geforkt von SteamWar/BungeeCore
Server start refactoring, tutorial system
Signed-off-by: Lixfel <>
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ public class BungeeCore extends Plugin {
new ListCommand();
new StatCommand();
new VerifyCommand();
new ReplayCommand();
new GDPRQuery();
new PlaytimeCommand();
new ArenaCommand();
new RankCommand();
// Punishment Commands:
new PunishmentCommand("ban", Punishment.PunishmentType.Ban);
@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ public class BungeeCore extends Plugin {
new ChallengeCommand();
new HistoricCommand();
new CheckCommand();
new RankCommand();
new ReplayCommand();
new TutorialCommand();
new Broadcaster();
@ -64,12 +64,13 @@ public class EventStarter implements Runnable {
Team blue = Team.get(next.getTeamBlue());
Team red = Team.get(next.getTeamRed());
String serverName = blue.getTeamKuerzel() + " vs " + red.getTeamKuerzel();
Subserver subserver = SubserverSystem.startEventArena(next, serverName);
ServerStarter starter = new ServerStarter().event(next);
ProxiedPlayer leiter = ProxyServer.getInstance().getPlayer(SteamwarUser.get(next.getKampfleiter()).getUuid());
if(leiter != null)
SubserverSystem.sendPlayer(subserver, leiter);
Subserver subserver = starter.start();
eventServer.put(blue.getTeamId(), subserver);
eventServer.put(red.getTeamId(), subserver);
Normale Datei
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
package de.steamwar.bungeecore;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.EventFight;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.SteamwarUser;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.Team;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.Tutorial;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ProxyServer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class ServerStarter {
private static final boolean MAIN_SERVER = ProxyServer.getInstance().getConfig().getListeners().stream().anyMatch(info -> ((InetSocketAddress) info.getSocketAddress()).getPort() == 25565);
private static final Portrange BAU_PORTS = MAIN_SERVER ? new Portrange(10100, 20000) : new Portrange(2100, 2200);
private static final Portrange ARENA_PORTS = MAIN_SERVER ? new Portrange(3000, 3100) : (BungeeCore.EVENT_MODE ? new Portrange(4000, 5000) : BAU_PORTS);
private static final String BACKBONE = "/home/minecraft/";
private static final String SERVER_PATH = BACKBONE + "server/";
private static final String EVENT_PATH = BACKBONE + "event/";
public static final String TEMP_WORLD_PATH = BACKBONE + "arenaserver/";
public static final String TUTORIAL_PATH = BACKBONE + "tutorials/";
private File directory = null;
private String worldDir = null;
private Node node = null;
private String serverJar = "spigot-1.15.2.jar";
private String xmx = "768M";
private Portrange portrange = BAU_PORTS;
private Function<Integer, String> serverNameProvider = port -> node.getName() + port;
private BooleanSupplier startCondition = () -> true;
private ServerConstructor constructor = (serverName, port, builder, shutdownCallback) -> new Subserver(Servertype.ARENA, serverName, port, builder, shutdownCallback);
private Runnable worldSetup = () -> {};
private String worldName = null;
private Runnable worldCleanup = () -> {};
private final Set<ProxiedPlayer> playersToSend = new HashSet<>();
private final Map<String, String> arguments = new HashMap<>();
public ServerStarter arena(ArenaMode mode, String map) {
portrange = ARENA_PORTS;
serverNameProvider = port -> mode.getChatName() + (port - portrange.start);
serverJar = mode.serverJar();
directory = new File(SERVER_PATH, mode.getFolder());
arguments.put("config", mode.getConfig());
tempWorld(SERVER_PATH + mode.getFolder() + "/arenas/" + map);
return this;
public ServerStarter event(EventFight eventFight) {
arena(eventFight.getSpielmodus(), eventFight.getMap());
node = Node.local;
worldDir = EVENT_PATH;
worldCleanup = () -> {};
arguments.put("fightID", String.valueOf(eventFight.getFightID()));
String serverName = Team.get(eventFight.getTeamBlue()).getTeamKuerzel() + " vs " + Team.get(eventFight.getTeamRed()).getTeamKuerzel();
serverNameProvider = port -> serverName;
worldName = serverToWorldName(serverName + eventFight.getStartTime().toLocalDateTime().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_TIME));
return this;
public ServerStarter test(ArenaMode mode, String map, ProxiedPlayer owner) {
arena(mode, map);
portrange = BAU_PORTS;
arguments.put("fightID", String.valueOf(-1));
return send(owner);
public ServerStarter blueLeader(ProxiedPlayer player) {
arguments.put("blueLeader", player.getUniqueId().toString());
return send(player);
public ServerStarter redLeader(ProxiedPlayer player) {
arguments.put("redLeader", player.getUniqueId().toString());
return send(player);
public ServerStarter check(int schemID) {
arguments.put("checkSchemID", String.valueOf(schemID));
return this;
public ServerStarter prepare(int schemID) {
arguments.put("prepareSchemID", String.valueOf(schemID));
return this;
public ServerStarter replay(int replayID) {
arguments.put("replay", String.valueOf(replayID));
return this;
public ServerStarter build15(UUID owner) {
directory = new File(SERVER_PATH, "Bau15");
worldDir = BungeeCore.USERWORLDS15;
worldName = String.valueOf(SteamwarUser.get(owner).getId());
buildWithWorld(owner, BungeeCore.BAUWELT15);
return this;
public ServerStarter build12(UUID owner) {
directory = new File(SERVER_PATH, "UserBau");
serverJar = "spigot-1.12.2.jar";
xmx = "256M";
worldDir = BungeeCore.WORLD_FOLDER;
worldName = owner.toString();
buildWithWorld(owner, BungeeCore.BAUWELT_PROTOTYP);
return this;
public ServerStarter tutorial(ProxiedPlayer owner, Tutorial tutorial) {
directory = new File(SERVER_PATH, "Tutorial");
tempWorld(TUTORIAL_PATH +;
arguments.put("tutorial", String.valueOf(;
return send(owner);
private void tempWorld(String template) {
worldSetup = () -> copyWorld(node, template, worldDir + worldName);
worldCleanup = () -> SubserverSystem.deleteFolder(node, worldDir + worldName);
private void buildWithWorld(UUID owner, String prototype) {
worldSetup = () -> {
File world = new File(worldDir, worldName);
if (!world.exists())
copyWorld(node, prototype, world.getPath());
// Send players to existing server
startCondition = () -> {
for(Subserver subserver : Subserver.getServerList()) {
if(subserver.getType() == Servertype.BAUSERVER && ((Bauserver)subserver).getOwner().equals(owner)) {
for(ProxiedPlayer p : playersToSend)
SubserverSystem.sendPlayer(subserver, p);
return false;
return true;
private void buildWithTemp(ProxiedPlayer owner) {
// Stop existing build server
startCondition = () -> {
return false;
for (Subserver subserver : Subserver.getServerList()) {
if (subserver.getType() == Servertype.BAUSERVER && ((Bauserver) subserver).getOwner().equals(owner.getUniqueId()) && subserver.hasStarted()) {
return !startingBau(owner);
private void build(UUID owner) {
constructor = (serverName, port, builder, shutdownCallback) -> new Bauserver(serverName, owner, port, builder, shutdownCallback);
serverNameProvider = port -> bauServerName(SteamwarUser.get(owner));
public ServerStarter send(ProxiedPlayer player) {
return this;
public Subserver start() {
return null;
int port = portrange.freePort();
String serverName = serverNameProvider.apply(port);
if(node == null)
node = Node.getNode();
if(worldName == null)
worldName = serverToWorldName(serverName);
arguments.put("logPath", worldName);
Subserver subserver = constructor.construct(serverName, port, node.startServer(
serverJar, directory, worldDir, worldName, port, xmx, (String[]) arguments.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue()).toArray()
), worldCleanup);
for(ProxiedPlayer p : playersToSend)
SubserverSystem.sendPlayer(subserver, p);
return subserver;
private static boolean startingBau(ProxiedPlayer p) {
for (Subserver subserver : Subserver.getServerList()) {
if (subserver.getType() == Servertype.BAUSERVER && ((Bauserver) subserver).getOwner().equals(p.getUniqueId()) && !subserver.hasStarted()) {
Message.send("BAU_START_ALREADY", p);
return true;
return false;
public static String bauServerName(SteamwarUser user) {
return user.getUserName() + "s Bau";
public static String serverToWorldName(String serverName) {
return serverName.replace(' ', '_').replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
public static void copyWorld(Node node, String template, String target) {
node.execute("cp", "-r", template, target);
private interface ServerConstructor {
Subserver construct(String serverName, int port, ProcessBuilder builder, Runnable shutdownCallback);
private static class Portrange {
private final int start;
private final int end;
private int current;
private Portrange(int start, int end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
current = start;
private void increment() {
if(current == end)
current = start;
private synchronized int freePort() {
Set<Integer> usedPorts;
synchronized (Subserver.getServerList()) {
usedPorts = Subserver.getServerList().stream().map(server -> ((InetSocketAddress) server.getServer().getSocketAddress()).getPort()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
while(usedPorts.contains(current)) {
int result = current;
return result;
@ -21,157 +21,21 @@ package de.steamwar.bungeecore;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.comms.handlers.FightInfoHandler;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.comms.packets.StartingServerPacket;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.EventFight;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.IgnoreSystem;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.SteamwarUser;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ProxyServer;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
public class SubserverSystem {
private SubserverSystem(){}
private static final String BACKBONE = "/home/minecraft/";
private static final String ARENA_PATH = BACKBONE + "arenaserver/";
private static final String SERVER_PATH = BACKBONE + "server/";
private static final String EVENT_PATH = BACKBONE + "event/";
private static final boolean MAIN_SERVER = ProxyServer.getInstance().getConfig().getListeners().stream().anyMatch(info -> ((InetSocketAddress) info.getSocketAddress()).getPort() == 25565);
private static final Portrange bauPorts = MAIN_SERVER ? new Portrange(10100, 20000) : new Portrange(2100, 2200);
private static final Portrange arenaPorts = MAIN_SERVER ? new Portrange(3000, 3100) : (BungeeCore.EVENT_MODE ? new Portrange(4000, 5000) : bauPorts);
* This function starts every arena (even test- and eventarenas).
* @param modus
* This has to be a valid arena mode
* @param map
* This String must be the internal map name of the selected map
* @param eventFightID
* For a normal arena: 0
* For a test arena: -1
* For an event arena: EventFightID of the fight
* @param replayID
* @param serverName
* The name of the server (for event and test arenas)
* or null (autogenerated arena name modus.getDisplayName() + number)
* @param mapName
* The name of the map copy the server runs on (for event and test arenas)
* or null (autogenerated map name equals server name)
* @param player1
* For event and normal arenas: The UUID of the designated leader for the blue team
* or null (no designated leader).
* For test arenas: The owner's UUID of the test arena (disables normal function).
* @param player2
* For event, test and normal arenas: The UUID of the designated leader for the red team
* or null (no designated leader).
* @return
* The new started subserver.
public static synchronized Subserver startArena(ArenaMode modus, String map, int eventFightID, int checkSchemID, int prepareSchemID, int replayID, String serverName, String mapName, UUID player1, UUID player2){
//Generate missing parameters
Node node = eventFightID > 0 ? Node.local : Node.getNode();
int port = arenaPorts.freePort();
if(serverName == null){
serverName = modus.getDisplayName() + (port - arenaPorts.start);
if(mapName == null)
mapName = serverName;
mapName = mapName.replace(' ', '_').replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
String worldDir;
if(eventFightID > 0)
worldDir = EVENT_PATH;
worldDir = ARENA_PATH;
//Copy world
node.execute("cp", "-r", SERVER_PATH + modus.getFolder() + "/arenas/" + map, worldDir + mapName);
File directory = new File(SERVER_PATH, modus.getFolder());
ProcessBuilder builder = node.startServer(
modus.serverJar(), directory, worldDir, mapName, port, "768M",
"logPath=" + mapName, "config=" + modus.getConfig(),
"fightID=" + eventFightID,
"checkSchemID=" + checkSchemID, "prepareSchemID=" + prepareSchemID,
"replay=" + replayID,
player1 != null && eventFightID != -1 ? "blueLeader=" + player1 : null,
player2 != null ? "redLeader=" + player2 : null
String finalMapName = mapName;
if(eventFightID == -1)
return new Bauserver(serverName, player1, port, builder, () -> deleteFolder(node, ARENA_PATH + finalMapName));
return new Subserver(Servertype.ARENA, serverName, port, builder, () -> {
if(eventFightID > 0)
deleteFolder(node, ARENA_PATH + finalMapName);
public static void deleteFolder(Node node, String worldName) {
node.execute("rm", "-r", worldName);
public static Subserver startEventArena(EventFight eventFight, String serverName){
return startArena(
0, serverName,
serverName + eventFight.getStartTime().toLocalDateTime().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_TIME),
public static void startTestServer(ProxiedPlayer p, ArenaMode m, String map, int checkSchemId, int prepareSchemId){
sendPlayer(startArena(m, map, -1, checkSchemId, prepareSchemId, 0, p.getName() + "s Bau", p.getName(), p.getUniqueId(), null), p);
private static synchronized void sendToBau(ProxiedPlayer p, UUID owner, String prototype, String worldFolder, String serverJar, String worldDir, String worldName, String xmx, String serverName){
if(bauRunning(p, owner))
copyBauweltIfRequired(prototype, worldFolder + worldName);
SteamwarUser user = SteamwarUser.get(owner);
File directory = new File(SERVER_PATH, serverName);
Node node = Node.getNode();
int port = bauPorts.freePort();
sendPlayer(new Bauserver(user.getUserName() + "s Bau", owner, port, node.startServer(
serverJar, directory, worldDir, worldName, port, xmx, "logPath=" + worldName
), () -> {}), p);
public static void sendToBauServer(ProxiedPlayer p, UUID owner){
sendToBau(p, owner, BungeeCore.BAUWELT_PROTOTYP, BungeeCore.WORLD_FOLDER, "spigot-1.12.2.jar", "/home/minecraft/userworlds", owner.toString(), "256M", "UserBau");
public static void sendToBau15(ProxiedPlayer p, UUID owner){
SteamwarUser user = SteamwarUser.get(owner);
sendToBau(p, owner, BungeeCore.BAUWELT15, BungeeCore.USERWORLDS15, "spigot-1.15.2.jar", "/home/minecraft/userworlds15", String.valueOf(user.getId()), "768M", "Bau15");
public static void sendDeniedMessage(ProxiedPlayer p, UUID owner){
ProxiedPlayer o = ProxyServer.getInstance().getPlayer(owner);
if(o == null)
@ -191,57 +55,4 @@ public class SubserverSystem {
if(!subserver.hasStarted() && FightInfoHandler.onLobby(player))
new StartingServerPacket(SteamwarUser.get(player.getUniqueId())).send(player);
private static boolean bauRunning(ProxiedPlayer p, UUID owner){
for(Subserver subserver : Subserver.getServerList()){
if(subserver.getType() == Servertype.BAUSERVER && ((Bauserver)subserver).getOwner().equals(owner)){
sendPlayer(subserver, p);
return true;
return false;
private static void copyBauweltIfRequired(String sourcePath, String targetPath){
File w = new File(targetPath);
if (!w.exists() || !w.isDirectory())
Node.local.execute("cp", "-r", sourcePath, targetPath);
private static class Portrange {
private final int start;
private final int end;
private int current;
private Portrange(int start, int end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
current = start;
private void increment() {
if(current == end)
current = start;
private synchronized int freePort() {
Set<Integer> usedPorts;
synchronized (Subserver.getServerList()) {
usedPorts = Subserver.getServerList().stream().map(server -> ((InetSocketAddress) server.getServer().getSocketAddress()).getPort()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
while(usedPorts.contains(current)) {
int result = current;
return result;
@ -45,20 +45,17 @@ public class BauCommand extends BasicCommand {
ProxiedPlayer p = (ProxiedPlayer) sender;
if(args.length == 0){
if(bau15(p, args, 0))
SubserverSystem.sendToBau15(p, p.getUniqueId());
SubserverSystem.sendToBauServer(p, p.getUniqueId());
(bau15(p, args, 0) ? new ServerStarter().build15(p.getUniqueId()) : new ServerStarter().build12(p.getUniqueId())).send(p).start();
case "ws":
case "warship":
case "12":
case "1.12":
SubserverSystem.sendToBauServer(p, p.getUniqueId());
new ServerStarter().build12(p.getUniqueId()).send(p).start();
case "ws":
case "warship":
case "as":
case "airship":
case "mwg":
@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ public class BauCommand extends BasicCommand {
case "wargear":
case "15":
case "1.15":
SubserverSystem.sendToBau15(p, p.getUniqueId());
new ServerStarter().build15(p.getUniqueId()).send(p).start();
case "addmember":
addmember(p, args);
@ -143,10 +140,7 @@ public class BauCommand extends BasicCommand {
if(bau15(p, args, 2))
SubserverSystem.sendToBau15(p, worldOwner.getUuid());
SubserverSystem.sendToBauServer(p, worldOwner.getUuid());
(bau15(p, args, 2) ? new ServerStarter().build15(worldOwner.getUuid()) : new ServerStarter().build12(worldOwner.getUuid())).send(p).start();
private static boolean bau15(ProxiedPlayer p, String[] args, int pos){
@ -259,40 +253,8 @@ public class BauCommand extends BasicCommand {
private static boolean startingBau(ProxiedPlayer p) {
for (Subserver subserver : Subserver.getServerList()) {
if (subserver.getType() == Servertype.BAUSERVER && ((Bauserver) subserver).getOwner().equals(p.getUniqueId()) && !subserver.hasStarted()) {
Message.send("BAU_START_ALREADY", p);
return true;
return false;
public static boolean stopBauserver(ProxiedPlayer p){
return false;
for (Subserver subserver : Subserver.getServerList()) {
if (subserver.getType() == Servertype.BAUSERVER && ((Bauserver) subserver).getOwner().equals(p.getUniqueId()) && subserver.hasStarted()) {
try {
Thread.sleep(200); // Wait until possible testarena-World has been deleted
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Subserver stop interrupted", e);
return !startingBau(p);
private static void testarena(ProxiedPlayer p, String[] args){
FightCommand.createArena(p, "/bau testarena ", args, 1, false, (player, mode, map) -> ProxyServer.getInstance().getScheduler().runAsync(BungeeCore.get(), () -> {
SubserverSystem.startTestServer(p, mode, map, 0, 0);
FightCommand.createArena(p, "/bau testarena ", args, 1, false, (player, mode, map) -> ProxyServer.getInstance().getScheduler().runAsync(BungeeCore.get(), () -> new ServerStarter().test(mode, map, p).start()));
private static BauweltMember member(ProxiedPlayer p, SteamwarUser member){
@ -76,11 +76,7 @@ public class ChallengeCommand extends BasicCommand {
Subserver arena = SubserverSystem.startArena(mode, map, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, player.getUniqueId(), target.getUniqueId());
SubserverSystem.sendPlayer(arena, player);
SubserverSystem.sendPlayer(arena, target);
Subserver arena = new ServerStarter().arena(mode, map).blueLeader(player).redLeader(target).start();
new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/arena " + arena.getServer().getName()), mode.getDisplayName(), player.getName(), target.getName());
@ -228,13 +228,12 @@ public class CheckCommand extends BasicCommand {
this.checkList = checkQuestions.get(schematic.getSchemtype()).listIterator();
ProxyServer.getInstance().getScheduler().runAsync(BungeeCore.get(), () -> {
ArenaMode mode = ArenaMode.getBySchemType(schematic.getSchemtype().fightType());
if(new ServerStarter().test(mode, mode.getRandomMap(), checker).check(schematic.getId()).start() == null) {
ArenaMode mode = ArenaMode.getBySchemType(schematic.getSchemtype().fightType());
SubserverSystem.startTestServer(checker, mode, FightCommand.getMap(checker, mode, "Random"), schematic.getId(), 0);
currentCheckers.put(checker.getUniqueId(), this);
currentSchems.put(schematic.getId(), this);
for(CheckedSchematic previous : CheckedSchematic.previousChecks(schematic))
@ -164,8 +164,7 @@ public class FightCommand extends BasicCommand {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
createArena(sender, "/fight ", args, 0, false, (player, mode, map) -> {
Subserver arena = SubserverSystem.startArena(mode, map, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, player.getUniqueId(), null);
SubserverSystem.sendPlayer(arena, player);
Subserver arena = new ServerStarter().arena(mode, map).blueLeader(player).start();
, new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/arena " + arena.getServer().getName()), mode.getDisplayName(), player.getName());
@ -19,10 +19,7 @@
package de.steamwar.bungeecore.commands;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.ArenaMode;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.Message;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.Subserver;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.SubserverSystem;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.*;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.CommandSender;
@ -36,8 +33,7 @@ public class HistoricCommand extends BasicCommand {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
FightCommand.createArena(sender, "/historic ", args, 0, true, (player, mode, map) -> {
Subserver arena = SubserverSystem.startArena(mode, map, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, player.getUniqueId(), null);
SubserverSystem.sendPlayer(arena, player);
Subserver arena = new ServerStarter().arena(mode, map).blueLeader(player).start();
, new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/arena " + arena.getServer().getName()), mode.getDisplayName(), player.getName());
@ -19,9 +19,7 @@
package de.steamwar.bungeecore.commands;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.ArenaMode;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.Message;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.SubserverSystem;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.*;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.inventory.SWItem;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.inventory.SWListInv;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.inventory.SWStreamInv;
@ -49,16 +47,16 @@ public class ReplayCommand extends BasicCommand {
new SWStreamInv<>(player, Message.parse("REPLAY_TITLE", player), (click, fight) -> {
SteamwarUser user = SteamwarUser.get(player.getUniqueId());
boolean adminReplay = false;
ArenaMode mode = fight.getGameMode();
ServerStarter starter = new ServerStarter().replay(fight.getFightID()).blueLeader(player);
if (user.getUserGroup().isAdminGroup() && click.isShiftClick() && fight.replayExists()) {
adminReplay = true;
starter.test(mode, mode.getRandomMap(), player).start();
} else if(!fight.replayAllowed()) {
Message.send("REPLAY_UNAVAILABLE", player);
} else {
starter.arena(mode, mode.getRandomMap()).start();
ArenaMode mode = fight.getGameMode();
SubserverSystem.sendPlayer(SubserverSystem.startArena(mode, mode.getRandomMap(), adminReplay ? -1 : 0, 0, 0, fight.getFightID(), null, null, null, null), player);
}, page -> Fight.getPage(page, 45).stream().map(fight -> new SWListInv.SWListEntry<>(getFightItem(player, fight), fight)).collect(Collectors.toList())).open();
@ -19,16 +19,20 @@
package de.steamwar.bungeecore.commands;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.Message;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.*;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.inventory.SWItem;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.inventory.SWListInv;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.inventory.SWStreamInv;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.SteamwarUser;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.Tutorial;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.CommandSender;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.ProxiedPlayer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class TutorialCommand extends BasicCommand {
@ -43,12 +47,47 @@ public class TutorialCommand extends BasicCommand {
ProxiedPlayer player = (ProxiedPlayer) sender;
//TODO: Tutorial rating
//TODO: Tutorial creation
if(args.length != 0) {
switch(args[0]) {
case "rate":
if(args.length < 2) {
BungeeCore.get().getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "rate executed with missing argument");
new SWStreamInv<>(player, Message.parse("TUTORIAL_TITLE", player), (click, tutorial) -> {
//TODO: Tutorial start
}, page -> Tutorial.getPage(page, 45).stream().map(tutorial -> new SWListInv.SWListEntry<>(getTutorialItem(player, tutorial), tutorial)).collect(Collectors.toList())).open();
int id;
try {
id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
BungeeCore.get().getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "rate executed with non number: " + args[1]);
Tutorial tutorial = Tutorial.get(id);
if(tutorial == null) {
BungeeCore.get().getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "rate executed with nonexistent id: " + id);
rate(player, tutorial);
case "create":
if(args.length < 3) {
Message.send("TUTORIAL_CREATE_HELP", player);
String material = args[1].toUpperCase();
String name =" "));
create(player, name, material);
Message.send("TUTORIAL_CREATE_HELP", player);
new SWStreamInv<>(player, Message.parse("TUTORIAL_TITLE", player), (click, tutorial) -> new ServerStarter().tutorial(player, tutorial).start(), page -> Tutorial.getPage(page, 45).stream().map(tutorial -> new SWListInv.SWListEntry<>(getTutorialItem(player, tutorial), tutorial)).collect(Collectors.toList())).open();
private SWItem getTutorialItem(ProxiedPlayer player, Tutorial tutorial) {
@ -56,12 +95,44 @@ public class TutorialCommand extends BasicCommand {
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
lore.add(Message.parse("TUTORIAL_BY", player, tutorial.creator().getUserName()));
lore.add(Message.parse("TUTORIAL_BASED_ON", player));
lore.add(Message.parse("TUTORIAL_NAME", player, tutorial.parent().name()));
lore.add(Message.parse("TUTORIAL_BY", player, tutorial.parent().creator().getUserName()));
return item;
private void rate(ProxiedPlayer player, Tutorial tutorial) {
SteamwarUser user = SteamwarUser.get(player.getUniqueId());
int[] rates = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
new SWListInv<>(player, Message.parse("TUTORIAL_RATE_TITLE", player), -> new SWListInv.SWListEntry<>(new SWItem("NETHER_STAR", Message.parse("TUTORIAL_RATE", player, rate)), rate)).collect(Collectors.toList()), (click, rate) -> {
tutorial.rate(user, rate);
private void create(ProxiedPlayer player, String name, String item) {
Subserver subserver = Subserver.getSubserver(player);
SteamwarUser user = SteamwarUser.get(player.getUniqueId());
File tempWorld = new File(ServerStarter.TEMP_WORLD_PATH, ServerStarter.serverToWorldName(ServerStarter.bauServerName(user)));
if(subserver == null || !subserver.hasStarted() || subserver.getType() != Servertype.BAUSERVER || !tempWorld.exists()) {
Message.send("TUTORIAL_CREATE_MISSING", player);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
BungeeCore.get().getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Tutorial creation interrupted", e);
Tutorial tutorial = Tutorial.create(user, name, item);
File tutorialWorld = new File(ServerStarter.TUTORIAL_PATH, String.valueOf(;
if (tutorialWorld.exists())
SubserverSystem.deleteFolder(Node.local, tutorialWorld.getPath());
ServerStarter.copyWorld(Node.local, tempWorld.getPath(), tutorialWorld.getPath());
Message.send("TUTORIAL_CREATED", player);
@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ package de.steamwar.bungeecore.comms.handlers;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.ArenaMode;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.SubserverSystem;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.commands.BauCommand;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.ServerStarter;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.comms.SpigotHandler;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.SchematicType;
import de.steamwar.bungeecore.sql.SteamwarUser;
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ public class PrepareSchemHandler implements SpigotHandler {
int schematicID = in.readInt();
ArenaMode mode = ArenaMode.getBySchemType(SchematicType.fromDB(in.readUTF()));
SubserverSystem.startTestServer(player, mode, mode.getRandomMap(), 0, schematicID);
new ServerStarter().test(mode, mode.getRandomMap(), player).prepare(schematicID).start();
@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Tutorial {
private static final Statement by_popularity = new Statement("SELECT t.TutorialID, t.Creator, t.Name, t.Item, AVG(r.Stars) AS Stars, p.TutorialID AS ParentID, p.Creator AS ParentCreator, p.Name AS ParentName FROM Tutorial t INNER JOIN Tutorial p ON t.Parent = p.TutorialID LEFT OUTER JOIN TutorialRating r ON t.TutorialID = r.TutorialID GROUP BY t.TutorialID ORDER BY SUM(r.Stars) DESC LIMIT ?, ?");
private static final Statement by_popularity = new Statement("SELECT t.*, AVG(r.Stars) AS Stars FROM Tutorial t LEFT OUTER JOIN TutorialRating r ON t.TutorialID = r.TutorialID GROUP BY t.TutorialID ORDER BY SUM(r.Stars) DESC LIMIT ?, ?");
private static final Statement by_creator_name = new Statement("SELECT t.*, AVG(r.Stars) AS Stars FROM Tutorial t LEFT OUTER JOIN TutorialRating r ON t.TutorialID = r.TutorialID WHERE t.Creator = ? AND t.Name = ? GROUP BY t.TutorialID");
private static final Statement by_id = new Statement("SELECT t.*, AVG(r.Stars) AS Stars FROM Tutorial t LEFT OUTER JOIN TutorialRating r ON t.TutorialID = r.TutorialID WHERE t.TutorialID = ? GROUP BY t.TutorialID");
private static final Statement rate = new Statement("INSERT INTO TutorialRating (TutorialID, UserID, Stars) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Stars = VALUES(Stars)");
private static final Statement create = new Statement("INSERT INTO Tutorial (Creator, Name, Item, Parent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
private static final Statement create = new Statement("INSERT INTO Tutorial (Creator, Name, Item) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Item = VALUES(Item)");
public static List<Tutorial> getPage(int page, int elementsPerPage) {
List<Tutorial> tutorials = -> {
@ -40,24 +41,34 @@ public class Tutorial {
return t;
}, page * elementsPerPage, elementsPerPage);
SteamwarUser.batchCache( -> Stream.of(tutorial.creator, tutorial.parent.creator)).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
SteamwarUser.batchCache( -> tutorial.creator).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
return tutorials;
public static void create(SteamwarUser creator, String name, Tutorial parent) {
create.update(creator.getId(), name,;
public static Tutorial create(SteamwarUser creator, String name, String item) {
create.update(creator.getId(), name, item);
return -> {
return new Tutorial(rs);
}, creator.getId(), name);
public static Tutorial get(int id) {
return -> {
return new Tutorial(rs);
return null;
}, id);
private final int id;
private final int creator;
private final String name;
private final String item;
private Tutorial parent;
private final int stars;
public Tutorial(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
this(rs.getInt("TutorialID"), rs.getInt("Creator"), rs.getString("Name"), rs.getString("Item"), rs.getInt("Stars"));
parent = new Tutorial(rs.getInt("ParentID"), rs.getInt("ParentCreator"), rs.getString("ParentName"), "", 0);
private Tutorial(int id, int creator, String name, String item, int stars) {
@ -72,10 +83,6 @@ public class Tutorial {
return SteamwarUser.get(creator);
public Tutorial parent() {
return parent;
public int stars() {
return stars;
@ -337,7 +337,11 @@ REPLAY_SERVER=§7{0}
TUTORIAL_BY=§8von §7{0}
TUTORIAL_BASED_ON=§8Basierend auf
TUTORIAL_RATE_TITLE=Tutorial bewerten
TUTORIAL_RATE=§e{0} §7Stern(e)
TUTORIAL_CREATE_HELP=§8/§7tutorial create §8[§eMaterial§8] §8[§eName§8]
TUTORIAL_CREATE_MISSING=§cEin Tutorial kann nur von einem Tutorialserver aus erstellt werden!
TUTORIAL_CREATED=§7Das Tutorial wurde erstellt§8.
STC_USAGE=§8/§7stc §8[§eNachricht an das Team§8]
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