Statusupdate pending Waiting for previous builds Statusupdate pending Building project Loading master/steamwarci.yml From /home/gitea/gitea-repositories/steamwar/bungeecore 8c09884..6232da8 master -> origin/master Previous HEAD position was 8c09884 Fix double Discord command registration, ConnectionListener and bau member commands HEAD is now at 6232da8 Fix Bau delmember when player online but Bau not running Build: Executing ./gradlew buildProject Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 stopped Daemon could not be reused, use --status for details > Task :processResources UP-TO-DATE > Task :processTestResources NO-SOURCE > Task :CommonCore:compileJava UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:processResources UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:classes UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:buildResources > Task :CommonCore:jar UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:assemble UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:testClasses UP-TO-DATE > Task :Persistent:compileJava UP-TO-DATE > Task :Persistent:processResources UP-TO-DATE > Task :Persistent:classes UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:test UP-TO-DATE > Task :Persistent:jar UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:testOutput > Task :CommonCore:check UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:build UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:buildProject UP-TO-DATE > Task :compileJava Note: /home/gitea/ci/SteamWar/bungeecore/src/de/steamwar/velocitycore/ uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: /home/gitea/ci/SteamWar/bungeecore/src/de/steamwar/messages/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. > Task :classes > Task :jar > Task :startScripts > Task :distTar > Task :distZip > Task :compileTestJava NO-SOURCE > Task :shadowJar > Task :startShadowScripts > Task :shadowDistTar > Task :shadowDistZip > Task :assemble > Task :testClasses UP-TO-DATE > Task :test NO-SOURCE > Task :check UP-TO-DATE > Task :build > Task :finalizeProject > Task :buildProject BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 23s 22 actionable tasks: 12 executed, 10 up-to-date Build: Executing ./gradlew --stop Stopping Daemon(s) 1 Daemon stopped Getting master branch Checking artifact existence Deploying artifacts Copying Persistent/build/libs/Persistent.jar to /binarys/PersistentVelocityCore.jar Copying build/libs/velocitycore.jar to /binarys/VelocityCore.jar Copying to /binarys/ Statusupdate success Build successful