Statusupdate pending Waiting for previous builds Statusupdate pending Building project Loading master/steamwarci.yml From /home/gitea/gitea-repositories/steamwar/bungeecore 137ef64..59168c3 master -> origin/master Fetching submodule CommonCore From a2bb52a..0fef6c0 master -> origin/master 3e064f7..02581ec multitool -> origin/multitool Previous HEAD position was 137ef64 Fix buildercloud create HEAD is now at 59168c3 CommonCore update, 1.20 Buildercloud M CommonCore Submodule path 'CommonCore': checked out '0fef6c0f8f5499cc3a74aea38d51abbe97ba11c2' Build: Executing ./gradlew buildProject Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster) > Task :processResources UP-TO-DATE > Task :processTestResources NO-SOURCE > Task :CommonCore:compileJava > Task :CommonCore:processResources NO-SOURCE > Task :CommonCore:classes > Task :CommonCore:buildResources > Task :CommonCore:jar > Task :CommonCore:assemble > Task :CommonCore:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:processTestResources NO-SOURCE > Task :CommonCore:testClasses UP-TO-DATE > Task :CommonCore:test > Task :CommonCore:testOutput > Task :CommonCore:check > Task :CommonCore:build > Task :CommonCore:buildProject > Task :compileJava Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. > Task :classes > Task :jar > Task :startScripts > Task :distTar > Task :distZip > Task :shadowJar > Task :startShadowScripts > Task :shadowDistTar > Task :shadowDistZip > Task :assemble > Task :compileTestJava NO-SOURCE > Task :testClasses UP-TO-DATE > Task :test NO-SOURCE > Task :check UP-TO-DATE > Task :build > Task :finalizeProject > Task :buildProject BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 33s 17 actionable tasks: 15 executed, 2 up-to-date Build: Executing ./gradlew --stop Stopping Daemon(s) 1 Daemon stopped Getting master branch Checking artifact existence Deploying artifacts Copying build/libs/bungeecore.jar to /binarys/bungeecore.jar Statusupdate success Build successful