, checkedSchems, "SchematicChecksessions.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, elo, "Elo.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, fights, "Fights.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, ignoredPlayers, "IgnoredPlayers.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, ignoringPlayers, "IgnoringPlayers.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, schematicMember, "SchematicMember.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, schematicMembers, "SchematicMembers.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, pollAnswers, "PollAnswers.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, punishments, "Punishments.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, sessions, "Sessions.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, userData, "UserData.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, personalKits, "PersonalKits.csv");
sqlCSV(user, out, schematics, "Schematics.csv");
personalKits(user, out);
schematics(user, out);
userConfig(user, out);
printUpdate(player, "GDPR_STATUS_LOGS");
copyLogs(user, out, new File("/logs"), "logs");
printUpdate(player, "GDPR_STATUS_FINISHED");
private static final Statement bannedIPs = new Statement("SELECT Timestamp, IP FROM BannedUserIPs WHERE UserID = ?");
private static final Statement bauweltMember = new Statement("SELECT BauweltID AS Bauwelt, WorldEdit, World FROM BauweltMember WHERE MemberID = ?");
private static final Statement bauweltMembers = new Statement("SELECT u.UserName AS 'User', m.WorldEdit AS WorldEdit, m.World AS World FROM BauweltMember m INNER JOIN UserData u ON m.MemberID = WHERE m.BauweltID = ?");
private static final Statement checkedSchems = new Statement("SELECT NodeName AS Schematic, StartTime, EndTime, DeclineReason AS Result FROM CheckedSchematic WHERE NodeOwner = ? ORDER BY StartTime ASC");
private static final Statement elo = new Statement("SELECT GameMode, Elo FROM Elo WHERE UserID = ?");
private static final Statement fights = new Statement("SELECT p.Team AS Team, p.Kit AS Kit, p.Kills AS Kills, p.IsOut AS Died, f.GameMode AS GameMode, f.Server AS Server, f.Arena AS Arena, f.StartTime AS StartTime, f.Duration AS Duration, (f.BlueLeader = p.UserID) AS IsBlueLeader, (f.RedLeader = p.UserID) AS IsRedLeader, f.Win AS Winner, f.WinCondition AS WinCondition FROM Fight f INNER JOIN FightPlayer p ON f.FightID = p.FightID WHERE p.UserID = ? ORDER BY StartTime ASC");
private static final Statement ignoredPlayers = new Statement("SELECT u.UserName AS IgnoredPlayer FROM IgnoredPlayers i INNER JOIN UserData u ON i.Ignored = WHERE Ignorer = ?");
private static final Statement ignoringPlayers = new Statement("SELECT Ignorer AS IgnoringPlayers FROM IgnoredPlayers WHERE Ignored = ?");
private static final Statement schematicMember = new Statement("SELECT s.NodeName AS SchematicName, u.UserName AS SchematicOwner FROM NodeMember m INNER JOIN SchematicNode s ON m.NodeId = s.NodeId INNER JOIN UserData u ON s.NodeOwner = WHERE m.UserId = ?");
private static final Statement schematicMembers = new Statement("SELECT s.NodeName AS SchematicName, u.UserName AS Member FROM NodeMember m INNER JOIN SchematicNode s ON m.NodeId = s.NodeId INNER JOIN UserData u ON m.UserId = WHERE s.NodeOwner = ?");
private static final Statement pollAnswers = new Statement("SELECT Question, Answer FROM PollAnswer WHERE UserID = ?");
private static final Statement punishments = new Statement("SELECT Type, StartTime, EndTime, Perma, Reason FROM Punishments WHERE UserId = ?");
private static final Statement sessions = new Statement("SELECT StartTime, EndTime FROM Session WHERE UserID = ?");
private static final Statement userData = new Statement("SELECT * FROM UserData WHERE id = ?");
private static final Statement personalKits = new Statement("SELECT GameMode, Name, InUse FROM PersonalKit WHERE UserID = ?");
private static final Statement personalKitData = new Statement("SELECT GameMode, Name, Inventory, Armor FROM PersonalKit WHERE UserID = ?");
private static final Statement schematics = new Statement("SELECT NodeName AS SchematicName, ParentNode, LastUpdate, NodeItem, NodeType, NodeRank FROM SchematicNode WHERE NodeOwner = ?");
private static final Statement schematicData = new Statement("SELECT NodeName, ParentNode, NodeFormat, NodeData FROM SchematicNode WHERE NodeOwner = ?");
private static final Statement userConfig = new Statement("SELECT * FROM UserConfig WHERE User = ?");
private void sqlCSV(SteamwarUser user, ZipOutputStream out, Statement statement, String path) throws IOException {
write(stream -> -> {
try {
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(stream);
int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
for(int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
while( {
for(int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
try {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// ignored
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Could not write file", e);
return null;
}, user.getId()), out, path);
private void personalKits(SteamwarUser user, ZipOutputStream out) {
| -> {
while( {
try {
String path = "PersonalKit/" + rs.getString("GameMode") + "/" + rs.getString("Name");
try(InputStream data = rs.getBinaryStream("Inventory")) {
copy(data, out, path + ".Inventory.yml");
try(InputStream data = rs.getBinaryStream("Armor")) {
copy(data, out, path + ".Armor.yml");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Could not export PersonalKits", e);
return null;
}, user.getId());
private void schematics(SteamwarUser user, ZipOutputStream out) {
| -> {
while( {
String name = (rs.getString("ParentNode") != null ? rs.getString("ParentNode") : "") + ":" + rs.getString("NodeName");
boolean format = rs.getBoolean("NodeFormat");
try(InputStream data = rs.getBinaryStream("NodeData")) {
copy(data, out, "Schematics/" + name + (format ? ".schem" : ".schematic"));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Could not export Schematic", e);
return null;
}, user.getId());
private void userConfig(SteamwarUser user, ZipOutputStream out) {
| -> {
while( {
String name = rs.getString("Config");
try(InputStream data = rs.getBinaryStream("Value")) {
copy(data, out, name + ".yapion");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Could not export UserConfig", e);
return null;
}, user.getId());
private void copyLogs(SteamwarUser user, ZipOutputStream out, File log, String outFile) throws IOException {
if (log.isDirectory()) {
for(File logfile : log.listFiles()) {
copyLogs(user, out, logfile, outFile + "/" + logfile.getName().replace(".gz", ""));
} else {
Process reader = new ProcessBuilder("zgrep", "^.*" + user.getUserName() + "\\( issued server command:\\| moved too quickly!\\| executed command:\\| lost connection:\\||\\|»\\|\\[\\|\\]\\).*$", log.getPath()).start();
copy(reader.getInputStream(), out, outFile);
private void copyBauwelt(SteamwarUser user, ZipOutputStream out, String inDir, String outDir) throws IOException {
File world = new File(inDir);
copy(new File(world, "level.dat"), out, outDir + "/level.dat");
File region = new File(world, "region");
for(File regionfile : region.listFiles()) {
copy(regionfile, out, outDir + "/region/" + regionfile.getName());
File poi = new File(world, "poi");
if(poi.exists()) {
for(File regionfile : poi.listFiles()) {
copy(regionfile, out, outDir + "/poi/" + regionfile.getName());
File playerdata = new File(world, "playerdata/" + user.getUuid().toString() + ".dat");
copy(playerdata, out, outDir + "/playerdata/" + user.getUuid().toString() + ".dat");
private void copyPlayerdata(SteamwarUser user, ZipOutputStream out, String inDir, String outDir) throws IOException {
File worlds = new File(inDir);
String path = "playerdata/" + user.getUuid().toString() + ".dat";
int i = 0;
for(File world : worlds.listFiles()) {
File playerdata = new File(world, path);
copy(playerdata, out, outDir + "/" + (i++) + "/" + user.getUuid().toString() + ".dat");
private void printUpdate(ProxiedPlayer player, String message) {
if (player.isConnected())
Message.send(message, player);
private void copy(File file, ZipOutputStream out, String path) throws IOException {
try(FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) {
copy(in, out, path);
private void copy(InputStream in, ZipOutputStream out, String path) throws IOException {
boolean initialized = false;
int bytes;
for(byte[] buf = new byte[8192]; (bytes = > 0; ) {
if(!initialized) {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(path);
initialized = true;
out.write(buf, 0, bytes);
if(initialized) {
private void write(Writer writer, ZipOutputStream out, String path) throws IOException {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(path);
private interface Writer {
void accept(OutputStream stream) throws IOException;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public class Statement {
private final String sql;
private final String sql;
private PreparedStatement st;
private PreparedStatement st;
Statement(String sql) {
public Statement(String sql) {
this.sql = sql;
this.sql = sql;
try {
try {
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public class Statement {
st = con.prepareStatement(sql);
st = con.prepareStatement(sql);
<T> T select(ResultSetUser<T> user, Object... objects) {
public <T> T select(ResultSetUser<T> user, Object... objects) {
synchronized (statements) {
synchronized (statements) {
return prepare(() -> {
return prepare(() -> {
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public class Statement {
void update(Object... objects) {
public void update(Object... objects) {
synchronized (statements) {
synchronized (statements) {
prepare(st::executeUpdate, objects);
prepare(st::executeUpdate, objects);
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public class Statement {
interface ResultSetUser<T> {
public interface ResultSetUser<T> {
T use(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException;
T use(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException;
@ -549,4 +549,12 @@ VERIFY_SUCCESS=§7Erfolgreich mit dem Discord Account §e{0} §7verknüpft
DISCORD_TICKET_MESSAGE=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §f§l{1}: §7{2}
DISCORD_TICKET_MESSAGE=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §f§l{1}: §7{2}
DISCORD_TICKET_NEW=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §aTicket wurde geöffnet!
DISCORD_TICKET_NEW=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §aTicket wurde geöffnet!
DISCORD_TICKET_CLOSED=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §cTicket wurde geschlossen!
DISCORD_TICKET_CLOSED=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §cTicket wurde geschlossen!
#GDPR Query
GDPR_STATUS_WEBSITE=§7Website kann nicht automatisiert gepackt werden und muss daher manuell hinzugefügt werden.
GDPR_STATUS_WORLD=§7Packe Bauwelten...
GDPR_STATUS_INVENTORIES=§7Suche und packe Inventare...
GDPR_STATUS_DATABASE=§7Packe Datenbankinhalte...
GDPR_STATUS_LOGS=§7Suche und packe logs...
GDPR_STATUS_FINISHED=§7Packen abgeschlossen
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