geforkt von SteamWar/BungeeCore
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Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
@ -138,35 +138,35 @@ NOSCHEMRECEIVING_UNTIL=§7You are §excluded from receiving §e§lschematics §e
UNNOSCHEMRECEIVING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from receiving schematics.
UNNOSCHEMRECEIVING=§e{0} §7may now receive §e§lschematics§7 again§8.
NOSCHEMSHARING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lSchematicverteilen§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSHARING_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lVerteilen von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSHARING_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lVerteilen von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMSHARING_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Verteilen von Schematics ausgeschlossen.
UNNOSCHEMSHARING=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lSchematics§7 verteilen§8.
NOSCHEMSHARING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lsharing schematics§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSHARING_PERMA=§7You are §permanently excluded from sharing §e§lschematics§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSHARING_UNTIL=§7You are §excluded from sharing §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMSHARING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from sharing schematics.
UNNOSCHEMSHARING=§e{0} §7may now share §e§lschematics§7 again§8.
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lSchematiceinsenden§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lEinsenden von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lEinsenden von Schematics§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Einsenden von Schematics ausgeschlossen.
UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lSchematis§7 einsenden§8.
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lsubmitting schematics§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_PERMA=§7You are §permanently excluded from submitting §e§lschematics§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_UNTIL=§7You are §permanently excluded from submitting §e§lschematics§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from submitting schematics.
UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING=§e{0} §7may now submit §e§lschematics§7 again§8.
NODEVSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7hat §e{2} §7mit Grund §f{4}§7 zu generft und hat daher §e§lDevserververbot§7 erhalten§8, §f{3}
NODEVSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lDevserver§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NODEVSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lDevserver§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
UNNODEVSERVER_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Devserver ausgeschlossen.
UNNODEVSERVER=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder dem §e§lDevserver§7 beitreten§8.
NODEVSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7has annoyed §e{2} §7with reason §f{4}§7 and therefore has received §e§ldev server prohibition§7§8, §f{3}
NODEVSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from §e§ldev server§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NODEVSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from §e§ldev server§7 §euntil {0} §8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
UNNODEVSERVER_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from the dev server.
UNNODEVSERVER=§e{0} §7may now join the §e§ldev §7server again§8.
NOFIGHTSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOFIGHTSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOFIGHTSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lKämpfen§7 ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
UNNOFIGHTSERVER_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Kämpfen ausgeschlossen.
UNNOFIGHTSERVER=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lKämpfen§7 beitreten§8.
NOFIGHTSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lfighting§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOFIGHTSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from §e§lfighting§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOFIGHTSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from §e§lfighting§7 §euntil {0} §8. §7Reason§8: §e{1}
UNNOFIGHTSERVER_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from fighting.
UNNOFIGHTSERVER=§e{0} §7may now join §e§lfights§7 again§8.
NOTEAMSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7wurde von §e{2} {3} §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §f{4}
NOTEAMSERVER_PERMA=§7Du bist §epermanent §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{0}
NOTEAMSERVER_UNTIL=§7Du bist §ebis zum {0} §7vom §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen ausgeschlossen§8. §7Grund§8: §e{1}
UNNOTEAMSERVER_ERROR=§cDer Spieler ist nicht vom Teamserver setzten ausgeschlossen.
UNNOTEAMSERVER=§e{0} §7darf nun wieder §e§lTeamserver§7 setzen§8.
NOTEAMSERVER_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from the §e§lteam server§8. §7Reason§8: §f{4}
NOTEAMSERVER_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from the §e§lteam server§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
NOTEAMSERVER_UNTIL=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from the §e§lteam server§8. §7Reason§8: §e{0}
UNNOTEAMSERVER_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from the team server.
UNNOTEAMSERVER=§e{0} §7may now set the §e§lteam server§7 again§8.
NOTE_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7received the §e§lnote§7 from §e{2} {3}: §f{4}
@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ TUTORIAL_OWN_HELP=§8/§7tutorial own §8- §7List your own tutorials
STC_USAGE=§8/§7stc §8[§emessage to team§8]
TC_USAGE=§8/§7tc §8[§eNachricht an das Team§8]
TC_NO_TEAM=§cDu bist in keinem Team.
TC_USAGE=§8/§7tc §8[§eMessage to the team§8]
TC_NO_TEAM=§cPlease join a team before you can use this.
TEAM_IN_TEAM=§cYou are already in a team.
@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ TEAM_HELP_STEP_BACK=§8/§7team stepback §8- §7Demote yourself from leader.
TEAM_HELP_SERVER=§8/§7team server §8[§eIP/address§8] §8(§7port§8) §8- §7Set the address for your teamserver.
#Team Create
TEAM_CREATE_USAGE=§8/§7team create §8[§eTeamkürzel§8] §8[§eTeamname§8]
TEAM_CREATE_CREATED=§7Du hast das Team §e{0} §7gegründet!
TEAM_CREATE_USAGE=§8/§7team create §8[§eTeamshortcut§8] §8[§eTeamname§8]
TEAM_CREATE_CREATED=§7You have created the team §e{0}§7!
#Team Join
TEAM_JOIN_NO_INVITE=§7You have no pending invitation.
@ -400,11 +400,11 @@ TEAM_JOIN_NOT_BY_TEAM=§cYou have no pending invitation from this team.
TEAM_JOIN_JOINED=§7You joined the team §e{0}§7!
#Team Leave
TEAM_OTHER_LEADER_REQUIRED=§cBitte ernenne zunächst ein anderes Teammitglied zum Leader!
TEAM_LEAVE_LEFT=§7Du hast dein Team verlassen!
TEAM_OTHER_LEADER_REQUIRED=§cPlease appoint another leader first!
TEAM_LEAVE_LEFT=§7You left the team!
#Team Step Back
TEAM_STEP_BACK=§7Du hast deinen Posten als Teamleader abgegeben§8!
TEAM_STEP_BACK=§7You have stepped back from your position as leader§8!
#Team Invite
TEAM_INVITE_USAGE=§8/§7team invite §8[§eplayer§8]
@ -415,32 +415,32 @@ TEAM_INVITE_INVITED=§7You have invited §e{0} §7in your team!
TEAM_INVITE_INVITED_TARGET=§7You were invited into the team §{0}{1}§7!
#Team Remove
TEAM_REMOVE_USAGE=§8/§7team remove §8[§eSpieler§8]
TEAM_REMOVE_NOT_PLAYER=§cDiesen Spieler gibt es nicht.
TEAM_REMOVE_NOT_LEADER=§cLeader können nicht rausgeworfen werden.
TEAM_REMOVE_INVITE=§7Die Einladung wurde zurückgezogen.
TEAM_REMOVE_NO_INVITE=§cDieser Spieler hat keine Einladung erhalten.
TEAM_REMOVE_NOT_IN_TEAM=§cDieser Spieler ist nicht in deinem Team.
TEAM_REMOVE_REMOVED=§7Der Spieler wurde aus dem Team entfernt.
TEAM_REMOVE_REMOVED_TARGET=§cDu wurdest aus dem Team entfernt.
TEAM_REMOVE_USAGE=§8/§7team remove §8[§eplayer§8]
TEAM_REMOVE_NOT_PLAYER=§cThis player does not exist.
TEAM_REMOVE_NOT_LEADER=§cA leader can not be kicked.
TEAM_REMOVE_INVITE=§7The invitation was retracted.
TEAM_REMOVE_NO_INVITE=§cNo pending invitation is due for this player.
TEAM_REMOVE_NOT_IN_TEAM=§cThis player is not in your team.
TEAM_REMOVE_REMOVED=§7You removed this player from the team.
TEAM_REMOVE_REMOVED_TARGET=§cYou were removed from the team.
#Team Kuerzel
TEAM_KUERZEL_USAGE=§8/§7team changekuerzel §8[§eTeamkürzel§8]
TEAM_KUERZEL_CHANGED=§7Du hast das Kürzel des Teams geändert!
TEAM_KUERZEL_LENGHT=§cEin Teamkürzel muss aus 2 bis 4 Buchstaben bestehen.
TEAM_KUERZEL_TAKEN=§cEs gibt bereits ein Team mit diesem Namen.
TEAM_KUERZEL_USAGE=§8/§7team changekuerzel §8[§eshortcut§8]
TEAM_KUERZEL_CHANGED=§7You changed your teams shortcut!
TEAM_KUERZEL_LENGHT=§cA team shortcut has to consist of 2 to 4 characters.
TEAM_KUERZEL_TAKEN=§cThere is already a team with that shortcut.
#Team Name
TEAM_NAME_USAGE=§8/§7team changename §8[§eTeamname§8]
TEAM_NAME_CHANGED=§7Du hast das Team umbenannt!
TEAM_NAME_LENGHT=§cEin Teamname muss aus 4 bis 15 Buchstaben bestehen.
TEAM_NAME_TAKEN=§cEs gibt bereits ein Team mit diesem Namen.
TEAM_NAME_CHANGED=§7You have renamed your team!
TEAM_NAME_LENGHT=§cA team name has to consist of 4 to 15 characters.
TEAM_NAME_TAKEN=§cThere is already a team with that name.
#Team Leader
TEAM_LEADER_USAGE=§8/§7team promote §8[§eMember§8]
TEAM_LEADER_NOT_USER=§cDen Spieler {0} gibt es nicht.
TEAM_LEADER_NOT_MEMBER=§cDer Spieler ist nicht in deinem Team.
TEAM_LEADER_PROMOTED=§7Du hast den Spieler §e{0} §7zum Leader gemacht!
TEAM_LEADER_NOT_USER=§cThe player {0} does not exist.
TEAM_LEADER_NOT_MEMBER=§cThis player is not in your team.
TEAM_LEADER_PROMOTED=§7You made §e{0} §7a leader!
#Team Info
TEAM_INFO_USAGE=§8/§7team info §8[§eTeamname§8]
@ -450,53 +450,53 @@ TEAM_INFO_MEMBER=§7Member§8: {0}
TEAM_INFO_EVENTS=§7Events§8: §e{0}
#Team List
TEAM_LIST_NOT_PAGE=§cKeine Seitenzahl angegeben
TEAM_LIST_UNKNOWN_PAGE=§cUngültige Seitenzahl angegeben
TEAM_LIST_HEADER=§7§lTeamliste §7{0}§8/§7{1}
TEAM_LIST_NOT_PAGE=§cNo valid page entered
TEAM_LIST_UNKNOWN_PAGE=§cInvalid page entered
TEAM_LIST_HEADER=§7§lTeam list §7{0}§8/§7{1}
TEAM_LIST_TEAM=§{0}{1} §e{2}
TEAM_LIST_NEXT=§eNächste Seite
TEAM_LIST_PREV=§eVorherige Seite
TEAM_LIST_NEXT=§eNext page
TEAM_LIST_PREV=§ePrevious page
#Team Event
TEAM_EVENT_USAGE=§8/§7team event §8[§eEvent§8] - §7um daran teilzunehmen
TEAM_EVENT_HEADER=§7Dein Team nimmt an folgenden Events teil§8:
TEAM_EVENT_USAGE=§8/§7team event §8[§eEvent§8] - §7to take part
TEAM_EVENT_HEADER=§7Your team takes part in the following events§8:
TEAM_EVENT_EVENT=§7{0}§8: §e{1}
TEAM_EVENT_NO_EVENT=§cDieses Event gibt es nicht
TEAM_EVENT_OVER=§cDie Anmeldephase für dieses Event ist bereits vorbei
TEAM_EVENT_LEFT=§7Dein Team nimmt nicht mehr am Event teil
TEAM_EVENT_JOINED=§7Dein Team nimmt nun am Event §e{0} §7 teil!
TEAM_EVENT_HOW_TO_LEAVE=§7Um die Teilnahme abzusagen, wiederhole den Befehl
TEAM_EVENT_NO_EVENT=§cThis event does not exist
TEAM_EVENT_OVER=§cThe registration period for this event is already over
TEAM_EVENT_LEFT=§7Your team no longer takes part in this event
TEAM_EVENT_JOINED=§7Your team now takes part in the event §e{0}§7!
TEAM_EVENT_HOW_TO_LEAVE=§7To cancel the participation, repeat the command
#Team Color
#Team Server
TEAM_SERVER_USAGE=§8/§7team server §8[§eIP/Adresse§8] §8(§7Port§8) §8- §7Setzt Adresse des Teamservers.
TEAM_SERVER_SET=§7Du hast die Teamserveradresse geändert§8!
TEAM_SERVER_PORT_INVALID=§cUnmögliche Portnummer.
TEAM_NO_ADDRESS=§cTeamserveradresse nicht gesetzt.
TEAM_TP_NO_TEAM=§cUnbekanntes Team.
TEAM_SERVER_USAGE=§8/§7team server §8[§eIP/adresse§8] §8(§7port§8) §8- §7Sets the address of the team server.
TEAM_SERVER_SET=§7You changed the team server address§8!
TEAM_SERVER_PORT_INVALID=§cInvalid port number.
TEAM_NO_ADDRESS=§cNo team server address set.
TEAM_TP_NO_TEAM=§cUnknown team.
TP_USAGE=§8/§7tp §8[§eSpieler§8]
TP_USAGE_EVENT=§8/§7tp §8[§eSpieler §7oder §eTeam§8]
TP_USAGE=§8/§7tp §8[§eplayer§8]
TP_USAGE_EVENT=§8/§7tp §8[§ePlayer §7or §eteam§8]
UNIGNORE_USAGE=§8/§7unignore §8[§eSpieler§8]
UNIGNORE_NOT_PLAYER=§cDiesen Spieler gibt es nicht!
UNIGNORE_NOT_IGNORED=§cDu ignorierst diesen Spieler nicht.
UNIGNORE_UNIGNORED=§7Du empfängst nun wieder Nachrichten von §e{0}§8.
UNIGNORE_NOT_PLAYER=§cThis player does not exist!
UNIGNORE_NOT_IGNORED=§cYou are not ignoring this player.
UNIGNORE_UNIGNORED=§7You ignored §e{0}§8.
WEB_USAGE=§8/§7webregister §8[§eE-Mail§8]
WEB_ALREADY=§cDu hast bereits einen Webaccount.
WEB_ALREADY_EMAIL=§cDie E-Mail hast du bereits für einen anderen Account verwendet...
WEB_NOT_EMAIL=§c[E-Mail], nicht [Freitext]!
WEB_EMAIL_REFRESH=§aDeine E-Mail-Adresse wurde aktualisiert.
WEB_INTERNAL_ERROR=§cEin interner Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte wende dich an einen Developer.
WEB_EMAIL_SEND=§aEine E-Mail zum Setzen des Passworts wurde gesendet.
WEB_ALREADY=§cYou already have a webaccount.
WEB_ALREADY_EMAIL=§cYou already used this E-mail on another account...
WEB_NOT_EMAIL=§c[E-Mail], not [free text]!
WEB_EMAIL_REFRESH=§aYour E-Mail was updated.
WEB_INTERNAL_ERROR=§cAn internal error occurred, please ask a developer.
WEB_EMAIL_SEND=§aAn E-Mail to reset your password has been sent.
CHAT_LIXFEL_ACTION_BAR=§4§lTechnical problems?
@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ CHAT_TEAM=§8TC §e{0}§8» §f{2}
CHAT_MSG=§e{0}§8»§e{1} §7{2}
CHECK_UNCHECKED=§7Du hast noch §e{0} §7ungeprüfte Schematic§8(§7s§8)!
CHECK_CHECKING=§cDu prüfst gerade eine Schematic!
CHECK_UNCHECKED=§7You still have §e{0} §7unchecked Schematic§8(§7s§8)!
CHECK_CHECKING=§cYou are checking a Schematic!
JOIN_ARENA=§7Click §here§7 to join §e{0} §7
@ -530,17 +530,17 @@ JOIN_ARENA_HOVER=§eJoin Arena
JOIN_FIRST=§7Greetings to all times §e{0} §7on the server§8!
EVENTMODE_KICK=§cDu bist kein Eventteilnehmer.
EVENTMODE_KICK=§cYou are not an event participant.
POLL_HEADER2=§7Klicke die Antwort an, die dir gefällt!
POLL_HEADER2=§7Click the answer you like!
POLL_ANWSER_HOVER=§e{0} §ewählen
POLL_ANWSER_HOVER=§e{0} §echoose
TABLIST_PHASE_0=§8Spieler online: §e{0}
TABLIST_PHASE_0=§8Players online: §e{0}
TABLIST_PHASE_1=§8Teamspeak: §eSteam§
TABLIST_PHASE_2=§8Discord: §8https://§eSteam§
TABLIST_PHASE_DEFAULT=§8Website: https://§eSteam§
@ -552,52 +552,52 @@ EVENT_FIGHT_BROADCAST=§eClick here §7for the fight §{0}{1} §8vs §{2}{3}
SERVER_IGNORED=§cDieser Spieler hat dich geblockt!
SERVER_ADD_MEMBER=§e{0} §7möchte auf deine Bauwelt.
SERVER_ADD_MESSAGE=§7Klicke §ehier§7, wenn du das erlauben möchtest.
SERVER_IGNORED=§cThis player has blocked you!
SERVER_ADD_MEMBER=§e{0} §7wants to join your Bau server.
SERVER_ADD_MESSAGE=§7Click §ehere§7, if you want to allow this.
SERVER_ADD_MESSAGE_HOVER=§8/§7bau addmember §e{0}
SERVER_WORLD_ERROR=§cDas Erstellen der Welt ist fehlgeschlagen.
SERVER_WORLD_ERROR=§cCreating the world failed.
WHOIS_USAGE=§c/whois [Spieler/ID] <-a>
WHOIS_USAGE=§c/whois [player/ID] <-a>
WHOIS_USERNAME=§7Username§8: §e{0}
WHOIS_UUID=§7UUID§8: §e{0}
WHOIS_ID=§7ID§8: §e{0}
WHOIS_DISCORD_ID=§7Discord-ID§8: §e{0}
WHOIS_JOINED_FIRST=§7Beigetreten am§8: §e{0}
WHOIS_JOINED_FIRST=§7Joined on§8: §e{0}
WHOIS_HOURS_PLAYED=§7Online Time§8: §e{0}h
WHOIS_TEAM=§7Team§8: §e[§{0}{1}§e] {2}
WHOIS_TEAM_HOVER=§e{0} anzeigen
WHOIS_PUNISHMENT=§7{0}§8» §f§l{1}: §e{2} - {3} §f{4}
WHOIS_NO_PUNISHMENT=§a✓ §7Der Spieler hat keine aktiven Strafen.
WHOIS_NO_ALL_PUNISHMENT=§a✓ §7Der Spieler hat noch nichts getan.
WHOIS_NO_PUNISHMENT=§a✓ §7This player has no active punishment.
WHOIS_NO_ALL_PUNISHMENT=§a✓ §7The player has not done anything yet.
VERIFY_USAGE=§c/verify [Code]
VERIFY_INVALID=§cInvalider Code
VERIFY_SUCCESS=§7Erfolgreich mit dem Discord Account §e{0} §7verknüpft
VERIFY_SUCCESS=§7Successfully linked to the Discord account §e{0}
DISCORD_TICKET_MESSAGE=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §f§l{1}: §7{2}
DISCORD_TICKET_NEW=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §aTicket wurde geöffnet!
DISCORD_TICKET_CLOSED=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §cTicket wurde geschlossen!
DISCORD_TICKET_NEW=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §aTicket was created!
DISCORD_TICKET_CLOSED=§7Ticket §e{0}§7» §cTicket was closed!
#GDPR Query
GDPR_STATUS_WEBSITE=§7Website kann nicht automatisiert gepackt werden und muss daher manuell hinzugefügt werden.
GDPR_STATUS_WORLD=§7Packe Bauwelten...
GDPR_STATUS_INVENTORIES=§7Suche und packe Inventare...
GDPR_STATUS_DATABASE=§7Packe Datenbankinhalte...
GDPR_STATUS_LOGS=§7Suche und packe logs...
GDPR_STATUS_FINISHED=§7Packen abgeschlossen
GDPR_STATUS_WORLD=§7Packing Bau worlds...
GDPR_STATUS_INVENTORIES=§7Searching and packing inventories...
GDPR_STATUS_DATABASE=§7Packing database contents...
GDPR_STATUS_LOGS=§7Searching and packing logs...
GDPR_STATUS_FINISHED=§7Packing complete
#Playtime Command
HOURS_PLAYED=§7Your playtime is§8: §e{0}h
#Arena command
ARENA_NOT_FOUND=§cDie angegebene Arena konnte nicht gefunden werden
ARENA_NOT_FOUND=§cThe specified arena could not be found
RANK_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND=§cPlayer not found
@ -606,17 +606,17 @@ RANK_HEADER=§7§lMode {0}
RANK_PLACED=§e{0}§8. §7with §e{1} §7Elo§8.
RANK_EMBLEM=§eEmblem§8: {0}
RANK_NEEDED_FIGHTS_LEFT={0} §8(§7noch §e{1}§7 Kämpfe nötig§8)
RANK_NEEDED_FIGHTS_LEFT={0} §8(§e{1}§7 fights needed§8)
#Fabric Mod Sender
MODIFICATION_BAN_MESSAGE=Du hast probiert den FabricModSender zu umgehen / zu modifizieren!
MODIFICATION_BAN_LOG={0} hat probiert den Fabric Mod Sender zu editieren / umzugehen!
MODIFICATION_CHECK_SUCCESS=§eDeine Mods wurden geprüft und du darfst nun auf Arenen joinen!
MODIFICATION_BAN_MESSAGE=You tried to bypass / modify the FabricModSender!
MODIFICATION_BAN_LOG={0} has tried to edit / bypass the FabricModSender!
MODIFICATION_CHECK_SUCCESS=§eYour mods have been checked and you are now allowed to join arenas!
#Arena Merging
FIGHT_MERGE_TITLE=Gleicher Kampf gefunden!
FIGHT_MERGE_DECLINE=Neue Arena starten
FIGHT_MERGE_ACCEPT=Kampf beitreten
FIGHT_MERGE_OFFLINE=§7Die vorgeschlagene Arena wurde in der Zwischenzeit beendet, es wird eine neue Arena gestartet.
FIGHT_MERGE_TITLE=Equal fight found!
FIGHT_MERGE_DECLINE=Launch new arena
FIGHT_MERGE_OFFLINE=§7The proposed arena has been terminated in the meantime, a new arena will be started.
FIGHT_MERGE_INFO=§e{0}§8: §e{1}
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